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Full text of "St. Patrick and the early Church of Ireland"

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No.  821   CHESTNUT   STREET. 

Entered  according  to  Act  of  Congress,  in  the  year  1869,  by 



In  the  Clerk's  Office  of  the  District  Court  of  the  United  States  for  the 
Eastern  District  of  Pennsylvania. 

Stereotype™,  Philada. 



The  Myth  and  the  Man— Book  of  Armagh— Writings  of 
Saint  Patrick— Evidences  of  Authenticity— Other  Ancient 
Authorities— Modern  Writers 7 


Alc-lnyd— Good  Blood— Potitus  the  Presbyter— Calpurnius 
the  Deacon,  and  Decurio — Culdee  Cells— Conchessa— First 
Missions  in  Scotland— Ninian,  a  specimen  21 


Patrick  Baptized— Foolish  Legends— The  Lad  not  a  Saint- 
Pirates— Patrick  Sold  in  In-land— T»-iids  the  Cattle- 
Rough  Days— Remembers  his  Sins— Turns  to  God— His 
Religion •• 


Dreams — The  Fugitive — On  Shipboard — A  Storm — A  Desert 
—A  Strange  Spell— Home  Again— Dreams  of  Ireland— Will 

be  a  Missionary &4 





Early  Missions  in  Ireland — Churches — Celestine  Interested 
— Palladius  Sent— Not  well  Received— Goes  to  Scotland— 
His  Disciples — Servanus — Ternanus 63 


Germanus — Stories  of  Patrick's  Wanderings — Climax  of 
Fable— Was  Patrick  ever  at  Rome  ?— Was  he  Sent  forth 
by  the  Bishop  of  Rome  ? — Silence  of  Ancient  Authors  on 
the  Question — Sechnall — Fiacc — Prosper — Bede — Patrick 
Confounded  with  Palladius — Silence  of  the  Confession — 
Roman  Mission  a  Legend 75 


When  did  Patrick  go  to  Ireland  to  Preach? — Where  Labour 
before  he  Went? — Any  ties  with  Germanus? — Germanus 
and  Lupus  in  Britain — Glastonbury — Movement  in  Ar- 
morica — Patrick  Goes  to  Ireland — Young  at  Forty-five 96 



An  Affrighted  Herdsman— A  Wrathy  Master— Patrick  not  a 
Pirate— Fury  Calmed— Preaching  in  a  Barn— A  Church 
Rises— Patrick's  Visit  to  his  Old  Master— Repulse— Look 
ing  toward  Tarah — The  Young  Benignus — Patrick's  Tent 
before  Tarah...  ..  110 




Cutt  ng  the  Mistletoe— Sacrifices— Baal— Sun-worship — 
Druids'  Doctrines— Priests— Superstitions— Holy  Wells — 
Charms— Bel  tine  Fires— Bards— Scotch  Plaids— Irish  Hos 
pitality — Danger  from  the  Druids 123 



Great  Feaat  at  Tarah— King  sees  Patrick's  Fire— Tho  Court 
on  the  Move — Patrick  in  the  Great  Hall  Preaching— Duh- 
tach  and  Fiacc  Listen— The  Hymn  of  Patrick 140 



A  Commanding  Presence— Conall  Converted— Mode  of 
Teaching— King's  Daughters— Doctrine  of  the  Trinity— 
JTf  Lj>ygnd  of  the  Shamrock — Treatment  of  Superstition — 
The  Crora-cru:i  k  destroys  the  Great  Idol — 
Pagan  Customs  A-l.-pt. •<!  by  Christians — Centres  of  Influ 
ence — Love  of  riniifcrin^-  Enthusiasm — Patrick's  Ex 
tended  Travels — Daring  Spirit — Goes  into  Connaupht — 
Robbed — Y  .:••«!  —  Km  1  urn nn •<--!:. -fn-a Is  of  Gifta — 
Attention  to  Young  Men — i:.->l,'mj>tion  of  Captives — All 
done  in  the  Name  of  the  Lord — Willing  to  be  a  Martyr — 
Power  of  Prayer— National  F.T  -y  in 
Ireland — Persecution — Patrick's  Charioteer  dies  in  place 
of  his  Master— The  Leinster  Men...  151 



His  Confession — Tillemont's  View  of  it — The  Doctrines  in  it 
— Occasion  of  the  Epistle  to  Coroticus — Christian  Captives 
— Noble  Appeal  by  Patrick — An  Embassy  Scorned — Doc 
trines  of  the  Epistle 183 


Theme  of  Controversy — Students  under  Patrick — Cell  of 
Ciaran— Culdee  System  of  Schools— Young  Men  ordained 
Bishops— Fiacc  made  Bishop  of  Sletty— Certain  Conclu 
sions — More  Bishops  than  Churches — Her  Synods — Glory 
of  the  Early  Irish  Church — The  Decline — Invasions  by 
Danes  and  English— Henry  II.  delivers  Ireland  to  the 
Pope — Two  Churches  in  Ireland — Strange  Reversions  in 
History 196 


Reform  of  the  Laws— Patrick's  Purgatory— Old  Age — Toiling 
to  the  Last— St.  Brigid— Patrick  dies— Ireland  in  grief— 
"Litany  of  St.  Patrick"— Canonization— True  Character...  220 


THERE  is  profit  in  "  guesses  at  truth,"  when  they  expose 
errors  long  and  widely  prevalent  They  are  like  links  of 
circumstantial  evidence,  no  one  of  them  sinirry  of  much 
positive  value,  but  when  joined  and  welded,  they  make  a 
chain  not  easily  broken.  They  are  probabilities,  and, 
according  to  their  degree  of -tremrth.  they  afford  convictions 
of  certainty.  I  do  not  claim  to  set  forth  in  this  volume  a 
series  of  events  all  of  which  are  the  undoubted  verities  of 
hi.-tory.  I  do  claim  that  the  statements  are  as  near  to  the 
complete  truth  concerning  the  subject  treated  as  it  has 
been  possible  for  me  to  exhibit  them  after  long  and  labo 
rious  research. 

No  r<uie.-^i..n  i-  made  t<»  -iijier>titiini  by  giving  the  title 
of  u  saint"  to  the  man  whose  name  has  become  so  popular, 
and,  after  fourteen  hundred  \v:irs.  i>  .-till  a>  fresh  as  the 
hhamrurk  and  L'lven  :i<  the  emerald.  Without  the  title  he 
would  hardly  be  identified  or  seen  in  his  distinctive 
character.  A  good  gospel  word  was  abused  when  Rome 
assumed  to  confer  u]>on  eminent  <fhri.-ti:m<  the  honour  of 
being  saints,  and  limited  tlie  term  to  them.  By  the  New 
tment  charter  we  may  claim  it  for  all  true  ChristUMM, 
however  humble  or  unknown 


Was  there  ever  such  a  man  as  Saint  Patrick  ?  It  was  wise 
to  consider  this  question  before  attempting  to  write  his  life. 
By  some  it  has  been  doubted,  by  a  few  others  denied.  But 
in  such  cases  there  has  usually  been  a  strong  party  feeling, 
or  an  ignorance  of  certain  original  sources  of  history.  There 
is  a  distinction  to  be  made  between  the  myth  and  the  man. 
Imagination  has  given  us  a  Robinson  Crusoe ;  the  real  man 
was  Alexander  Selkirk.  The  Saint  Patrick  of  the  ordinary 
Irish  heart  is  certainly  very  mythical.  The  portrait  of  him 
was  drawn  from  imagination  ;  the  colours  are  not  those  of 
the  fifth,  but  those  of  the  twelfth  or  fourteenth  century. 
The  deeds  are  manufactured  to  order  and  by  the  job,  and 
the  life  is  made  of  the  baldest  legends.  This  Patrick  is  a 
fully-developed  Papist  of  the  time,  when  certain  errors  pre 
vailed,  which  he  could  not  have  known  in  the  fifth  century. 
He  is  constantly  working  miracles,  some  of  them  very 
trifling,  and  some  of  them  astounding,  beyond  all  that  was 
ever  recorded  of  a  mere  man.  For  his  especial  benefit 
divine  revelations  are  made  to  him,  which  cause  a  greater 
amazement  than  any  ever  made  to  Moses  or  Paul.  He  is 
too  wonderful  to  be  real.  The  myth  business  was  entirely 
overdone.  The  manufacturers  did  not  perceive  that  com 
mon  sense  might  some  time  be  restored  to  the  human  race. 

In  the  Middle  Ages  "it  was  customary  with  the  monks 
to  exercise  their  scholars  in  writing  the  lives  of  imaginary 
saints ;  asserting  that  it  was  a  pious  and  very  improving 
way  of  exercising  the  imagination !  !  The  best  of  these 
fanciful  biographies  were  laid  aside  for  future  use ;  and 
after  the  lapse  of  a  few  ages,  when  their  statements  could 
not  be  disproved,  were  produced  and  published  as  genuine. 


It  is  said  the  monks  of  Holywell  applied  to  De  Stone,  a 
writer  of  the  thirteenth  century,  to  write  for  them  the  life 
of  their  patron  saint.  He  asked  for  materials,  but  on  being 
informed  that  they  had  none,  he  volunteered  to  write 
it  without  any.  In  this  way  the  lives  of  St.  Patrick  were 
greatly  multiplied,  and  were  filled  with  the  most  marvellous 
legends."  * 

Dr.  Geoffrey  Keating,  more  than  two  hundred  years  ago, 
said:  "  We  an-  informed  by  a  manuscript  chronicle  of 
antiquity  that  sixty-four  persons  have  severally  written  the 
lif«-  of  this  reverend  mis-iimary."  As  to  the  "  antiquity."  it 
would  not  have  been  so  very  antique  wit li  iim-t  of  them. 
Dr.  Lanigan,  a  Roman  Catholic  historian,  felt  ashamed  of 
the  legend-makers,  and  he  says  of  these  lives  that  "they 
are  full  of  fall. •-,.  and  seem  to  have  been  copied,  either 
from  each  other,  or  from  some  common  repository  in  which 
such  stories  have  been  collected.  It  would  be  idle  to  nn-n- 
tion  the  many  proof-  which  they  exhibit  of  being  patched 
up  at  a  late  period."  And  Bollandus,  one  of  their  learned 
writer  ii.eniin-r  them,  "They  have  been  patched 

ber  by  iiM»>t  fabulous  authors,  and  are  none  of  them 
more  anr-i.-nt  than  the  twelfth  century."  This  is  not  said 
of  all  the  account-  "riven  of  Patrick  by  the  annali-N.  ><mie 
of  whom  wrote  at  a  much  earlier  period.  It  is  said  of  the 
fuller  lives.  In  them  is  seen  Patrick,  the  myth. 

Very  different  was  the  man  Patrick.  If  we  strip  away 
the  burdening  growth  of  wild  ivies,  we  may  get  at  the 

•  Ireland  and  the  Irish,  by  Kirwan  (Rev.  N.  Murray.  T>.I>.) 
This  title  was  given  to  a  seriv-  «.f  1. 1 tors  publirhed  in  the  N.  Y. 
Observer,  1856,  and  to  which  I  am  much  indebted. 


genuine  sturdy  oak  of  his  character.  Even  the  grossest 
fables  may  have  a  foundation  in  fact.  Often  in  the  legends 
of  the  monks  there  can  be  traced  a  thread  of  historic  truth. 
If  we  cast  away  the  rubbish  without  sifting,  we  may  lose  a 
few  gems  hidden  in  the  mass.  If  we  allow  that  the  so- 
called  miracles  of  Patrick  are  most  absurd,  it  does  not  at 
all  follow  that  the  history  is  a  romance.  Dr.  Murray  said : 
"  Whilst  there  are  many  and  good  reasons  for  the  rejection 
of  the  lives  of  Saint  Patrick  as  so  many  monkish  fables,  as 
stupid  as  they  are  nonsensical,  yet  that  there  was  a  very  de 
voted  and  greatly  useful  missionary  of  that  name,  endued  with 
apostolical  zeal,  in  Ireland,  and  about  the  time  to  which 
history  refers,  we  are  compelled  to  admit. ' ' 

Traditions  are  of  some  value  in  regard  to  his  existence 
and  general  history.  "The  traditions  in  the  Book  of 
Armagh,"  says  Dr.  Todd,  "cannot  be  later  than  the  third 
half  century  after  the  date  usually  assigned  to  the  death  of 
Saint  Patrick.  They  assume  his  existence  as  admitted  by 
all  parties  and  never  questioned.  Had  the  story  of  Saint 
Patrick  been  then  of  recent  origin,  some  remarks  or 
legends  in  the  collection  would  certainly  have  betrayed  the 
fact.  That  the  collectors  of  these  traditions  indulged  in 
the  unscrupulous  use  of  legend  strengthens  the  argument. 
There  were  men  alive,  at  the  time,  whose  grandfathers 
might  have  conversed  with  the  disciples  of  the  Patrick 
who  was  said  to  have  converted  the  Irish  in  the  latter  half 
of  the  fifth  century.  Had  the  existence  of  this  Patrick 
been  a  thing  to  be  proved,  or  even  doubted,  some  of  these 
men  would  have  been  produced  as  witnesses,  and  made  to 
tell  their  experience."  For  there  was  a  great  assumption 


made ;  it  was  that  Armagh  had  a  right  to  the  jurisdiction 
over  all  other  churches  in  Ireland — a  claim  not  generally 
admitted.  To  prop  it  uj»  tin-so  traditions  were  collected. 
All  was  based  upon  the  existence  and  acts  of  1'atrirk.  and 
yet  in  this  curious  record  there  is  no  attempt  to  prove  that 
he  had  actually  lived  in  Ireland.  A  whole  people  was  ready 
to  admit  it— so  ready  indeed  that,  upon  their  admission  and 
high  regard  for  the  man,  is  built  up  a  very  faulty  theory  of 
church  authority.  The  foundation  was  solid— the  structure 
was  of  wood,  hay,  stubble. 

"It  is  incredible  that  a- whole  nation  could  have  com 
bined  thus  to  deceive  themselves ;  and  it  is  even  more  in 
credible  that  a  purely  mythological  personage  should  have 
left  upon  a  whole  nation  so  indelible  an  impression  ,,f 
imaginary  services — an  impre-sion  which  continue  to  the 
present  day  in  t lit -ir  fireside  lore,  their  local  traditions,  the 
warm-hearted  devotion  and  gratitude  ;  which  has  left  also 
its  la-tint:  memorial  in  tin-  ancient  names  of  hills  and  head 
lands,  towns  and  villages,  churches  and  monasteries  through 
out  tin-  country."  * 

Nor  is  this  all.  There  are  certain  writings  which  claim 
to  have  come  from  the  very  pen  of  Saint  Patrick.  Our  i> 
a  hymn,  which  LMV.-<  us  no  historic  information,  l.ut  i<  of 
great  value  in  a  spiritual  li.irht.  It  will  In-  found  in  chapter 
ix..  with  the  re:i>.m.s  for  giving  it  a  place  in  thi>  volume. 
The  only  others  which  I  assume  to  be  genuine  are  the  - 
/'•  •  '  •  /'<'  •>'•  "'  and  the  /.'/-  .//.  Some 

writer.^  include  them  b«»th  under  either  one  of  these  titles. 
or  refer  to  them  as  the  "  Cotton  MS."     It  is  only  in  their 
*  Todd.     St.  Patrick,  preface. 


simpler,  and  doubtless  earliest  form,  that  they  are  thus  ad 
mitted  ;  what  is  evidently  interpolated  by  later  hands  is 
almost  all  rejected.  They  are  quite  universally  admitted  to 
be  authentic  and  genuine  by  Protestant  historians,  some  of 
whom  also  give  a  place  to  certain  tracts,  such  as  De  Tribus 
Halritaculis.  The  evidence  in  favour  of  the  Confession  is 
somewhat  stronger  than  that  for  the  Epistle;  but  both  are 
adopted,  for  the  following  reasons : 

1.  Their  antiquity.  They  are  older  than  any  of  the  lives 
extant,  and  they  are  largely  quoted  in  almost  all  the 
biographies.  If  one  goes  to  a  Romish  book-stall,  he  may 
find,  under  their  titles,  a  mixture  of  facts  and  ridiculous 
fables.  But  the  older  copies  come  to  us  with  a  more  honest 
face  and  better  credentials.  About  the  close  of  the  eighth 
century  a  copy  of  the  Confession  was  transcribed  into  the 
collection  entitled  the  Book  of  Armagh.  The  copyist  com 
plains  that  the  original  was  becoming  quite  obscure,  which 
is  no  slight  evidence  of  authenticity.  At  the  close  are  the 
words,  ' '  Thus  far  the  volume  which  Patrick  wrote  with  his 
own  hand." 

This  copy  is  much  shorter  than  those  found  in  later 
manuscripts.  Did  the  transcriber  condense  or  abridge  the 
copy  before  him  ?  So  thought  Dean  Graves,  for  an  et  cetera 
sometimes  occurs.  But  this  might  only  mean  that  the 
original  was  dim  by  reason  of  its  age,  or  that  only  the  lead 
ing  facts  of  Patrick's  life  were  intended  to  be  preserved  in 
the  Armagh  collection.  It  was  not,  however,  the  fashion 
of  that  age  to  abridge  documents  by  leaving  out  the 
wonders  and  miracles ;  the  style  was  rather  to  leave  out 
the  sober  facts  of  history.  If  we  find  in  this  copy  chiefly 


facts,  we  may  conclude  that  the  miracles  were  not  yet  in 
vented.  The  Epistle  to  Coroticus  is  not  in  the  Book  of 
Armagh.  But  it  bears  the  marks  of  the  same  age  and 
authorship.  It  also  quotes  the  Latin  vi-rsion  of  the  Bible, 
made  before  that  of  Jerome,  which  Patrick  would  hardly 
have  used,  for  the  older  translation  would  have  won  his 
heart  in  his  younger  days. 

2.  Their  purity.     They  are  not  entirely  free  from  errors ; 
but  the  errors  are  just  such  as  we  should  expect  to  find  in 
the  writings  of  a  m:m  in  the  decline  of  the  fifth  century. 
An  orthodox  Augustine  was  a  rare  being  at  a  little  earlier 
period.      But  the  older  copies  of  these  writings  are  free 
In. in  ridiculous  legends  of  miracles  and  saint-worship.     As 
such  fables  are  contained  only  in  later  copies,  we  may  infer 
that  they  were  foisted  in  by  the  makers  and  mongers  <  •!' 
hunt;  fictions.     Of  the  Confession,  Neander  says:  "The 
work    bears    in  its  simple,   rude    style    an  impress  that 
corresponds  entirely  to  Patrick's  stage  of  culture.     There 
are  to  be  found  in  it  none  of  the  traditions  which,  perhaps, 
proceeded  only  from  English  monks  [after  the  Anglo-Saxon 
in\  asion  in  the  twelfth  century] ;  nothing  wonderful,  except 
what  may  be  explained  on  psychological  principles.     All 
tlii-  voiirhr-  i«.r  tin- authenticity  of  the  piece."       Neand»-r 
knew  the  edition  of  Sir  .J:mn-s  Ware ;  that  in  the  Book  of 
Armagh  is  .-till  purer.     I  have  con-nltnl  the    /,//«/•   . !/•«?- 
mcachce  in  Sir  William  Btntluun'l   //•/>/<    A/<ti<jn'i,-i<in  Re- 

3.  Their  (It-sign.     It  was  not  to  prop  up  certain  theories 
of  church  government.    They  were  not  written  in  the  intemfr 

*  Hist.  Ch.  Church,  ii.  p.  122,  note. 


of  any  party,  certainly  not  that  of  the  Roman  power.  Such 
a  purpose  is  manifest  only  in  some  of  the  later  interpola 
tions,  thrust  in  when  it  was  thought  desirable  to  make  the 
people  believe  that  Ireland  had  received  her  great  bishop 
and  her  Christianity  directly  from  the  banks  of  the  Tiber. 
Dr.  Todd  says  of  the  Confession,  especially:  "If  it  be  a 
forgery,  it  is  not  easy  to  imagine  with  what  purpose  it 
could  have  been  forged."  *  If  a  u  pious  fraud,"  it  was  by 
one  who  thought  it  important  to  assume  the  name  and  to 
set  forth  the  experiences  of  Patrick  in  accordance  with 
Scripture.  Would  such  a  man  forge  such  a  document  ? 

The  avowed  object  was  to  show  why  Patrick  felt  called  to 
preach  the  gospel  to  the  Irish  people ;  to  declare  that  he 
was  not  sent  by  man,  but  by  the  Lord ;  to  furnish  evidence 
that  God  had  approved  of  his  mission  and  labours ;  to  record 
some  of  his  experiences;  to  "make  known  God's  grace 
and  everlasting  consolation,  and  to  spread  the  knowledge 
of  God's  name  in  the  earth."  He  wished  in  his  old  age  "to 
leave  it  on  record  after  his  death,  for  his  sons  whom  he 
had  baptized  in  the  Lord."  In  the  proper  places  I  have 
referred  to  this  work  as  a  defence  of  himself  and  his  mis 
sion,  and  to  the  Epistle  as  a  noble  appeal  for  Christian 
rights  and  liberty. 

4.  Their  scriptural  character.  Not  the  "  fathers, "  but 
the  inspired  writers  are  quoted.  "  They  abound  in  simple 
statements  of  Gospel  truth ;  but  there  cannot  be  discovered 
in  them  a  single  one  of  those  doctrines  invented  in  later 
times,  and  set  forth  as  necessary  to  salvation,  in  the  Creed 
of  PDpe  Pius  IV.  The  Scriptures  are  treated  by  him  with 
*  Saint  Patrick,  p.  347. 


deep  reverence,  as  infallible  and  sufficient.  In  support  of 
hi-  teaching,  1'atrick  appeals  to  no  other  authority  than  to 
that  of  the  written  Word  ;  and  in  the  few  chapters  of  his 
Confession  alone  there  lire  thirty-five  quotations  from  the 
Holy  Scriptures."* 

5.  The  honesty,  humility  and  gratitude  everywhere  ap 
parent.  The  Confession  :  is  altogether  such  an  account  of 
himself  as  a  missionary  of  that  age,  circumstanced  as  Saint 
Patrick  was,  might  be  expected  to  compose."  Says  Dr. 
Todd :  "  Its  Latinity  is  rude  and  archaic."  Its  tone  is  : 
"I,  Patrick,  a  sinner,  a  rustic,  the  least  of  all  the  faithful—" 
"  a  poor,  sinful,  despicable  man — "  not  at  all  "on  a  level 
with  the  npi»tles —  "appointed  a  bishop  in  Ireland,  I 
certainly  confess  that,  by  the  grace  of  God,  I  am  what  I 

Yet  here  an  objection  has  been  urged.  "Who  can 
believe,"  asks  Casimir  Oudin,  "if  Patrick  was  a  man  of 
learning  and  n-l.-l.rity  in  the  fifth  century,  that  he  could 
have  written  in  a  semi-Latin  and  barbarous  style?"  But 
it  is  in  it  claimed  that  he  was  a  man  of  learning,  educated 
on  the  Continent,  and  passing  thirty-five  years  in  monas 
teries.  Such  a  view  is  not  con-i>ti-nt  with  what  we  know 
of  the  man.  We  should  expect  his  pen  to  move  in  a  rude 
style.  The  very  objection  is  rather  one  of  the  itroi 
arguments  fi.r  the  authenticity  of  these  writing.  "The 
rude  and  hail  uity"  docs  not  appear  in  the  tract > 

concerning  the  '•  Three  Habitations"  and  the  "Twelve 
Abuses  of  the  Age ;"  one  of  which  has  been  attributed  to 

•Ohurch  of  St.  Patrick,  by  the  Rev.  John  Wilson,  Belfast,  1860. 
This  is  a  valuable  tract. 


Augustine  of  Hippo,  and  the  other  to  Cyprian.  The 
writer's  own  account  is  that  he  could  not  write  elegantly, 
for  he  had  not  been  a  student  from  infancy,  and  he  had 
been  so  long  among  a  rude  people  that  his  speech  had  been 
changed  to  another  tongue.  In  our  times  well-educated 
missionaries  in  foreign  lands,  grown  familiar  with  a  foreign 
tongue,  can  appreciate  his  difficulty.  He  did  not  write  as  a 
monk,  but  as  a  missionary. 

6.  The  neglect  into  which  the  older  form  of  these  writings 
fell  is  some  evidence  of  their  truth.  They  did  not  serve 
the  purposes  of  a  Church  which  has  coolly  laid  claim  to 
all  the  saintly  characters  from  the  time  of  Abel  to  the 
beginning  of  the  fifteenth  century.  She  has  swelled  the 
catalogue  of  saints,  but  she  has  never  been  content  with  the 
original  records  of  good  men.  She  has  added  to  them 
whatever  suited  her  purpose,  and  cast  into  the  shade  the 
original  documents.  Thus  has  she  done  with  the  Holy 
Scriptures.  How  much  has  she  added  to  the  first  simple 
accounts  of  Mary  and  Peter,  and  even  our  Lord  !  Her  very 
neglect  of  the  original  records  is  an  argument  for  their 
authenticity.  It  sets  them  apart  from  the  legends  which 
were  manufactured  in  her  interest.  It  distinguishes  the 
true  coin  from  the  cheap  counterfeit,  the  latter  having 
become  very  profitable  to  Rome.  Her  authors  have  not 
been  content  to  publish  these  unvarnished  writings  of  an 
honest  Christian  missionary.  There  was  not  enough  of  the 
wonderful,  the  monkish,  the  Romish  element  in  them. 
They  were  cast  into  a  dark  corner,  according  to  her  manner 
of  putting  to  silence  the  witnesses  of  truth.  The  real 
Patrick  has  been  slumbering  his  thousand  years.  It  is 


tiim-  'or  him  to  rouse,  and  in  rising  up  he  will  throw  off 
thr  v  ist  heaps  of  >uper>t it ions  piled  upon  him  to  keep 
him  '.uiet. 

H>-iv.  then,  is  a  footimr  upon  these  ancient  documents. 
Assmiiimr  their  genuineness,  we  maybe  guided  to  some 
knowledge  of  the  life,  the  labours  and  doctrines  of  Patrick. 
What  airives  with  them  we  shall  accept  from  all  sources 
within  reach  ;  what  is  inconsistent  is  rejected. 

Among  the  oldest  of  the  "  Lives"  is  the  brief  Hymn  of 
or  St.  Fiei -h,  who  seems  to  have  been  a  disciple  of 
I'.-itriek.  If  lie  composed  such  a  poem,  he  may  have 
-i in_  it  as  ;i  converted  bard  ;  but  a  later  hand  is  apparent  in 
a  li  w  miracles  added  to  it  I  have  before  me  a  tri-fonn  the  nriirinal  IrMi.  tin-  Latin  version  of 
1  in.  and  an  Kn«:li>h  translation  by  the  anonymous  author 
««f  a  Liti-  ,,f  St.  Patrick.  •  The  eollertion  of  "  Lives"  in 
f '„!;/., H'X  7V/. /.v  T/HtiniKifitr!/'!  is  valuable,  if  defects  in 
quality  ran  be  made  good  by  .superabundance  in  quantity, 
the  7V//;'//-///,  J/,f,  }H  in-  the  only  one  worthy  of  much 
1.  The  reading  «if  J.,,:li,,,'x  Llf,  of  St.  Patrick 
almost  di-L'UM.-d  me  with  the  subject,  but  it  was  refreshing 
to  find  one  of  the  latest  R<nni>h  writers  saying,  "How 
derogatory  iron  i  coinnioii  sense  have  tlu;  hiu.-rn  pliers  of  our 
saint  acted,  and  particularly  Joceline!"  Our  modern 
author,  however,  i-  not  dear  of  the  same  fault. 

Almost    all   my   previous  researches  might  have  been 

spared  had  I  received  at  an  earlier  day  the  work  entitled 

St.   1'itrnh.   .\/,'><(le  of  Ireland;  a  Memoir  of  his  Life 

Mi^io,,.  iritft  .in  ii'fru'tu.t'.n/./i.wrtatv 

•Baltimore:  John  Murphy,  1861. 


usages  of  the  Church  in  Ireland  .  .  .  by  James  ffenthorn 
Todd,  D.D.  To  this  learned  work  by  an  Episcopal  clergy 
man,  and  ' '  an  antiquarian  declared  to  be  thoroughly  versed 
in  Irish  history, ' '  my  indebtedness  is  gratefully  acknowledged. 
His  brother,  the  Rev.  Wm.  G.  Todd,  in  his  Church  of  St. 
Patrick,  has  proved  that  the  ancient  Church  of  Ireland  was 
independent  of  Rome. 

Other  works  have  been  consulted,  such  as  the  Historia 
Britonum  of  Nennius ;  Ecclesiastic*  Historic  Gentes  An- 
glorum,  of  Bede;  Britannicarum  Ecclesiarum  Antiquitates, 
of  Ussher;  Annales  Ecclesiastic!  of  Baronius;  Me"moires 
Ecclesiastique,  par  M.  de  Tillemont;  Le  Grand  Diction- 
naire,  par  M.  Louis  Moreri ;  Biographic  Universelle ;  An 
nales  Hiberniae,  ab  Thoma  Carve ;  Collectanea  de  Rebus 
Hibernicis,  by  Charles  Valiancy;  Les  Moines  d' Occident, 
par  le  Comte  de  Montalembert;  Alban  Butler's  Lives  of  the 
Saints;  Ledwich's  Antiquities  of  Ireland;  Annals  of  Ire 
land,  by  the  Four  Masters;  Neander's  Memorials  of  Chris 
tian  Life ;  Ecclesiastical  Histories  of  Ireland,  by  Brenan, 
Carew,  Lanigan  and  Wordsworth;  Sir  James  Ware's  His 
tory  and  Antiquities  of  Ireland;  McLauchlan's  Early  Scot 
tish  Church ;  Soames'  Latin  Church  during  Anglo-Saxon 
Times ;  Lappenberg's  History  of  England  under  the  Anglo- 
Saxon  Kings ;  the  several  Histories  of  Ireland  by  Keating, 
Macgeoghan,  Moore,  Haverty,  O'Halloran  and  O'Connor; 
and  the  General  Histories  of  the  Christian  Church  by 
Fleury,  Neander,  Mosheim,  Kurtz,  Cave  and  Collier. 

I  have  not  discussed  at  tedious  length  the  question  of 
Saint  Patrick's  birth-place,  but  have  frequently  pointed  out 
evidences  that  it  was  on  the  Clyde.  The  opinion  that  it 


was  Boulognc-sur-Mer,  in  Gaul,  seems  to  be  quite  modern. 

It-  .-iiii-f  Mipporter  i>  I>r.  Laniiran.  win.  iiiLM-iiiuii-ly  brings 
forward  no  little  learnini:  on  tin-  >ubject,  but  all  his  trini- 
uiini:  of  ftntiqOAted  names  can  hardly  >ati>fv  us  that  his 
Bononia  TarvamiH'  was  Patrick's  Bonavem  Taberni;p. 
where  tin •  irivat  mi»ionary  tell-  us  his  father  dwelt.  We 
can  find  halt'  a  do/en  places  in  Gaul  once  called  Bononia,  * 
ami  a  score  of  Taberniae  ;  and  ^  possibly  by  Dr.  Lanigan's 
in.nlc  nl'  iva.Mining  we  might  show  that  Saint  Patrick  was 
born  at  the  Thiv<-  Taverns  (  Trex  Talnrn(Ui),  where  Paul  met 
his  Christian  brethren.  This  would  bring  the  "Apostle  of 
Ireland"  near  «-n..u-h  to  Rome,  in  his  childhood,  to  please 
the  m,,M  ardent  papal  admirers.  The  opinion  that  he  was 
born  on  the  banks  of  the  Clyde,  or  somewhere  in  North 
Britain,  is  Hipp..rted  by  Fiacc  and  his  scholiast,  the  author 
of  St.  I)eclan'>  Life.  I'lohns  Sigibert  (quoted  by  Ussher), 
'  Ware.  .Inceline.  Fleiiry,  Tilleinont,  Hailet,  Albaii 

Butler.  .M  ie-e0ghan,  Baronius  (?),  Moreri,  Spottiswoode, 
Camden.  Cnllier,  Lappenberg,  Thorpe,  Henry,  Gibbon, 
Neander,  Milner,  Wordsworth,  J.  C.  Robertson,  Hether- 
ington,  D'Aubignd,  McLauchlan,  Giesseler,  Kurtz,  Mo- 
>lieiin,  Todd,  Reeves  and  other  writers,  both  Protestant  and 
Roman  Catholic. 

Truth  and  fact  have  been  most  earnestly  sought,  and  the 
attempt  is  to  present  them  intelligibly  and  impartially.  I 
have  given  to  many  statement-  the  h«  aw  >hadimr  of  a 
doubt,  and  I  only  ask  for  them  the  benefit  of  a  probability. 
A  plain  mark  has  been  put  upon  every  >illy  legend,  which 
it  seemed  proper  to  notice  in  order  to  make  clear  the  poiota 
*  Anthon's  Clasa.  Diet 


of  the  case,  or  to  bring  upon  some  popular  superstition  its 
deserved  ridicule. 

If  the  name  of  Saint  Patrick  were  less  known ;  if  it  had 
fallen  into  obscurity ;  if  we  had  to  rescue  it  from  oblivion, 
as  that  of  Hyppolitus  or  that  of  Paleario  has  been  rescued, 
and  if  he  were  not  so  commonly  portrayed  in  colours  that 
do  not  at  all  suit  his  complexion, — ours  would  be  an  easier 
task.  It  would  be  less  difficult  to  meet  the  popular  views. 
In  telling  the  truth  about  him  we  must  come  in  conflict 
with  the  common  opinions.  Men  will  take  down  their 
histories  and  cyclopedias  and  read  the  usual  story,  shake 
their  heads,  call  in  question  what  we  relate,  and  examine 
the  subject  no  further ;  I  can  only  ask  them  to  follow  up 
my  references. 

If  any  one  attached  to  the  Roman  Catholic  Church  shall 
read  this  volume,  let  him  not  suppose  that  we  dishonour 
the  great  man  whom  he  reveres  as  the  patron  saint  of  all 
Irishmen.  Far  from  it ;  we  would  have  him  honored  in  his 
true  character.  If  such  a  reader  will  adopt  the  ancient 
religion  of  Saint  Patrick,  he  will  find  himself  almost  a 
modern  Protestant.  At  all  events,  he  will  go  to  the  Word 
of  God  as  the  only  authority  in  matters  of  faith,  and  the 
only  source  of  light  to  guide  him  in  the  way  of  life.  It  is 
not  so  much  our  aim  to  set  forth  the  man  Patrick  as  it 
is  to  illustrate  the  principles  by  which  he  was  controlled  in 
the  labours  that  have  made  his  name  renowned.  The  record 
of  his  toils  and  triumphs  ought  to  be  instructive,  if  a  late 
writer  says  truly,  "From  all  that  can  be  learned  of  him, 
there  never  was  a  nobler  Christian  missionary  than  Patrick. " 

CHICAGO,  ILL.  W.  M.  B. 




7N  cottages,  near  Intl.'  towns,  great  men  have 
been  born.     God  makes  his  earnest  workers 
&G?    °f  dust,    he   may  have  all   the  glory. 

When  looking  f«>r  the  l,irt h-pla«v  of  Saint 
Patrick  we  turn  to  Scotland.  The  voyager  on  the 
deck  of  the  vessel  that  -teams  up  the  Clyde  will 
have  his  eye  upon  a  lonely,  ru^-cd  rock  that  rfea 
almo-t  three  hundred  feet  above  the  water,  and  i- 
now  crowned  with  a  cattle.  It  was  once  called 
Alcluyd,*  the  Rock  of  the  Clyde.  It  gave  it- 
name  to  a  fort  on  its  top  and  a  town  at  its  foot. 
There,  on  their  own  frontier,  the  ancient  Uritons 
resisted  the  Northern  Scot-  and  1'icte.  Border 
strife-  made  it  a  place  of  death.  The  old  <ongs 
tell  of  the  river,  running  red  with  blood.  It 
*  Alrluith,  Al.-luiu.l.  \U-luada,  Aldy.l.-.  In  Oasian'e  poems 
it  is  Balclutha.  See  my  preface. 



seems  to  have  been  a  stronghold  of  the  Eomans, 
who  built  one  of  their  walls  from  Alcluyd 
across  the  country  to  the  Frith  of  Forth.  To 
them  the  Britons  yielded  and  looked  for  defence 
during  several  generations.  It  is  supposed  that 
these  Eomanized  Britons  united  with  the  tribes  of 
Southern  Scotland  and  formed  the  Cumbrian 
league,  or  the  kingdom  of  Strathclyde.  Their 
capital  was  Alcluyd,  which  they  named  Dunbriton, 
"the  hill  of  the  Britons,"  whence  the  present 
name  of  Dumbarton.  Four  miles  from  it,  toward 
Glasgow,  on  the  line  of  the  old  Roman  wall,  is 
the  modern  town  of  Kilpatrick,  which  claims  to 
be  the  birth-place  of  Saint  Patrick.  The  Christian 
year  397  is  the  most  probable  date  of  his  birth. 

The  account  given  in  his  name  is  this:  "I, 
Patrick,  a  sinner,  the  rudest  and  the  least  of  all 
the  faithful,  and  the  most  despicable  among  most 
people,  had  for  my  father  Calpurnius,  a  deacon,  son 
of  the  late  Potitus,  a  presbyter,  who  was  of  the 
town  of  Bonavem  Tabernise;  for  he  had  a  cottage 
(or  farm)  in  the  neighbourhood  where  I  was  cap 

*  Confessio  Patricii.  We  have  stated  in  the  preface  the 
reasons  for  presuming  the  Confession,  in  its  oldest  form,  to  be 


He   does  not   tell  us  where  he  was  born;   he 

simply  relates  that  his  father  dwelt  at  Bonavera, 

where  he  also  was  living  when  taken  captive.     But 

why  mention  the  place  as  his  home,  unless  he  was 

a  native  of  it?     The  plain  inference  is  that  he  was 

lx>rn  there.     It  is  difficult  to   identify  Bonavem 

Tabernise   with    any    ancient    town.     To   no   one 

probably  was  this  Latin  name  given;  it  is  simply 

the   Latin  translation   of  some  name   which  was 

foreign  to  the  language  of  the  Romans.     Perhaps 

the  words  mean  a  town  at  the  river's  mouth,*  near 

the  tents  (tabernise)  or  shops  of  the  Roman  army. 

The  Hymn  of  Fiacc  begins  thus:   "  Patrick  was 

born  at  Nempthur."     The  old  commentator  upon 

it   says   of   Nempthur,    "It   is   a   city    in    North 

Britain,  vix.  Aleluada."     According  to  the  ancient 

and    IX-.M    trad  it  inn-,    we   may   assume   tli;it    Saint 

I'airi.-k  WM  b«»rn  in  a  COttagC  not  tar  from  Aleluyd, 

and  under  its  pmtertion. 

lint,  ii-elinji  that  he  wa-  unworthy  "f  any  birth- 
plaer,  he  did  n-'t  elearly  define  it.  In  his  old  age 
he  t  hun-Jit  rather  nf  hi-  li<>nir  in  the  heaven.-.  He 
might  have  said,  as  did  Severinus,  one  of  the 

*  7?on,   mouth  ;   awn,   river.—  Celtic  Di>/.     Nnni'thur  may 
oome  from  JV«m,  a  riv.-r.  .uid  2V,  a  tower—  the  ca^tl.-  ..n  the 


missionaries  along  the  banks  of  the  Danube,  in  the 
fifth  century :  "  What  pleasure  can  it  be  to  a  ser 
vant  of  God  to  specify  his  home,  or  his  descent, 
since  by  silence  he  can  so  much  better  avoid  all 
boasting?  I  would  that  the  left  hand  knew  noth 
ing  of  the  good  works  which  Christ  grants  the 
right  hand  to  accomplish,  in  order  that  I  may  be  a 
citizen  of  the  heavenly  country.  Why  need  you 
know  my  earthly  country,  if  you  know  that  I  am 
truly  longing  after  the  heavenly  ?  But  know  this, 
that  God  has  commissioned  me  to  live  among  this 
heavily  oppressed  people." 

The  admiring  monks  sought  to  glorify  Saint 
Patrick  by  inventing  for  him  a  royal  lineage. 
They  ran  it  back  to  Britus,  or  Britanus,  the  sup 
posed  ancestor  of  the  Britons.  But  he  had  no 
such  vain  imaginations.  It  was  enough  for  him  to 
tell  us  of  his  grandfather.  We  are  glad  to  know 
that  he  was  the  grandson  of  Potitus,*  the  presbyter. 
The  blood  was  good.  If  he  had  thought  that  his 
grandfather  had  disgraced  himself  by  marriage,  f  he 

*  "  Son  of  Odisse"  is  added  on  the  margin  of  the  Book  of 
Armagh,  in  the  hand  of  the  original  scribe.  In  Fiacc's 
Hymn  he  is  called  "  the  Deacon  Odisse." 

f  In  the  year  314,  the  council  of  Neocaesarea  decreed  that 
the  presbyter  who  married  should  forfeit  his  standing. 


would  hardly  have  mentioned  him  iis  a  minister 
of  God's  word.  He  would  have  been  silent  about 
his  clerical  anccster.  It  seems  that  he  did  not 
believe  in  the  celibacy  of  the  clergy,  even  in  his 
old  age.  Here  is  some  proof  of  the  truth  and  the 
antiquity  of  "  the  Confession."  If  it  had  been  in 
vented  and  written  in  more  papal  times,  Saint 
Patrick  would  not  have  been  made  the  grandson 
of  a  presbyter;  not  if  that  presbyter  held  the  rank 
of  a  Roman  priest.*  The  book  must  be  older  than 
the  notion  that  the  early  Churches  of  Scotland 
and  Ireland  were  controlled  by  the  bishop  of 

Of  Potitus  we  learn  nothing  more,  except  that 
his  office  was  held  in  high  esteem  in  his  times. 
Martin  of  Tours  declared,  at  a  public  entertain 
ment,  that  the  emperor  was  inferior  in  dignity  to  a 
presbyter. f  This  may  have  been  a  boast,  yet 
without  vaunting  the  early  Christians  of  Scotland 

_'«T  ground  w:is  -rn.lually  taken,  until,  aUut  the 
400,  the  I.MI..J.  ,,f  I',,,,,,.  f,,rli:i«le  the  marri.t-e  ..f  the  el 
Hut  yet,  in  nm  |, ;s  bull  was  not  cloudy  heeded.— 

Ntmder'a  C/<.  7//X  ii.  1  17. 

*Some  writ.r,  e.-ill  h.titu,  a  pfM*     Thus   [QOM, 
Carew  and  other   K.-m.-iniMx.     Th.-  original  \v<>nl   i*  r.-n 
prabytcr  by  such  prelatists  a«  Todd,  Soaraes  and  Uwher. 

i    M.-h.-ini.  <  Vnt.  V.  chap.  ii. 


regarded  the  presbyter  as  a  bishop.  The  same  was 
true  in  England  and  Ireland.  Even  in  the  tenth 
century,  Elfric,  a  Saxon  bishop,  wrote  thus  of  the 
orders  of  church  officers,  putting  the  presbyter  first: 
"  There  is  no  difference  between  him  and  the  bishop, 
except  that  the  bishop  is  appointed  to  confer  ordi 
nation,  which,  if  every  presbyter  should  do,  would 
be  committed  to  too  many.  Both,  indeed,  are  one 
and  the  same  order."  Pryne  says  of  the  early 
Britons :  "  They  maintain  the  parity  of  the 
bishops  and  presbyters."  In  Eastern  lands  men 
began  to  put  a  difference  between  these  officers. 
"Yet  a  Chrysostom  and  a  Jerome  still  asserted 
the  primitive  equal  dignity  of  the  presbyters  and 
the  bishops,  very  justly  believing  that  they  found 
authority  for  this  in  the  New  Testament."* 

Potitus  may  have  been  a  Culdee  presbyter.  His 
Latin  name  does  not  prove  that  he  was  a  Roman, 
sent  out  with  the  army  from  Rome  as  a  mission 
ary  to  the  Britons.  Native  names  were  often 
Latinized  by  the  historians. f  It  is  more  likely 
that  he  was  a  Briton  by  birth.  Perhaps  he  studied 

*  Neander's  Ch.  Hist.  vol.  ii.  p.  155,  American  ed. 

f  Succath  was  changed  to  Patricius.  Two  native  ministers 
in  the  sixth  century,  near  Loch  Ness,  are  called  Fmchadus 
and  Virolecus. 

SA  INT  PA  TE ICK.  27 

the  Scriptures  and  prayed  in  the  Culdee  cell  at 
Aleluyd,  and  at  its  door  preached  to  the  people. 

To  us  there  is  something  quite  romantic  about 
the  cw/7,  kit,  or  cell  of  the  early  Christians  in 
Scotland  and  Ireland.  There  is  scarcely  a  doubt 
that  it  gave  name  to  the  Cuildich,  or  Culdees.  To 
them  tin -iv  was  a  sacredness  about  it  as  they  re 
treated  to  it  in  some  lonely  wood,  narrow  valley, 
or  rugged  ravine.  It  was  not  the  abode  of  a 
monk ;  it  was  the  resort  of  a  missionary.  It  was 
his  "Htudy,"  where  he  prepared  for  preaching. 
Its  origin  we  cannot  discover ;  perhaps  it  was,  at 
first,  a  refuge  from  enemies  or  a  resort  for  prayer. 
It  became  the  sacred  place  of  the  presence  of  God; 
almost  the  Holy  of  Holies,  with  its  veil  rent  for 
the  entrance  of  the  Culdee  worshipper.  Its  plan 
was  carried  with  every  missionary,  and  he  chose 
the  spot  t'.r  his  "cell"  as  the  Hebrew  did  for  the 
tabernacle.  There  was  his  sanctuary;  there  he 
wrestled  with  God  in  prayer;  there  tin-  people 
might  us-emble  with  reverence  to  hear  him  preach. 
It  was  holy  ground  ;  the  burning  bush  was  there 
in  the  desert.  The  cell  develop-  into  tln«e  forms — 
the  oratory,  the  kirk  and  the  college.*  At  some 

*  Princeton  Krvii-w,  IM'.T.     Artid.-  on  "Tin-  <'ul«Irr  Monas 


period  a  cell,  or  kil,  was  located  near  the  spot 
where  Saint  Patrick  was  born.  It  may  have  been 
close  by  the  same  cottage.  There  Potitus  may 
have  studied  and  prayed.  There  the  people  may 
have  assembled  for  worship.  There,  it  seems,  a 
Culdee  kirk,  or  church,  grew  up,  which  the  people 
o^  later  days  called  Kilpatrick,  in  honour  of  the 
great  missionary,  who  was  born  at  the  place.  Po 
titus  seems  to  have  lived  to  a  good  old  age,  and 
been  worthy  of  the  respect  of  his  grandson.  It  is 
some  proof  of  his  excellent  family  government  that 
he  reared  a  deacon. 

The  deacon  was  Calpurnius.  What  sort  of  a 
deacon  was  he  ?  Some  place  him  in  "  the  third  or 
lowest  order  of  the  ordained  clergy."  Such 
"deacon's  orders"  would  savour  of  Rome,  and 
give  to  Calpurnius  ,the  rank  of  a  clergyman. 
If  he  was  such  a  deacon,  he  was  quite  free  from 
the  Roman  notions  of  celibacy,  for  he  took  a  wife 
and  reared  a  family.  If  a  clergyman  at  all,  he 
must  have  been  a  Culdee  licentiate.  It  was  held 
to  be  no  sin  for  a  Culdee  minister  to  marry.  But 
if  he  was  a  Culdee  deacon,  he  was  hardly  a  minis 
ter,  or  a  candidate  for  the  ministry.  The  church 
of  the  Culdees  seems  to  have  been  regulated  after 
the  Bible,  and  not  after  the  Roman  model.  It  ap- 


pears  to  have  had  deacons,  elders  and  presbyters, 
and  none  of  higher  rank.  Doubtless  the  early 
Culdees  had  no  very  perfect  system  of  church 
government,  but  in  what  they  did  have,  they 
sought  to  follow  "the  order  of  the  primitive 
(  liiirch."  Dwelling  among  quarrelsome  tril» •-, 
and  in  danger  of  persecutions,  they  gave  them 
selves  to  preaching  Christ  and  peace,  rather  than 
to  questions  and  modes  of  government.*  Cal- 
purnius  may  have  been  a  deacon  of  the  church  at 

Another  office  is  said  to  have  been  held  by  Cal- 
purnius.  If  a  certain  ancient  letter  came  from  the 
hand  of  Saint  Patrick,  he  says,  "  I  was  of  a  family 
respectable  accord ini:  t"  the  flesh,  my  father  having 
been  a  decurio.  I  gave  up  my  nobility  for  the 
good  of  others,  that  I  might  be  a  missionary  ."f 
The  decurio  was  a  magistrate  and  counsellor  in  the 
Roman  colonies.  The  office  conferred  a  hi^h  rank 
on  those  who  held  it.  These  officers  "  were  mem 
bers  of  the  court,  or  counsellors  of  the  city,  and 
could  not  be  ordained  [to  tin  Chri.-tian  mini-try]. 
By  virtue  of  their  estates  tiny  \\eie  tied  to  the 
offices  of  their  country.  They  HUM  have  -i  eeriain 

*  Hi-theriiiKtoi,'-    Hi   '    <  luirrli  of  Srothiml.     OKI]' 
f  Tin-  Kpimli-  (•(•nccniiii^  Corotic-iiB.    See  raj  preface. 


amount  of  property."*  Such  was  the  law  of  Con- 
stantine  for  the  more  wealthy  decuriones.  "  The 
fact  that  Calpurnius  is  said  to  have  held  that  office 
may  perhaps  tend  to  show  us  that  he  belonged  to 
one  of  the  Roman  provinces  of  Great  Britain, 
rather  than  to  Bretagne  Armorique.  It  is  a  mis 
take  to  suppose  that  a  decurio  was  necessarily  a 
military  officer."f  Such  a  man  must  have  had  no 
little  authority  over  the  Britons  of  Strathclyde. 
The  Romans  allowed  "governors  of  the  native 
races,"  especially  at  Alcluyd.  When  the  Romans 
were  called  home  to  resist  the  Goths,  they  must 
have  left  very  much  of  their  power  in  the  hands 
of  the  magistrate.  But  Calpurnius  ruled  in  the 
State  like  a  good  deacon  of  the  Church. 

Tradition  informs  us  that  the  mother  of  Saint 
Patrick  was  Conchessa.  Various  writers  call  her 
the  sister  of  Martin,  archbishop  of  Tours  and  the 
founder  of  monasteries  in  Western  Europe.  A 
candid  Romanist  thinks  that  this  opinion  is  refuted 
by  the  silence  of  the  ancient  annalists.  "  For  it 
cannot  be  supposed  that  a  connection  so  honour 
able,  and  which,  if  it  existed,  must  have  been 
generally  known,  could  have  been  passed  over  in 

*  Bingham's  Ecclesiastical  Antiquities,  book  iv.  4. 
f  Todd's  Saint  Patrick.     Dublin,  1864,  p.  354. 


silence  by  persons  who  must  have  been  eager  to 
mention  whatever  could  exalt  the  character  of 
Saint  Patrick  with  po.-terity."*  In  the  tract  on 
"the  mothers  of  tin-  .-aims  in  Ireland/'f  she  is 
represented  as  a  Briton.  \V«-  may  believe  that  -he 
was  "a  woman  superior  to  the  majority  of  her 
sex,"  an«l  that  she  endeavoured  to  instil  into  the 
heart  of  her  son  the  doctrines  of  Christianity.J 

Such  a  iuinily,  in  which  there  was  a  presbyter 
and  a  deacon,  dwelling  on  the  banks  of  the  Clyde, 
could  not  well  be  the  solitary  Christians  of  that 
country.  There  must  have  been  many  others. 
Win-nee  their  religion,  and  how  long  had  it  existed 
in  Scotland  / 

Mittionariea  may  have  followed  in  the  footsteps 
of  the  Uoman  army,  the  sword  preparing  the  way 
for  the  CM-"  —  .  For  four  hundred  yi  r  ( 'hrist 

the  Unman-  held  .-way  over  many  parts  of  Eng 
land  and  Southern  Scotland,  and  the  door  was  open 
for  teaeher-  of  ihe  faith,  howe\<  r  -e\erely  x»me  of 
th<-  emperor-  per-.-eiited  them.  Yet  little  seems 
to  have  been  done.  The  native  people  hated  the 

*  An  Ecclesiastical  f  In-hind,  by  the  Right  Rev. 

P.  J.  Carew,  p.  52. 

f  Attributed  to  yEnguw  the  Culdee,  of  the  ninth  century. 
t  D'Aubigntfs  Hist  of  Ref.  Vol.  v.  chaj).  i. 



invaders;    they  were   not  likely  to   give   ear   to 
preachers    who   came   from   the   Koman   Empire. 
Missionaries  from  Rome  would  have  taught  certain 
Koman  errors,  such  as  the  celibacy  of  the  clergy, 
prelacy  and  submission  to   the  bishop  of  Rome. 
We  must  not  forget  that  Rome,  in  the  first  Christian 
centuries,  was  far  purer  than  she  became  after  the 
seventh  ;  the  great  errors  had  not  grown  up  :  still, 
she  had    perverted    many  doctrines  and  practices 
before  the  Roman  army  left  Britain.     If  we  found 
these  peculiar  errors  among  the  Christian  Britons 
and  Scots  at  an  early  day,  we  should  conclude  that 
they  had  been  taught  by  Roman  missionaries.    We 
do  not  find  them ;  we  find  a  much  purer  form  of 
Christianity ;  and  our  conclusion  is,  that  they  first 
received  the  gospel  from  a  different  quarter. 

Ships  sailed  to  Britain  from  Eastern  lands  where 
the  Greek  language  prevailed.  They  came  from 
the  harbours  of  cities  where  the  apostles  had 
preached.  On  their  decks  may  have  been  Chris 
tian  merchants  and  missionaries  from  Greece  and 
Asia  Minor.  The  one  class  could  supply  funds, 
the  other  could  give  the  gospel  to  the  Scots  and 
Britons.  We  may  suppose  that  such  teachers  of 
the  faith  gathered  a  few  people  about  them  and  told 
them  of  Jesus  who  was  crucified  for  them.  All 

-  i  /  vy    r  A  TRICK.  33 

;  -ome  beheved.  The  number  of  hearers 
increased.  Little  hand-  celebrated  the  dying  love 
•»f  Chri>t.  The  Druids  shook  their  heads  in 
aii'j-er;  the  jir.iplc  were  iorsakini:  them;  their  craft 
was  in  danger;  they  cried  out  against  the  new 
doctrine-.  They  claimed  to  be  the  only  religious 
teacher-  and  the  law-maker-.  They  muttered 
their  dark  su-picions  to  the  chieftains  and  kings. 
iVr-eciiiinn  an-e.  The  little  Hocks  were  scattered. 
They  -oiio-lit  refuge  in  narrower  valleys.  The 
teacher-  hid  in  do-er  retreats.  They  made  them 
cells  f«.r  prayer  and  study,  and  became  Culdees. 
In  some  >m-h  manner,  we  may  suppose,  Christianity 
WM  tir-t  planted  in  Scotland  and  the  northern  part 
of  Britain,  and  the  Culdees  arose.*  Before  the 
end  of  the  second  century  there  appear  to  have 
been  many  bands  of  (  'hri-tiaus  north  of  the  Clvde 
and  the  JJoman  Wall.  In  the  year  iM  I,  (  )ri-cM  in  (  in-ck,  «  The  power  of  (iod,  cur  Saviour, 
i-  even  with  them  who  ii»  Uritain  are  shut  out  from 

*  An.  .tln-r  ..pinion  iMhat  S,,iith.-rn  Hritain  first  received  the 
inissinn.-irif!*  from  A.-ia  Minor  .-uui  (  Ir.  .c,-,  or  from  the  churches 
of  Lv,,,,-  ;m.l  Mareeilles,  which  were  of  the  Grecian  tyj,,  •;  ati.l 
that  un.lcr  siifh  |i«TM-cutionB  M  that  of  I>iorlrtian  many  of 
these  early  I'.rili-h  Ch.iMiai^  fl,  ,1  to  S.^tland  and  In-land, 
wln-iv  th.-y  to,,:  ;|  ,.,.[],  .,,,,1  became  known  as  the 

Culdees.—  /> 


our  world."  About  the  same  time  Tertullian  said 
"  that  parts  of  the  British  Isles,  not  reached  by 
the  Romans,  were  made  subjects  to  Christ."  This 
was  scarcely  all  rhetoric.  We  know  that  early  in 
the  fifth  century  Rome  sent  "  bishops"  to  the  "  Scots 
believing  in  Christ."  She  did  it  as  if  it  were  a 
new  thing ;  without  her  aid  the  Scots  had  believed. 
They  continued  to  believe  and  increase.  They  re 
jected  her  u  bishops"  until  forced  to  accept  them  in 
the  twelfth  century.  In  their  churches  was  a  purer 
faith.  "  These  churches  were  formed  after  the 
Eastern  type ;  the  Britons  [and  Scots]  would  have 
refused  to  receive  the  type  of  that  Rome  whose 
yoke  they  detested."  * 

We  find  in  Ninian  a  specimen  of  an  early  Briton 
Christian.  Perhaps  he  was  known  to  Potitus ; 
they  were  of  t*  e  same  kingdom  of  Strathclyde. 
He  was  born  about  the  year  360.  His  parents 
were  Christians  and  early  devoted  him  to  the 
Christian  ministry.  He  loved  his  associates, 
abstained  from  jests,  gave  his  hours  to  study  and 
closely  searched  the  Holy  Scriptures.  He  was 
sparing  of  words,  courteous  in  manners,  moderate 
at  the  table  and  reserved  in  public.  The  body  was 
ruled  by  the  spirit  that  dwelt  in  it.  He  was  marked 


as  a  young  man  of  warm  zeal,  deep  humility  and 
dauntless  conra-e.  Having  passed  through  the 
schools  of  his  own  country,  and  still  eager  for 
knowledge,  In-  \\ent  to  Rome. 

Ailred  tells  us  that  when  Ninian  came  to  Rome, 
the  blessed  youth  wept  over  the  relics  of  the 
apostles  and  gave  himself  to  their  care.  If  he 
did,  he  had  no  suspicion  that  a  gross  deception  was 
practiced  upon  him.  The  "  pope"  received  him  as 
a  son.  He  was  thereupon  handed  over  to  certain 
teachers,  who  well  knew  how  to  manage  a  simple- 
hearted  student,  lie  soon  discovered  that  his  own 
people  did  not  understand  the  Scriptures  as  mm 
interpreted  them  at  Rome.  He  was  led  to  think 
that  the  Briton  Christians  were  greatly  in  error, 
but  on  what  points  we  are  not  informed.  Doubt- 
less  they  had  simpler  forms  of  worship;  they  had 
less  regard  lor  relies,  outward  rites,  the  sign  of  the 
cross,  clerical  rule.-  and  tonsure,  festival  day-, 
lituririe-  and  hi^hi-r  orders  of  clergy;  they  did  not 

iv-anl     the     bi.-hop     «,f     Rome    as     the    Mleee-x.r    nf 

St.  Peter,  nor  a>  the  bond  of  unity  in  the(  'ImVtian 
('hun-h.      They  held  < 'liri-t  as  their  master  and  tin- 
only    Kini:    in    /ion.       The    eyes    of    Ninian  M 
blinded.      He  thought  that  hi-  eountryineii  had  not 
fully  come    up    to   the  faith  ;    he  did   not  see  that 


Rome  had  begun  to  depart  from  it.  He  resolved 
to  impart  his  new  ideas  to  his  brethren.  The  story 
is  that  the  Roman  bishop  ordained  him  as  "the 
first  apostle"  to  his  people,  and  sent  him  forth  with 
his  benediction. 

When  Ninian  returned  to  his  own  country,  he 
was  received  with  great  demonstrations  of  joy. 
The  people  gathered  about  him.  They  held  him 
as  one  of  the  prophets.  They  praised  Christ  for 
what  they  saw  and  heard.  They  were  not  heathen, 
and  yet  athe  first  apostle  to  his  own  people"  had 
come!  Rome  ignored  the  former  teachers  and 
presbyters:  she  now  sent  a  "  bishop."  But  they 
looked  upon  him  as  a  follower  of  Christ  and  of 
his  fathers.  It  is  related  that  on  his  homeward 
way  he  had  visited  Martin  of  Tours,  studied 
architecture,  and  brought  with  him  a  company  of 
builders.  A  spot  was  chosen  in  the  southern  part 
of  Galloway,  near  a  deserted  Roman  camp,  and 
the  rally  ing-point  of  a  Caledonian  tribe.  It  was 
not  far  from  the  seat  of  a  Culdee  establishment. 
There  a  church  was  built  of  bright  white  stone ; 
hence  its  name,  Candida  Casa,  or  Whitherne.* 

*  Now  Whithorn.  The  town  of  this  name  is  on  the  main 
shore.  Near  it  is  an  island,  which  "  has  some  remains  of  a  very 
ancient  small  church,  believed  to  have  been  one  of  the  earliest 


"  There,"  says  his  biographer,  "  the  candle  being 
placed  in  its  candlestick,  it  began  to  give  forth  its 
light,  with  heavenly  signs  to  those  who  were  in  the 
house  of  God,  and  its  graces  radiating,  those  who 
'were  dark  in  their  mind  were  enlightened  by  the 
bright  and  burning  word  of  God,  and  the  frigid 
were  warmed."  We  reject  the  miracles  ascribed  to 
him  by  Ailred,  who  says  they  are  "credible  only 
by  such  as  believe  that  nothing  is  impossible  to 
the  faithful."  He  seems  to  have  laid  aside  his 
Roman  notions,  and  assumed  no  high  prelatic 
powers.  He  was  doubtless  an  earnest  missionary, 
labouring  more  to  make  converts  to  Christ  than  to 
Rome.  In  the  wilds  of  Galloway  he  taught  sound 
doctrine  and  scriptural  discipline,  "lie  opened 
hi-  month  with  the  word  of  (Jod,  through  the  grace 
of  the  Holy  Spirit,"  says  Ailred.  "  The  faith  is 
received,  error  is  put  away,  the  [heathen]  temples 
are  destroyed,  churches  are  erected:  men  ru-h  to 
the  fountain  oi'  -:i\  ing  cleansing — the  rich  and  tin- 
poor  alike,  young  men  and  maidens  ..Id  men  and 
children,  mothers  with  their  infant-;  ivn-MineiiiL: 
Satan  and  all  hi-  work-  and  p.. nip-,  they  are 
joined  to  the  family  of  believers  by  fhith,  and 

stone  striictun-s  of  its  class  in  Scotland."— Nebmft  Handbook 


word,  and  sacraments."  Such  was  his  work 
among  the  Southern  Picts.  Perhaps  he  extended 
his  labours  north  of  the  Roman  Wall.  Who 
knows  but  that  he  visited  Alcluyd,  lodged  with 
Calpurnius,  filled  the  lad  Patrick  with  wonder,  and 
talked  late  into  the  night  with  the  venerable  Po- 
titus  ?  Who  knows  but  that  this  aged  presbyter 
convinced  him  of  Rome's  advance  in  error,  and 
confirmed  him  in  the  ancient  faith  of  the  Culdees? 
He  seems  to  have  done  little  for  Rome  and 
much  for  Christ.  At  a  ripe  age  he  died  in  peace. 
More  than  a  score  of  Scottish  churches  were  named 
in  honour  of  this  zealous  missionary.  Rome 
canonized  him  ;  it  had  been  better  if  she  had  re 
turned  to  his  doctrines.  That  he  was  free  from 
error  we  do  not  assert.  We  have  endeavoured  to 
sketch  the  man,*  that  we  might  have  before  us  the 
portrait  of  a  Christian  Briton,  who  lived  in  the 
time  of  Saint  Patrick's  youth.  No  great  mission 
ary  was  more  likely  to  influence  the  mind  of  the 
grandson  of  Potitus. 

*  Consult  Bede's  Eccl.  Hist.,  McLauchlan's  Early  Scottish 
Church,  The  Spottiswoode  Miscellany^  Neander's  Church 



K  may  imagine  the  deacon  Calpurnins  walk 
ing  solemnly  by  the  side  of  the  pale  Con- 
che— a,  hearing  an   intiint    son    in    his   arm-, 
and  turning  to  a  fountain*  near  to  a  Culdee 
then  joining  fervently  in  the  simple   service! 
of  wor.-hip,  and  praying  silently  that  the  Lord  will 
hi-  neighbours  who  gace  upon  the  -cene;  then 

to  what    i-    -aid    of  God's    holy  covenant 

with  hi-  j pie  and    their   little  ones  and    holding 

forth  hi-  child  to  receive  the  token  of  it<  surrender 

to  the  Fath'T,  the  >«.al  of  its  redemption  by  the 

Boo  and  the  -yiubol  of  it-  renewal  by  the  Holy 
(Iho-f.  \Ve  almoal  MC  the  reverent  piv-byter  t;ike 
his  jrrand-oii  and  with  the  word-  of  < 'hri-t  applv 
to  him  the  water.  ,,f  bapli-m,  Lrivc  him  the  ki-- 
"f  p-  >laOfi  him  in  the  arm-  of  the  tearful 

F«iuiit:iiim   aid  \v«-]U   S.MMII  l.»   li:iv«-  |    .it    an  r:irly 

1  for  ii  ip;i-iu  ;  i ;,         .  o  >••"( land 

and  Ind:ind. 

t  An  .•iiiririit    ("Hioin.      7 '/'/ '/'•/•.•;-'/ 1/'«  Ancient   Hrli". 


Conchessa,  and  lift  his  hands  for  the  prayer  and 
benediction.  We  are  told  that  to  this  child  was 
given  the  name  of  Succath  in  his  baptism.  At  a 
later  day  he  was  called  Patrick.* 

In  this  we  have  supposed  nothing  more  than 
may  have  been  true.  But  the  story-tellers  of  the 
Middle  Ages  imagined  things  that  are  hugely  false, 
and  made  sad  work  of  the  life  of  Saint  Patrick. 
Among  their  lying  legends  the  facts  are  almost 
lost.  Not  content  with  marvels,  they  invented 
miracles.  What  wonders  the  child  performed,  even 
before  he  breathed  !  He  is  but  an  infant  when  he 
makes  the  sign  of  the  cross  on  the  ground,  and  on 
the  spot  a  fountain  flows  whose  waters  cure  the 
blind.  Is  the  water  flooding  his  mother's  floor  ? 
He  drops  fire  from  his  fingers  and  every  drop  is 
dried  away.  Does  his  aunt  want  a  bundle  of 
fagots  ?  The  boy  Patrick  brings  ice  in  his  arms 
and  makes  a  rousing  fire  with  it.  Does  his  sister 
Lupita  fall  and  bruise  her  forehead  ?  He  heals 
the  wounds  in  an  instant.  While  herding  the  flock 

*  Keating' s  Hist,  of  Ireland.  Place's  Hymn  runs  :  "Succat 
his  name  at  the  beginning."  Succat  in  old  British  means 
"  the  god  of  war,"  or  "  strong  in  war."  An  odd  name,  says 
Lanigan,  for  the  child  of  a  Christian  deacon.  Not  more  odd 
than  for  Palladius  to  bear  a  name  derived  from  the  heathen 
goddess  Pallas.—  2W*  St.  Patrick,  363. 


he  grow-  outlaw ;  a  wolf  eotiMl  and  steals  one  of 
the  tine.-t  Iambs.  The  lad  is  reproved,  but  he  prays 
all  night,  and  lo !  in  the  morning  the  rogui.-h  thief 
brings  back  the  lamb,  lays  it  unhurt  at  his  feet, 
and  then  tiers  to  the  woods!  Thus  we  might  go 
on  heaping  up  the  non.-en.-e  i'ound  in  the  first 
thirteen  chapter-  of  a  book  written  by  Joceline.  a 
monk  of  the  twelfth  century.  No  wonder  that  one 
Romi.-h  author  rejects  such  legend-  a-  -tories 
u  foiled  in  l.y  the  credulous  writers  of  tho.-c  dark 
.  whn  were  tor  heaping  miracle-  upon  the  backs 
of  their  -aim-  which  the  present  times  are  not  ex- 
peet.  d  i»  -ive  credit  to  ;"  and  another  declares  that 
they  are  "oMMIgfc  t<»  rouse  the  imliguatinu  of  every 
\>\n\i<  reader."  It  i-  high  time  for  the  Romani-ts 
to  pur-e  the  old  "Lives  of  the  Saint-"  as 
thoroughly  as  theynung  Tatrirk  i-  .-aid  to  have 
cleane.l  the  tortress  and  stables  of  the  cruel  lord  of 
l>unbriton;  for  t  he  -lory  is,  t  hat  tin- tyrant  ordered 
Patrick'.-  aunt  to  do  the  ,-lavi-h  job,  but  the  lad 
came  forward  like  a  man,  and  by  miracle  made  -uch 
a  riddance*  of  all  tra-hthat  none  wa-  ever  found 
afterward  in  the  whole  c-tabli-hmrnt. 

\Ve  mii-t  believe  that  thcyoim,r  I';it!-i,-k  had  all 
the  human  nature  of  a  boy.  He  was  not  a  saint. 
Hi-  deed-  WON  not  holy.  It  i-  far  more  likely 


that  he  complained  of  his  oatmeal  porridge  at 
breakfast,  and  ran  away  from  his  mother  to  the 
trout-streams  to  catch  something  better  for  dinner; 
that  when  sent  into  town  on  an  errand  he  took  the 
"  Rock  on  the  Clyde"  in  his  way,  and  loitered  for 
an  hour  on  the  top  looking  for  savage  Highland 
ers;  that  he  threw  snowballs  at  some  wandering 
Druid,  or  talked  long  with  the  Roman  soldiers 
when  he  ought  to  have  been  tending  his  father's 

He  was  taught  the  holy  commandments,*  but 
he  did  not  keep  them.  He  was  "  warned  for  his 
salvation/'  but  he  heeded  not  the  preachers.  "  I 
knew  not  the  true  God,"  he  said  in  his  old  age,  as 
he  looked  back  upon  the  days  of  his  youth.  He 
must  have  meant  that  he  knew  not  God  as  his 
heavenly  Father,  nor  Christ  as  his  Saviour ;  he  did 
not  love  him  nor  obey  the  truth.  No  doubt  his 
parents  taught  him  the  way  to  be  saved,  for  he 
seems  to  have  remembered  the  lessons  of  home  in 
his  captivity.  His  grandfather  must  have  had  a 
Bible,  and  taught  Patrick  to  read  it,  as  Ninian  was 
taught.  But  he  had  no  heart  for  the  truth.  "  He 
was  fond  of  pleasure,  and  delighted  to  be  the 
leadei  of  his  youthful  companions.  In  the  midst 
*Confessio  Patrieii,  near  the  beginning. 


of  his  frivolities  he  committed  a  serious  fault."  * 
What  it  was  we  know  not ;  it  proves  that  he  was 
not  holy  from  his  infancy — not  "always  a  Chris 
tian,"  as  Alban  Butler  declares  him  to  have  been,  f 
He  was  then  fifteen  years  of  age. 

It  was  not  always  safe  for  him  to  lead  a  troop  of 
young  friends  down  the  Clyde  to  hold  their  sports 
on  its  banks,  or  to  stroll  up  the  glen  and  make 
merrv  with  -<>me  jovial  shepherd  and  his  flock. 
For  pirates  often  drew  their  boats  into  some  cove, 
wandered  over  the  hills,  seized  upon  the  playful 
children,  carried  them  away  to  strange  lands  and 
sold  them  into  slavery.  With  bolder  steps  they  some 
times  man-hed  into  villages,  slew  the  strong  men, 
abused  the  a<jed,  plundered  the  houses  or  set  them 
on  fire,  laid  waste  the  gardens,  stole  the  cattle  and 
took  off  the  children.  As  Sir  Walter  Scott  says  of 
the  I>anMi  pirates:  "  They  were  heathens,  and  did 
not  believe  in  the  Iiil>le,  but  thought  of  nothing 
but  battle  and  -laiiirhttT  and  making  plunder." 
Mn-t  of  the  Unman  -.Idicrs  had  been  called  Imme; 
so  few  were  left  that  they  were  not  able  to  protect 
the  prnplr  ahm^  the  Clyde. 

One   day  a   band    of  these   robbers   came   like 


f  l.i\v<Mf  ih«-  S.-iint-,  M;irch  17. 


vultures  upon  the  town,  and,  after  every  sort  of 
outrage,  they  carried  off  Patrick  and  about  two 
hundred  of  the  villagers.  The  captives  were  placed 
in  the  boats,*  and  the  prows  were  turned  down 
the  Clyde  and  toward  Ireland.  What  sad  thoughts 
in  the  mind  of  Patrick  as  he  gazed  back  at  the 
high  rock  so  near  his  home  !  What  anger  toward 
the  pirates  !  But  he  afterward  saw  a  reason  for  it 
all ;  the  hand  of  God  was  laid  severely  upon  him 
to  correct  his  evil  ways.  "  I  was  taken  captive, 
when  I  was  nearly  sixteen  years  old.  I  knew  not 
the  true  God,  and  I  was  carried  in  captivity  to 
Ireland,  with  many  thousandsf  of  men,  according 
to  our  deserts,  because  we  had  gone  back  from 
God,  and  had  not  kept  his  commandments,  and 
were  not  obedient  to  our  priests,  who  used  to  warn 
us  for  our  salvation.  And  the  Lord  brought  upon 
us  the  wrath  of  his  displeasure,  and  scattered  us 

*Curachs,  no  doubt  made  of  wicker  and  covered  with  ox 
hides.  They  were  used  by  the  people  of  the  British  Isles 
long  after  the  Norwegians  showed  them  how  to  build  small 

f  Not  "  many  thousands"  in  his  company,  but  "  many  thous 
ands"  in  a  like  condition  of  bondage,  taken  a\v:iy  at  various 
times  and  to  various  countries.  We  read  of  British  captives  at 
Kome  in  the  sixth  century,  of  whom  Gregory  said,  "Non 
Angli,  sed  angeli." 


many  nations,  even  unto  the  ends  of  the 

Who  were  those  pirates?  Were  they  Irishman, 
led  by  Niall  of  the  Nine  Hostages?  This  daring 
corsair  roved  over  the  seas,  and  excelled  in  the 
plave-trade  before,  we  suppose,  Saint  Patrick  was 
1.  >rn.  Those  who  fix  his  birth  before  the  year  387 
attribute  the  capture  to  Niall,f  the  ancestor  of  the 
O'Neills,  and  "martial  hero  of  the  Irish."  Of 
him  an  ancient  poet  sin^s,  that  he, 

By  force  of  arms,  and  martial  skill, 
Subdued  tin-  r.-l.ds  who  opposed  his  right; 
And,  as  a  pledge  of  their  allegiance, 

lilirtl  livr  lio-t.i^i-s  of  noblr  blood; 
And,  to  >i-ciin-  tin-  homa^'  of  thr  Scots, 
II    iv.-i't  r.,n!iiu-d  four  hostages  of  note; 

•II'H  prince  the  ancient  records  cail 
Tlu-  Ili-ro  of  the  Nine  Hostag«i. 

On   one  of  his  excursions  for  plunder  he  was 

•-hut  with  an  am>\\  and  died  on  the  spot.      He  was 

crrtainly  j^n-at  nimi^li  t.»  carry  away  Sain  1   Patrick, 

wanting  at  tin-  time.      lim  lie  appears  not  to  have 
lived   long  enon-h    I'-T   >M«-h    a   dcod.      It    i.->    more 

»Conf.  I 'at 

\  Keating,  L:inigan,  D'Aubigiu',  Wilson. 


likely  that  the  captors  were  led  by  some  other 
chieftain.  When  the  Romans  were  ".eaving  the 
Clyde,  the  poor  Britons  were  at  the  mercy  of  their 
foes.  The  old  wall  was  no  defence.  On  neither 
side  of  the  line  did  the  gospel  of  peace  reign. 
The  Picts  shouted,  the  Britons  groaned,  and  the 
Irish  ran  in  and  took  the  spoils  and  the  prey. 

There  is  another  version  of  the  story  which 
merits  a  respectful  notice.  It  is,  that  the  capture 
was  made  in  Brittany,  in  the  North  of  France. 
Some  writers,  who  think  that  Saint  Patrick  was 
not  born  near  Boulogne,  suppose  that  his  parents 
left  the  Clyde  and  settled  on  the  coast  of  Gaul.* 
The  commentator  on  Fiacc's  Hymn  gives  the  legend 
thus  :  "  This  was  the  cause  of  the  servitude  of 
Patrick.  His  father,  mother,  brother  and  five 
sisters  all  went  from  the  Britons  of  Alcluaid,  across 
the  Iccian  sea  southward,  on  a  journey  to  the 
Britons  of  Letha.  .  .  .  Then  came  seven  sons 
of  Sectmaide,  king  of  Britain,  in  ships.  .  .  . 
and  they  made  great  plunder  on  the  Britons  of 
Armoric  Letha,  where  Patrick  with  his  family 
was,  and  they  wounded  Calpurnius  there,  and 
carried  off  Patrick  and  Lupait  [his  sister]  with 
them  to  Ireland,  and  sold  them." 
*  So  D'AubignS. 

SA  /A  7     PATRICK.  47 

Tin.-  Mo,-y  is  usually  supported  by  the  fact  that 
a  colony  of  Northern  Briton-  had  lately  settled  in 
Gaul,  giving  to  that  re^inn  the  name  of  Brittany, 
if  indeed  the  Brittani  had  not  dwelt  there  centuries 
before.  It  was  at  first  a  Roman  military  ml.  my, 
consisting  of  British  warriors.  "Thou'di  that 

*•*  O 

country  had  from  the  earliest  times,  by  descent, 
language  and  Druid  ism,  been  related  to  Britain, 
yet  the  now  colonists,  who  were  followed  by  many 
others,  both  male  and  female,  served  unqnestinn- 
ably  to  hind  more  elo.-ely  and  to  preserve  ihe  c,.n- 
ne<-ti(.n  between  Bretagne  and  the  Britons  of  Wales 
and  Cornwall.  .  .  .  But  Britain  was  thereby  de 
prived  of  her  luave-t  warriors,  and  thence  the  more 
easily  l.eeame  an  early  prey  to  foreign  invader-. 
.  I'iet-  and  Saxons  continued  to  trouble  it."* 
Thi-  mlnny  nii-ht  have  resisted  the  pirate-  more 
Mi-oniily  than  the  dwellers  on  the  Clyde.  If 
Patrick  had  been  there,  he  might  have  been  sal'.  •; 
it'  hi.-  parent-  w«iv  tiering  thither  for  -al'ety,  he  mav 
have  been  captured  nn  tie  way.  But  the  whole 
-tory  seenM  to  be  founded  in  the  wi-h  to  connect 
Saint  Patrick  with  the  limnans  and  the  Roman 

Hi~t.  ..!'    Ki^hii.i    uinK-r    tin- 
vol.  i.  |M..  ,  ;,.nl   Driui,^  vol.  ii. 

p.  72. 


Church.  The  better  authorities  do  not  support  it. 
The  second,  third  and  fourth  "  Lives"  in  Colgan's 
collection  make  Patrick  to  have  been  captured 
"near  Alcluaid,"  by  a  fleet  of  Irish  pirates. 
About  six  years  later  he  is  found  at  home  again 
with  his  parents  in  Britain,  a  country  named  as 
one  entirely  distinct  from  Gaul. 

In  the  Confession  there  is  not  a  word  to  show 
that  Saint  Patrick  had  brothers  and  sisters.  But 
on  this  subject  the  monks  seem  to  have  been  quite 
inventive,  placing  on  the  family  roll  of  Calpurnius 
a  list  of  descendants  long  enough  to  supply  two  or 
three  kingdoms  with  bishops,  priests,  monks  and 
nuns.  One  sister  was  carried  to  Ireland  and  became 
the  mother  of  seventeen  bishops  !  Another  counted 
among  her  sons  four  bishops  and  three  priests ;  she 
was  Limania,  whose  eldest  son  was  Sechnall,  a 
bishop,  and  the  youngest,  Lugna,  a  priest.  There 
was  perhaps  a  Sechnall  or  Secundinus,  who  wrote 
a  poem  upon  the  life  of  St.  Patrick,  one  of  the 
most  ancient  in  existence.  But  who  his  mother 
was  none  can  tell. 

A  few  years  since,  Dr.  George  Petrie  *  found  on 
the  "  Island  of  the  Religious  Foreigner,"  in  the 

*  Round  Towers  and  Ecclesiastical  Architecture  of  Ireland, 
by  George  Petrie,  p.  162 ;  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  365. 


county  of  Gal  way,  Ireland,  a  tomb-stone  whose 
date  ran  scarcely  be  later  than  the  beginning  of  the 
Mxth  century.  On  it  is  this  Celtic  inscription: 
Lie  L/ugnaedon  Macclmene — "  The  stone  of  Lugna, 
son  of  Linumia."  Perhaps  it  was  raised  over  the 
grave  of  a  nephew  of  Saint  Patrick.  He  may  have 
been  a  native  of  Britain,  gone  as  a  Culdee  mis 
sionary  to  Ireland,  had  his  cell  on  the  little  island, 
and  there  died  ;  \vhenrr  the  place  was  called  "the 
Isle  of  the  Religious  Foreigner."  For  this  there  is 
one  fossil  fact,  a  mere  name  on  a  gravestone,  which 
happens  to  agree  with  a  line  in  a  legend.  But  for 
the  real  wr  have  only  tiililrs,  and  Tillemont  was 
.-air  in  rejecting  them  all. 

The  small  boats  which  carried  the  young  Patrick 
and  his  companions,  with  a  weight  of  spoils,  would 
}><  likely  to  make  land  at  some  near  point.  Leav 
ing  tin-  Firth  of  the  Clyde,  a  straight  course  west 
would  .brini;  them  upon  the  Antrim  coast, just 
where  tradition  fixes  the  landing.  This  tends  to 
show  that  the  capture  was  not  in  Gaul,  but  at 
Aleluyd.  It  appear  that  Patrick  was  first  sold  to 
four  brothers.  Fiacc's  hymn  r\\i\<  : 

1 1     was  called  Cathraige, 
For  he  served  four  families."  * 

*  Latin  version  by  Colgan. 

50  SA  INT  PA  TRICK. 

One  of  these  brothers  is  said  to  have  been 
Milchu,  a  savage  master,  a  cruel  king  of  Dalaradia, 
and  a  Druid.  Not  liking  the  joint-stock  arrange 
ment,  and  greatly  pleased  with  the  faithfulness  of 
the  slave,  he  bought  the  shares  of  his  brothers  and 
became  sole  possessor.  Patrick  might  well  prefer 
to  serve  one  master  rather  than  four,  even  if  the 
one  was  a  tyrant. 

At  this  point  we  have  light  from  the  Confession. 
It  shows  that  Patrick  was  sent  daily  into  the  fields 
to  herd  cattle ;  that  he  watched  them  by  night,  in 
the  rain,  in  the  snows,  and  all  the  year  long,  and 
that  these  severe  trials  were  to  him  a  means  of 
grace.  He  remembered  happier  days.  He  thought 
upon  his  sins.  He  felt  that  he  was  far  from  Christ, 
the  true  home  of  his  soul.  He  recalled  the  teach 
ings  of  God's  servants,  and  the  lessons  learned  in 
his  father's  house.  The  seed  of  truth,  long  buried 
in  his  heart,  sprang  up  and  grew.  Not  in  vain 
had  he  been  devoted  to  the  Lord  in  his  infancy, 
and  taught  how  to  pray;  not  in  vain  were  his 
parents'  prayers  still  renewed  and  ascending  to  the 
Great  High  Priest,  who  was  touched  with  the  feel 
ing  of  their  infirmities  and  his  bitter  endurances. 

"  After  I  had  come  to  Ireland,"  he  says  in  the 
Confession,  "  I  was  employed  every  day  in  tending 


sheep ;  and  I  used  to  stay  in  the  woods  and  on  the 
mountain.  I  prayed  frequently.  The  love  and 
the  ii-ar  of  God  and  faith  increased  so  miieh.  and 
the  spirit  of  prayer  so  grew  within  me,  that  I  often 
prayed  an  hundred  times  in  the  day,  and  almost  as 
often  in  the  ni^ht.  1  frequently  rose  to  prayer  in 
the  \vonds  bell  .re  daylight,  in  snow,  and  frost,  and 
rain  ;  and  I  felt  no  evil,  nor  was  there  any  sloth 
in  me;  for,  as  I  now  see,  the  Spirit  was  burning 
within  me. 

"And  there  the  Lord  opened  my  unbelieving 
mind,  so  that,  even  late,  I  thought  of  my  sins,  and 
my  whole  heart  was  turned  to  the  Lord  my  God, 
who  looked  down  upon  my  low  condition,  had  pitv 
on  my  youth  and  ignoranee,  and  preserved  me 
before  J  knew  him,  and  before  I  knew  good  from 
evil,  and  guarded,  protected  and  cherished  me, 
as  a  father  would  a  son.  This  I  certainly  know, 
that  b«'t!.iv  (iod  humbled  me  I  wa-  like  a  stone 
lyiiiLT  di-rp  in  the  mire;  but  when  he  came,  who 
had  all  power  to  do  it,  he  raised  me  in  his 
Jin-rev  and  put  me  on  a  very  high  place.  Where- 
i;"v  I  miiM  notify  aloud,  in  nrd.-r  to  make  some 
return  to  the  Lord  for  such  grM  blessings,  in  time 
and  in  eternity,  which  no  human  rea-on  i-  able 
to  estimate." 


Such  was  the  experience  of  young  Patrick; 
religion  with  him  was  deep  heart-work.  Its 
power  came  from  the  Lord ;  the  Holy  Ghost  im 
parted  the  love  and  fear  of  God.  Such  was  his 
account  of  his  conversion,  written  in  his  old  age. 
How  he  remembered  those  first  convictions  of  sin 
and  helplessness,  the  earnestness  of  those  first 
prayers,  the  ardour  of  that  first  love,  and  all  that 
blessedness  !  He  drew  the  portrait  of  a  new  con 
vert  without  intending  it.  How  much  does  it 
reveal !  If  a  painting  by  Raphael  tells  us  the 
state  of  art  among  the  Italians  in  his  time,  does 
not  Saint  Patrick's  description  of  his  own  ex 
perience  tell  us  what  religion  was  held  to  be  in  his 
days  by  the  Irish  Christians  ?  It  was  not  ritual, 
but  spiritual ;  not  a  matter  of  forms,  but  of  faith ; 
not  penance,  but  repentance ;  not  saint-worship, 
but  the  grateful  adoration  of  God  ;  not  priest -work, 
but  heart-work  ;  not  a  mere  reform  of  the  conduct, 
but  a  regeneration  of  the  soul.  Surely  he  was 
never  the  man  that  thousands  of  his  adorers  be 
lieve  him  to  have  been !  That  portrait  would  never 
have  been  drawn  by  a  papist.  The  young  man 
whom  it  represented,  and  the  old  man  who  drew 
it,  were  the  same  Patrick;  and  surely  he  never 
believed  that  a  church  must  confer  the  salvation 


of  Christ — that  God's  grace  and  Spirit  must  come 
through  the  hands  of  a  priest!  To  what  confes 
sional  did  he  go  in  the  wilderness  but  that  only 
one  of  God,  the  mercy-seat,  the  throne  of  grace? 
That  was  ever  near  him  amid  the  rain,  the  snow, 
and  the  darkness.  To  whom  could  he  go  but  unto 
Him  who  had  the  words  of  eternal  life? 

"Such  words  as  these,"  says  D'Aubigne,  "from 
tin-  lips  of  a  swineherd*  in  the  green  pastures  of 
Ireland,  set  dearly  before  us  the  Christianity 
\vhieh  in  the  fourth  and  fifth  centuries  converted 
many  souls  in  the  British  Isles.  In  after  years 
Rome  e.-tabli.-hed  the  dominion  of  priests  :ind 
salvation  by  forms,  independently  of  the  disposi 
tions  <>f  the  heart;  but  the  primitive  religion  of 
these  celebrated  islands  was  that  living  ( 'liristianity 
whose  MI! Mane.-  is  the  grace  of  Jesus  Christ,  and 
whose  power  is  the  grace  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  The 
herd-man  from  the  banks  of  the  Clyde  was  then 
undeivinLT  those  experience-;  which  so  many 
evangelical  (  'hri.-tians  in  those  countries  have  since 
undergone.  Evangelical  faith,  even  then,  existed 
in  the  BritMi  Island-  in  the  pn^on  of  this  -lave, 
and  of  some  fc\v  (  'hri-t ians  b«»rn  again,  like  him, 
from  on  hi^h." 

*  Quoting  Ut«her:  porcoi  -rtU. 



IX  years  wore  away,  but  there  seemed  to  be 
no  promotion  for  Patrick.  Twenty-two 
years  of  age,  vigorous  and  enterprising,  he 
thought  of  being  something  else  than  a 
herdsman.  A  heavenly  Father's  correction  had 
wakened  him  from  his  sleep  of  death  to  a  higher 
life ;  the  great  Shepherd  had  a  nobler  work  for  him 
to  do.  He  began  to  have  dreams,  as  so  many  of 
God's  servants  have  had  in  all  ages,  wondering 
what  they  meant,  and  whether  a  divine  hand  and 
voice  were  in  them.  It  will  not  appear  strange  to 
most  Christians  that  several  of  his  dreams  are  re 
corded  in  the  Confession.  Those  who  choose  may 
treat  them  as  legends,  unworthy  of  credit;  he 
seems  to  have  thought  they  came  from  God. 

One  night,  as  he  tells  us,  he  seemed  to  hear  a 
voice  saying,  "Thy  fasting  is  well;  thou  shalt 
soon  return  to  thy  country."  He  waited,  watched, 
but  no  way  of  return  appeared.  Again  he  dreamed, 
and  the  sa.  ne  voice  said,  "  Behold,  the  ship  is 



ready  for  you."     But  he  was  told  that  it  was  far 
di-taut.*      Hi-    did    not    feel   bound   to  go   to   his 
master,  tell  him  all.  settle  up  :i Hairs,  shake  hands 
and   bid  him  farewell.     If  the  cruel  chief  found 
that  his  favourite  slave  was  missing  sonic  morning, 
he  must  make  the  best  of  it.     The   Lord  was  re 
covering  his  stolen   property.     *'I  took  to  flight," 
li<-  informs  us,  "ami  left  the  man  with  whom  1  had 
hem  for  six  years.     I   went  in   the   power  of  the 
Lord,  who  directed  my  way  for  good,  :ind  I   feared 
nothing  until  I  came  to  the  place  where  the  ship 
lay.     The  ship  was  then  clcarintr  "Ut,  and  I   asked 
for  a.   passage   in  her.     The  master  of  the  vessel 
became  angry  and  said,  "Do  not  pretend  to  come 
with  us."     On  hearing  this  1  retired,  lor  the  pur 
pose  of  going  to  the  cabin  where  I  had  been  re 
ceived  :i.~  a  jruest, t  and  while  going  thither  I  began 
to  pray.     But  before  I  had  finished   my  prayer,  I 
heard    one  of  the  men  crying  out  to  me,   "Come 
back  quickly,  for  these  men  are  calling  you."     I 

*  "Two  hundred  miles,"  is  ih«   present  reading  in  the  Book 

\rm:iKh.     liut  it  IB  supposed  to  be  an  error  of  the  tran- 

prrilwr.     The    scholiast  on    Place's    Hymn    has    it,    ''Sixty 

iniU-.s,  or,  as  others  says,  a  hundred/'  a  proof  thnt  tlu-re  were 

various  readings  or  traditions. — Todda  Si.  Patrick,  p.  367. 

f  Or  "  to  the  hut  where  I  used  to  dwell,"  at  the  risk  of  being 
ill-treated  by  his  master.  —  Tttlemont. 


returned  at  once.  They  said  to  me,  "  Come,  for  we 
receive  you  in  faith  ;  make  friends  with  us,  as  you 
please !" 

He  was  surprised  to  hear  them  speak  of  faith, 
for  he  saw  that  they  were  heathens,  but  he  hoped 
they  meant  to  say,  "  Come  in  the  faith  of  Jesus 
Christ,"  or  he  hoped  that  they  might  come  over  to 
the  faith  of  Christ.  He  went  with  them.  They 
were  three  days*  at  sea,  probably  making  for  the 
coast  of  Scotland.  The  sea  must  have  been  rough, 
the  course  lost,  the  harbour  missed  and  the  vessel 
driven  upon  some  desolate  shore.  For  twenty- 
eight  days  they  "  wandered  in  a  desert, ;"  a  region 
laid  waste  by  the  ravages  of  the  warlike  tribes,  or 
from  which  pirates  had  caused  the  natives  to  flee. 
They  ran  short  of  provisions.  Patrick  seems  to 
have  spoken  to  the  sailors  of  the  power  of  God,  of 
prayer  and  of  trust  in  his  providence.  Want 
would  impress  the  lesson. 

"  What  sayest  thou,  Christian  ?"  asked  the  leader 
of  the  party.  "  Thy  God  is  great  and  all-powerful. 
*  Dr.  Lanigan  brings  Patrick  from  Dalaradia,  full  two  hun 
dred  miles,  to  Bantry  Bay,  thence  in  three  days  to  the 
coast  of  Gaul.  He  gives  credit  to  a  story  that  the  fugitive  had 
been  seized  by  a  wild  Irishman  and  sold  to  certain  sailors  or 
merchants  of  Gaul.— Ecd.  Hist.,  i.  150.  The  legends  bandy 
him  about  as  a  slave  and  captive  most  wonderfully. 


Why,  then.  canst  thou  not  pray  to  him  for  us?  For 
we  perish  with  hunger,  and  can  find  here  no  in 

"  Turn  ye  in  faith  to  ray  Lord  God,  to  whom 
nothing  is  impossible,"  Patrick  replied,  "and  he 
will  send  you  food,  for  he  has  abundance  every 
where."  Soon  they  came  upon  a  herd  of  swine; 
they  slew,  ate,  rested  and  remained  in  that  place 
I'm-  two  nights.  "After  this,"  he  says,  M  they  gave 
thanks  to  God  and  I  was  honoured  in  their  eyes." 
When  some  wild  honey  was  found,  one  of  the 
.-a i lore  offered  Patrick  a  part  of  it,  saying,  "This 
is  an  offering,  thanks  to  God  !"  But  he  refused  it, 
suspecting  that  the  man  had  some  superstition-; 
notions  in  his  mind,  or  had  offered  it  to  a  heathen 

l^<  M  1  . 

The  same  night  an  event  occurred  which  he  could 
never  forget.  He  must  have  had  a  night -man-  : 
he  thought  it  a  temptation  of  Satan.  "  I  felt  a-  if 
a  great  stone  had  fallen  upon  me.  I  could  n«t 
move  a  limb.  How  it  came  into  my  mind  to  call 
out  Helia8  [or  Eli]  I  know  not  ;  but  at  that  mo 
ment  I  saw  the  >un  ri-inu  in  the  heaven-,  and 
whil.-t  I  cried  nut  //»•//'/*/  lliHnx!  with  all  my 
mi^ht,  lo,  the  brightness  of  the  -tin  fell  upon  me, 
and  straightway  removed  all  the  weight." 


This  has  been  considered  "  a  sufficient  proof"* 
that  in  his  earlier  days  Saint  Patrick  invoked  the 
saints.  But  it  is  no  proof  at  all.  Even  if  he 
called  upon  Elias,  he  says  that  he  knew  not  how  it 
came  into  his  mind.  It  was  something  unusual ; 
it  was  not  his  habit  in  youth  ;  he  could  not  explain 
how  it  happened  in  his  old  age.  Moreover,  Elias 
was  never  invoked  as  a  saint  in  the  Roman  Church 
before  the  fourteenth  century,  nor  in  the  Greek 
before  the  tenth.  In  some  of  the  more  ancient 
"  Lives"  the  word  is  not  "  Helias"  but  "  Eli."  It 
may  have  stood  thus  in  the  original  copy  of  the 
Confession,  as  Dr.  Todd  suggests.f 

But  what  did  Patrick  mean  by  «  Eli  ?"  If  he 
knew  the  gospels,  he  must  have  remembered  the 
Saviour's  loud  cry,  when  on  the  cross.  Without 
knowing  what  it  meant,  he  may  have  used  it  in 
his  strange  distress.  But  the  name  Eli,  "  my  God," 
was  sometimes  applied  to  Christ  in  the  early 
centuries,  as  in  the  hymn  of  Hilary  of  Poictiers. 
Patrick  might  have  heard  it  thus  used  before  he  was 
a  captive.  When  in  trouble  he  may  have  uttered  it; 
he  "  knew  not  how  it  came  into  his  mind."  He 
was  not  accustomed  to  invoke  God  by  that  name  in 

*Lanigan,  Carew. 

fTodd's  St.  Patrick,  pp.  370-373. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  59 

his  prayers.  No  miracle  is  described.  He  cried 
aloud,  and  just  then  the  sun  was  i-Mnir.  The  spell 
WBI  Lr"iic.  But  he  long  afterward  believed  that 
(i<.d  flowed  him  men y  at  that  time.  No  saiut 
had  helped  him.  He  says,  "I  am  persuaded  that 
J  was  relieved  by  Chri.-t  my  Lord,  and  that  his 
Spirit  t  hen  cried  out  for  me,  and  I  tru.-t  it  maybe 
so  in  the  day  of  my  trouble,  for  the  Lord  saith  in 
the  gospel,  '  It  is  not  ye  that  speak,  but  the  Spirit 
of  your  Father,  which  speaketh  in  you  !"*  When 
he  was  so  nearly  a>lecp,  and  BO  benumbed  that  he 
did  not  think  of  calling  upon  his  God,  the  Spirit 
prompted  him  to  pray.  This  may  he  his  meaning. 
\\V  have  dwelt  upon  this,  because  it  is  the  only 
instance  in  the  ( 'mill >H <>n  which  can  be  wrested  to 
MijijM.rt  the  invocation  of  the  .-a into. 

For  sixty  da\>  Patrick  \\andered  about  with  the 
sailors.  This  gave  rise  to  the  story  of  a  second 
captivity  ;f  perhaps  he  so  regarded  it.  It  is 
evident  that  lie  jrrew  weary  of  his  company,  for  he 
says  that  on  the  sixtieth  ni^ht  (after  leaving  his 

•Matthew  x.  20. 

f  I'P.I.II-.  tin-  HnlhiiMli-ts,  ami  others.  Neander  repre 
sent*  him  a>  carried  away  again  from  hi«  home  by  pirates, 
and  "after  sixty  days"  restored  to  liUrty. — Mem.  Ch.  Life,  p. 


master,  probably)  "the  Lord  delivered  me  from 
their  hands."  The  accounts  of  his  wanderings  on 
the  French  coasts,,  con  verting  the  mariners,  going 
home  with  them  and  converting  their  countrymen, 
travelling  about  in  Europe  and  ever  drifting 
Homeward,  have  not  a  shadow  of  foundation  in 
the  Confession.  It  goes  on  to  say  :  "  After  a  few 
years  [of  absence  in  captivity]  I  was  again  with 
my  parents  in  Britain,*  who  received  me  as  a  son, 
and  earnestly  besought  me  never  to  leave  them 
again,  after  having  endured  such  great  tribula 

The  Clyde,  the  great  rock,  the  few  lingering 
Roman  soldiers — and  the  home  of  his  youth  had  no 
longer  any  power  to  retain  him  in  his  native  land. 
To  prove  himself  a  real  Succath,  "  strong  in  war," 
and  make  himself  a  captain  fearful  in  Pictish  eyes, 
was  not  to  his  mind.  He  had  other  thoughts. 
Loving  them  still,  he  could  leave  father  and 
mother  for  the  sake  of  Christ.  When  he  slept  he 
saw  Ireland  in  visions,  and  heard  the  voices  of  its 
youth  calling  upon  him  to  hasten  and  help  them. 
Of  his  dream  he  says,  "  In  the  dead  of  night  I 
saw  a  man  coming  to  me  as  if  from  Ireland,  whose 

f  Brittaniis.     Villanueva  reads,    "  Britannia."     Bede   used 
the  plural  form,  for  Britain  was  divided  into  several  parts. 


name  was  Victor,*  bearing  innumerable  epistles. 
And  he  gave  me  one  of  them,  and  I  read  the  be 
ginning  of  it,  which  contained  the  words,  'The 
voice  of  the  Irish.'  And  while  repeating  them,  I 
imagined  that  I  heard  in  my  mind  the  voice  of 
those  who  were  near  the  wood  of  Foclut,  which  is 
near  the  Western  Sea.  Thus  they  cried,  'We 
pray  thee,  holy  youth,  to  come  and  henceforth  walk 
among  us.'  I  was  pierced  in  heart,  and  could 
read  no  more;  and  so  I  awoke.  Thanks  be  to 
God,  that  after  very  many  years  the  Lord  granted 
unto  them  the  blessing  for  which  they  cried  ! 

"  Again  on  another  night — I  know  not,  God 
knoweth,  whether  it  was  within  me  or  near  me,  I 
heard  distinctly  words  which  I  could  not  under 
stand,  except  these  at  the  close :  '  He  who  gave  his 
life  for  thee  is  he  who  speaketh  in  thee.'  And  so 
1  ;i\voke  rejoicing."  In  some  of  his  dreams  he 
was  led  to  recall  such  texts  of  Scripture  as  these : 
"The  Spirit  helpeth  our  infirmities."  "Christ, 
who  maketh  intercession  for  us."  If  such  was  the 
effect  of  his  dreaming,  it  was  not  in  vain.  There 

*  This  man  Victor  is  called  an  angel  in  the  "  Lives"  written 
by  Saint  Patrick's  adorers.  The  name  is  given  to  his  supposed 
guardian  angel.  What  he  relates  aa  a  dream  they  represent 
as  a  reality.  What  he  "  imagined"  they  make  miraculous. 


is  nothing  here  absurd.  All  is  quite  consistent 
with  the  feelings  of  a  man  who  is  enthusiastic 
and  eager  to  tell  the  good  news  of  salvation  to  a 
barbarous  people.  We  should  not  forget  his  object 
in  telling  these  dreams.  It  was  to  show  that  he 
did  not  assume  the  ministry  of  his  own  accord. 
He  was  not  sent  by  men.  He  felt  that  he  was 
called  of  God.  If  he  thought  that  his  call  was 
supernatural,  and  that  there  was  something  more 
than  imagination  in  his  visions,  it  was  only  what 
many  other  excellent  men  have  thought  concerning 
their  own  dreams.  Rightly  or  wrongly,  he  took 
them  as  signs  that  he  was  commissioned  by  the 
Lord  to  preach  the  gospel  in  Ireland. 

Is  it  at  all  likely  that  he  spent  thirty-five  years 
in  studies  and  travels  before  returning  to  Ireland  ? 
Is  it  likely  that  he  waited  until  he  was  sixty  years 
of  age  before  preaching  anywhere  ?  Did  he  roam 
about  from  the  year  395  to  the  year  432,  now 
studying  with  Martin  of  Tours,  now  at  the  re 
nowned  monastery  at  Lerins,  and  again  at  Rome  ? 
And  all  this  time  dreaming  of  Ireland,  and  think 
ing  that  God  was  calling  him  to  the  work?  It 
can  hardly  be  credited.  But  we  may  well  sup 
pose  that  he  studied  for  several  years  in  the  best 
school  that  he  could  afford. 



Y  (I  HILE  Patrick  is  preparing  for  his  work  in 

I  Ireland,  let  us  see  how  far  the  field  ia  pre- 
pared  for  him.  We  shall  thus  understand 

&  that  some  efforts  of  his  predecessors  were 
afterward  ascribed  to  him  in  order  to  increase  his 

It  is,  to  this  day,  the  boast  of  every  true  Irish 
man  that  Erin  was  never  invaded  by  the  Romans 
— the  Caesars  gained  no  footing  there.  Its  brave, 
warlike,  hospitable,  high-minded  people  detested 
the  idea  of  being  a  mere  province  of  the  great 
empire.  They  appear  to  have  sent  boat-loads  of 
heroes  across  the  Channel  to  aid  their  brethren,  the 
Scots,  against  the  foreign  army  on  the  Clyde. 
Hating  Roman  soldiers,  woul< I  they  love  Roman 
missionaries?  It  nii^lit  have  been  hard  for  even  a 
Briton  to  gain  a  hearing  among  them. 

Who  first  taught  i  1  in  Ireland  has  never 

been  shown  to  the  people  of  our  days.  It  may  be 
putt  ing  the  case  too  boldly  to  say  that  "  the  Church 


of  Lyons  and  that  of  Ireland  were  both  founded 
by  Greeks,  and  the  Scotch  and  Irish  clergy  long 
spoke  no  other  tongue.'7*  O'Halloran,  a  Romanist, 
says :  "  I  strongly  suspect  that  by  Asiatic  or 
African  missionaries,  or  through  them  by  Spanish 
ones,  were  our  ancestors  instructed  in  Christianity, 
because  they  rigidly  adhered  to  their  customs  as  to 
tonsure  and  the  time  of  Easter.  Certain  it  is  that 
Patrick  found  a  hierarchy  established  in  Ireland." 
As  to  the  "  hierarchy"  there  is  no  evidence.  The 
very  notion  of  one,  before  Patrick,  is  stoutly  op 
posed  by  other  Roman  Catholic  historians.  "  It  is 
certain,"  says  Father  Brenan,  "that  there  was 
neither  a  hierarchy  nor  a  Christian  bishop  in 
Ireland  antecedent  to  the  period  of  which  we  are 
treating  (431),  although  it  is  highly  probable  that 
the  natives,  in  many  parts  of  the  island,  were 
by  no  means  unacquainted  with  the  Christian 
religion."  f 

No  doubt  at  an  early  day  there  were  in  the 
southern  part  of  Ireland  "some  few  Christian 
families,  separated  from  each  other,  and  probably 
ignorant  of  each  other's  existence.  ...  It  cannot 
be  denied  that  the  traditions  of  Irish  Church 

*  Michelet,  Hist,  of  France,  ch.  iii. 
f  Brenan's  Eccl.  Hist,  of  Ireland,  ch.  i. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  65 

history  speak  of  isolated  congregations  of  Chris 
tians  in  Ireland  before  the  arrival  of  Patrick."* 
They  are  to  be  counted  among  "  the  Scots  believ 
ing  on  Christ"  before  Pal  hid  ins  was  sent  to  them 
as  their  '"first  l>i-hop,"  as  a  bishop  was  then  held 
to  be  at  Komc.  The  case  will  be  cleared  if  we 
assume  that  their  teachers  and  ministers  were 
Culdce- — that  in  many  a  quiet  place  was  a  cell, 
and  the  simple-hearted  people  gathered  to  hear  the 
Word  and  \vorship  God. 

The  affairs  of  "  the  infant  Church"  of  Ireland 
began  to  be  talked  of  at  Rome,  where  Celestine 
was  chit-f  bishop,  and  the  error  was  gaining 
strength  that  he  was  the  high  pontiff  of  all  the 
churchc.-  in  the  world.  The  Christians  of  Ireland 
ought  to  acknowledge  him  as  "the  holy  lather" 
and  pope!  W hat  a  blessing  to  them,  if  they  only 
knew  it!  The  Lr,,.p(.l  mill-lit  l»ewith  them,  but  the 
order-  of  clergy  wen-  wanting.  They  might  have 
Clm-i,  but  they  had  not  the  Church  in  its  latest 
and  most  improved  form.  They  had  followed  the 
simple  apM-tle-,  but  were  far  behind  the  wise 
fathers.  They  mi^ht  have  presbyters,  but  they  had 
no  high  prelate — riot  even  "a  bishop  J" 

Celestine  wa-  m->ved  "  by  the  increasing  number 
*T.  '  .Mi«k,  pp.  189,221. 


of  Christians  there,"*  to  act  as  a  father  toward 
"the  infant  Church"  of  the  remote  island.  He 
would  knit  ties  between  it  and  the  Church  of  Rome. 
Those  artless  Christians  should  have  all  the  benefit 
of  the  improvements  invented  by  men,  who  saw 
in  the  great  Roman  empire  their  model  for  Chris 
tendom,  and  who  constructed  offices  in  the  Church 
to  correspond  with  the  offices  in  the  State.  They 
should  have  a  bishop,  a  sort  of  church  pro-consul, 
or  resident  legate — one  who  would  not  merely  look 
after  the  sheep,  but  hold  a  general  rule  over  the 
shepherds.  He  cast  his  eye  about  on  his  clergy  to 
find  a  proper  man.  He  wished  to  send  him,  not  to 
the  heathen  Irish,  but  to  "  the  Scotsf  believing  on 
Christ,"  and  yet,  "  whose  faith  was  not  right ;"  not 
to  be  a  missionary,  but  a  ruler;  not  merely  to 
preach,  but  to  use  power;  not  to  convert  the 
ignorant  so  much  as  to  confirm  the  believers  in  the 
gospel  according  to  Rome ;  not  to  bring  the  pagans 
unto  Christ,  so  much  as  to  bring  Christians  under 
the  Roman  Church. 

Among  the  men  of  promise  and  zeal  was  Pal- 

*  Moore's  Hist.  Ireland,  p.  209. 

f  The  Scots  of  Ireland  as  well  as  of  Scotland.  Thackeray 
supposes  that  Patrick  requested  Celestine  to  send  a  bishop  to 
Ireland. — Anc.  Brit.  ii.  166. 

.v.i  /.v  y  y.i  y/;/'  K.  67 

lad i us.  There  is  small  proof  that  he  was  a  native 
of  Britain  and  a  deacon  of  the  Church  of  Rome. 
It  seems  clearer  that  he  was  quite  sound  in  doctrine, 
holding  with  Aujru-tine  tin  ^reat  truths  of  man's 
native  depravity,  inability  to  save  himself  ami  need 
of  Christ's  atonement  and  power.  He  was  grieved 
to  see  the  errors  of  IVhiirins  taking  root  in  the 
British  Isles — errors  growing  out  of  the  denial  of 
man's  sinfulness  by  nature,  and  leading  fallen 
sinners  to  think  that  they  could  save  themselves  by 
their  own  moral  works.  He  wished  some  strong 
defender  of  the  faith  to  be  sent  to  Britain,  in 
answer  to  a  loud  call  from  that  quarter  for  the  aid 
of  some  defender  of  the  truth.  Perhaps  he  had 
some  part  in  ><  ndin^  Gcrmanus  in  his  own  stead, 
t<»  displace  the  heretics  and  direct  the  Britons  to 
the  Catholic  faith."*  Perhaps  it  was  he  who  told 
Celestinr  aUo  of  the  believers  in  Ireland  "  wlio-r 
faith  was  not  right."  Their  error,  however,  was 
not  iVla-jiani-m. 

Hen-  wa>  tlic  man  to  place  over  tin-  < 'hri-tian> 
of  In-hind.  lit-  w:i.-  rui-ed  to  a  bi.-hop,  and  \.\). 
431  .-em  forth  by  Celeetiiu  ,t  with  a  -oodly  array 

*  I'rospi-r's  ('hroniclt  .       I  '--!>.  r'-   1 :  .',ti«|. 

f  "  France  wan  probably  I  lie  country  iVnin  wliicb  I'.illadiiH 
and  lii>  companiong  came;  and  tin-  mi-ion  to  Ireland.  ..!' 


of  attendants.  He  went  thinking  that  those 
"  believers  greatly  needed  the  unity  which  a  bishop 
alone  could  give  them."  Of  course  some  of  the 
Romish  historians  relate  that  Patrick  was  chosen 
to  attend  Palladius.  Of  course  they  represent  the 
bishop  as  carrying  with  him,  not  only  a  copy  of  the 
Sacred  Scriptures,  but  also  "  a  portion  of  the  relics 
of  St.  Peter  and  St.  Paul !" 

Palladius  thus  appears  as  "  an  emissary  of  the 
Roman  See,  whose  object  was  to  organize  Chris 
tianity  among  the  Scots  of  Ireland  and  Scotland, 
in  accordance  with  what  was  then  the  Roman 
model.  The  civil  power  of  Rome  being  on  the 
wane,  the  ecclesiastical  power  began  to  rise  on  its 
ruins,  and  there  may  have  been  no  little  connection 
between  the  two  processes ;  the  loss  of  one  species 
of  power  may  have  helped  an  ambitious  people, 
accustomed  to  universal  dominion,  to  seek  after  the 
establishment  of  another."* 

On  the  Wicklow  coast  he  landed,  but  he  was 
not  well  received.  Why  not?  An  old  Irish 
chronicler  says  of  him  :  "  He  was  sent  to  convert 

which  he  was  the  head,  although  sanctioned  by  the  See  of 
Rome,  was  in  reality  projected  and  sent  forth  by  the  Gallican 
Church."— Todds  St.  Patrick,  p.  280. 
*  McLauchlan,  Early  Scot.  Ch.  p.  88. 


this  island,  lying  under  wintry  cold,  but  God 
hindered  him,  for  no  man  can  receive  anything 
from  earth  unless  it  be  given  him  from  heaven ; 
for  neither  did  those  fierce  and  savage  men  receive 
his  doctrine  readily,  nor  did  he  himself  wish  to 
spend  time  in  a  land  not  his  own." 

It  appears  that  he  began  to  preach  "in  the 
country  of  the  Hy  Garchon,"  but  their  prince, 
Nathi,  took  offence,  and  ordered  him  to  leave. 
Palladius  had  not  the  zeal  needed  to  force  his 
opinions  and  make  converts,  nor  the  courage  of 
which  heroes  and  martyrs  are  made,  or  he  had  such 
tenderness  toward  the  native  Christians  that  he  did 
not  wish  to  bring  trouble  upon  them.  Some  tell 
us  that  he  was  driven  back  by  the  violence  of  the 
barbarians  ;  others,  that  "  he  paraded  his  authority 
before  the  Christians  and  pagans  of  the  island,  and 
excited  the  opposition  of  both ;  and  after  vain  efforts 
to  subdue  them  to  the  authority  of  his  master  on 
the  Tiber,  he  was  compelled  to  abandon  his  design 
and  flee  the  country."*  The  enmity  of  a  heathen 
chieftain  may  have  been  one  cause  of  th<>  failure. 
"  But  the  Roman  missionary  might  also  have  to 
thank  hi-  own  uncompromising  opposition  to  the 
pn;jtnlir«'s  of  tho-r  Christian  communities,  who  are 
*  Ireland  and  the  Irish.  By  Kirwan,  N.  T.  Observer,  1865. 


mentioned  as  the  sole  object  of  this  visit,  and  whose 
co-operation,  undoubtedly,  was  necessary  for  the  suc 
cess  of  any  endeavours  to  Christianize  their  pagan 
neighbours."*  These  artless  followers  of  Christ  did 
not  want  such  a  bishop  over  them.  They  let  him 
know  it,  and  regarded  it  as  sheer  impertinence  for 
him  or  his  master  to  interfere  with  their  simple 
rites  and  their  independence.  The  tradition  is, 
that  he  founded  three  small  churches  in  Ireland, 
in  one  of  which  he  placed  the  "  relics  of  the 
apostles"  that  he  had  carried  with  him ! 

It  is  curious  to  find  the  name  Patricius,  or 
Patrick,  given  to  him  by  some  of  the  oldest  Irish 
writers.  He  was  thus  called  in  Ireland  for 
centuries.  It  is  an  important  fact.  It  has  caused 
very  much  of  the  confusion  in  the  accounts  of 
Saint  Patrick.  Events  in  the  life  of  the  one  have 
been  carried  over  into  the  life  of  the  other,  thus 
robbing  Palladius  to  pay  Patrick.  This  will 
furnish  us  with  a  key  to  certain  legends  soon  to  be 
noticed.  Palladius  did  not  go  back  in  despair  the 
way  whence  he  came.  There  were  other  "  Scots 
believing  in  Christ"  to  be  visited.  An  ancient 
writer  tells  us  that  on  leaving  the  people  who  had 
rejected  him,  "  he  was  forced  to  go  round  the  coast 
*  Soames'  Latin  Church  in  Anglo-Saxon  Times,  p.  53. 


of  Ireland  toward  the  north,  until,  driven  by  a 
great  tempest,  he  reached  the  extreme  part  of 
3Iodltni<  I  It  [M  earns?],  toward  the  south,  where  he 
founded  the  church  of  Fordoun,  and  Pledi  is  his 
name  there."  But  Fordoun  is  not  in  the  south  of 
Scotland  ;  it  is  in  the  north-east,  not  far  from  Aber 
deen.  Nor  is  it  in  the  ancient  land  of  the  Scots, 
but  in  that  of  the  Picts,  where  a  Roman  camp  had 
been  established.  Did  the  Scots  refuse  to  accept 
him  as  their  bishop  ?  Did  he  then  go  among  the 
Picts  and  found  a  church?  Did  he  there  lay  aside 
his  official  dignities  and  work  as  a  missionary? 
His  name  seems  to  have  become  somewhat  popular 
at  that  place.  The  church  and  a  neighbouring  well 
were  dedicated  to  him.  He  may  have  proved 
himself  an  enterprising  man,  devoting  his  energies 
to  the  good  of  the  people,  in  temporal  matters  as  well 
us  spiritual.  To  this  day  in  that  town  an  annual 
inurket  is  called  Palladie's  fair,  or  "  Pady  fair,  after 
Palladiu-  himself."*  This  goes  to  show  that  he  lived 
there  for  year-,  rather  than  u  lew  months.  To  make 
the  end  of  his  mission  suit  the  beginning  of  Saint 
Patrick'-,  it  has  been  usual  to  fix  his  deatli  at 
March  16,  432,  not  perhaps  a  year  after  his  lir>t 
landing  in  Ireland.  This  looks  like  shortening  his 

*  Anc.  Ch.  Scot,  in  S|..,ttiswoode  Miscellany,  j. 


ministry  for  the  express  benefit  of  the  "  apostle  of 
Ireland."  The  story  that  "  he  was  crowned  with 
martyrdom"  may  be  only  a  smoother  way  of  saying 
that  foul  work  was  made  with  the  facts  of  his  life. 
More  sacredly  is  his  life  treated  by  the  Scottish 
traditions.  Longer  space  is  given  to  it.  There 
was  no  temptation  to  shorten  his  days  and  erase 
his  deeds.  He  seems  to  have  had  some  disciples, 
who  became  eminent  missionaries.  One  of  them 
was  Servanus.  The  story*  is  that  he  was  a  native 
Scot,  "  lived  according  to  the  forms  and  rites  of  the 
primitive  Church"  until  the  coming  of  Palladium. 
'•  The  holy  Servanus"  was  attracted  to  the  new 
bishop;!  he  received  instruction;  he  aided  in 
teaching  the  people  "the  orthodox  faith,"  and  the 
right  form  of  the  Church ;  he  taught  the  Christian 
law  to  the  clergy;  and  Palladius  raised  him  to  the 
dignity  of  a  bishop.  All  this  could  not  well  have 
been  done  in  a  few  weeks  or  months.  The  date  is 
supposed  to  be  440.  If  Servanus  founded  the  in 
stitution  on  the  little  isle  of  Loch  Levin,  as  has 

*  In  the  Breviary  of  Aberdeen.  It  is  Romish  authority, 
and  favours  the.  Culdee  theory. 

f  "  Scotland  had  never  before  seen  a  bishop,  and  was  in  a 
state  of  extreme  barbarism."  Milner,  Ch.  Hist.  Cent.  V.  ch.  xi. 
The  want  of  such  bishops  was  hardly  the  cause  or  the  proof 
of  the  alleged  barbarity. 


been  claimed  for  ages,  he  would  seem  not  to  have 
departed  very  far  from  the  Culdee  -y-tem.  He 
still  had  his  inland  cell.  There  urn^-  upaCuldee 
establishment,  which  stoutly  re-i-ted  the  advances 
of  Koine  until  the  twelfth  ceiiturv. 

Another  dix-iple-  vw  Tcrnanu-.  a  Boot  hv  birth, 
of  noble  blood,  and  l.apti/ed  l,y  Palladin-.  "If 
it  l.e  tree  that  he  l.apti/ed  Ternanns  when  a  child, 
M  i:  «  >;>i'l  !»«•  did,  and  ordained  him  at  last 
bishop  of  the  Piets,  he  must  have  lived  a  good 
while;  and  indeed  Polydore  Virgil,  in  his  history 
of  Kn-land,  l.rin-s  him  down  to  the  reiirn  of  (  !on- 
stantine.  .  .  .  in  the  year  457."*  Jf  Ternanus 
was  hapti/ed  in  adult  age,  and  made  a  bishop 
within  a  \\-\\  month-  after  Palladius  came,  the  one 
miiM  have  IM  en  a  good  and  wise  Christian  for  years, 
or  the  other  a  very  poor  and  imprudent  overseer 
of  the  Church.  This  ordination  must  have  taken 
place  at  a  rnnch  later  day  than  432,  when  th<-,. 
who  -lorily  Saint  Patrick  hasten  Saint  Palladius 
into  hi-  grave.  Tln-e  aceonnts  had  us  to  l.elieve 
that  Palladia  lived  and  laboured  MWft]  JFCMI  in 
•ind,  and  died  at  I-'ord..iin,  \vlirrc  hi-  tomb  ffftf 
ritl.-d  at  a  lain-  day,  and  hi-  relic-  pre-erved  until 

'•'•Haiiy,  I        '          :,,!,;,.  c,,iv«TM-ll.- 
.'h  :«t    \.   I  ' 


the  time  of  the  Reformation.*  True,  these  rre 
traditions ;  they  are  found  in  records  of  the  Middle 
Ages ;  hut  they  are  quite  as  well  founded  as  the 
story  about  Saint's  Patrick's  commission  from 
Home  to  succeed  the  deceased  Palladius.  There  is 
more  reason  to  believe  that  Palladius  lived  beyond 
the  year  432  than  that  Patrick  took  up  his  com 
mission  in  the  same  year,  and  went  as  "  the  second 
bishop"  to  the  Scots  in  Ireland.  There  is  not  the 
slightest  evidence  that  the  death  of  the  one  had 
any  connection  with  the  mission  of  the  other. 

What  if  Palladius  did  not  die  in  432?  What 
if  Celestine  did?  The  latter  could  not  appoint 
Saint  Patrick  as  the  successor  of  the  former.  It 
is  worthy  of  notice  that  Celestine  is  the  only 
Roman  bishop  who  is  said  to  have  given  his  sanc 
tion  to  the  missionary. 

*  Ussher,  Brit.  Eccl.  Antiq.  cap.  xvi.,  Spott.  Miss.  466. 



UK    tares   of  fable  arc  not  to  be  bound  up 
IJ       with    the    wheat    of  history.       To   set  forth 
.,    t  IK-    true  Saint  Patrick   from  the   fabulous, 
^G>     we  notice  some  of  the   mavellous  talcs   that 
have    b.-en    told    of    him.      None    of   them    were 
written     duriii-.:     hi-    time:     they    were     inventnl 
after  he   ha«l    been   several   hundred  years   in    his 
grave.      Hi-    Ilomi.-h    biographers   ol'  this  day  are 
<juite   a.-hamed    to    repeat    the   most    ridiculous  of 
them.      lint  yet    they  nivo  us  the  thread    on  which 
they  arc    M rung,  and    <"dl  it  history.     By  sifting  a 
few  of  the  legends  we  may  the  better  know  the  real 
man  from  the  myth  ol'  the  monk-. 

The  -urn  of  the-.-  It-end-  i-  a-  follow.-  :  AfhT 
Patrick  had  re<-»  ived  the  vi-ion  of  an  an^'-l  calling 
him  to  Ireland,  he  went  to  (  irrmamis  fur  advicr. 
(irrmatin-  had  been  a  lawyer,  a  soldin-  and  a 
military  commander,  fluid  of  rough  life,  a  noted 
hunter,  and  aceiM.'ined  to  -lay  wild  bea-ts  and 
their  head-  on  a  tree  in  the  public  .-(jiiar 


Auxerre.  It  was -a  heathen  custom.  It  displeased 
the  bishop,  Amator,  who  had  the  tree  cut  down, 
and  for  this  was  driven  from  the  town  by  the  com 
mander.  But  it  was  revealed  to  Amator  that  his 
enemy  should  one  day  become  bishop  of  Auxerre. 
This  was  coming  to  pass,  and  Germanus  was  a  lay 
man  in  the  Church  and  a  general  in  the  army  when 
Patrick  visited  him  on  the  banks  of  the  Yonne  in 
the  heart  of  France.  There  he  studied  four  years ; 
some  say  thirty  !  Fiacc  says  of  Patrick, 

"  He  traversed  the  whole  of  Albion, 
He  crossed  the  sea — it  was  a  happy  voyage ; 
He  took  up  his  abode  with  Germanus, 
Far  away  to  the  south  of  America," 

Then  he  went  to  Tours,  where  he  passed  four 
years  with  Martin,  the  bishop,  who  is  represented 
as  his  uncle  on  the  mother's  side.  It  was  im 
portant  to  connect  him  with  this  great  man  in  the 
Western  Church,  who  did  so  much  to  advance  the 
claims  and  the  glory  of  Rome.  There  his  head 
was  shorn  ;  the  tonsure  marked  him  as  one  of  the 
lower  clergy.  Then  he  grew  wise  in  "  church  dis 
cipline,"  and  learned  to  convert  flesh  into  fish ! 

His  guardian-angel  does  not  lose  sight  of  him. 
He  commands  the  young  Patrick  to  pass  some  time 
with  "the  people  of  God,"  that  is,  the  barefoot 


hermit-  in  -ome  retired  corner  of  the  world,  which 
thev  thoii-ht  wa- <|iiite  out  of  it.  With  them  he 
li  liters  eii:hi  year-,  and  becomes  a  quite  passable 
monk.  Thence  he  is  sent  by  the  angel  to  visit 
certain  islander-  in  t lie  "  Tyrrhene  Sea."  He  find- 
three  other  Patricks  in  a  solitary  cave,  and  a-k- 
leave  to  dwell  with  them.  They  an.-wer  that  he 
cannot  unle--  he  will  draw  water  from  a  certain 
fountain  which  is  guarded  by  a  very  savage  wild 
beast.  He  agrees  to  this.  He  goes  to  the  fountain. 
The  ravenous  beast  sees  him;  give-  rignfl  «»f  ^nat 
joy,  and  becomes  u  <|iiite  tame  and  gentle."  Patrick 
draws  the  water  and  return-  with  a  ble.-.-iiiM;.  The 
four  Patrick-  dwell  tn^-eilier  for  nine  years.*  Per 
haps  the  Roman  i-t-  ln>t  the  true  one  there,  and 
liave  followed  the  wronu'  one  in  the  various  rambles 
which  they  record!  The  more  sober  version  of 
this  part  of  the  -tory  is  that  Patrick  the  r,ritoii 
studied  for  Some  time  in  the  celebrated  niona-tcry 
at  Lei-ins,  to  which  he  was  >ent  by  LUJMI-,  the 

bi-hoj.   ,,|'   Troyes.f 

A-ain    the    aiiirrl    aj>|»ears,   >ayin«r,    "Go    to    St. 

Senior,  a  bi.-lmp  wlm  i-  in  Mount  llenimn,  on  the 
SOUtli  -idc  «.!'  the  oc.-an,  and  hi-  city  i-  tortilird 

*  Vita  'lYrtia,  in  ( lol 

i.atin  (  Inn.  li  ;  Caivw,  Ki-rl.  Hi.-t.  Ir»-l:iiul. 


with  seven  walls."  He  understands  better  than  we 
do  the  angel's  geography.  He  goes,  for  nothing  is 
easier  than  for  him  to  travel  great  distances.  Here 
he  is  ordained  a  priest.  Here  come  to  him  the 
voices  of  the  children  in  Ireland,  entreating  him  to 
hasten  and  teach  them.  "  Go  to  Ireland"  is  the 
angel's  command. 

"  I  cannot,"  he  replied,  "  because  bad  men  dwell 

"  Go,"  is  the  word  again. 

"  I  cannot  unless  I  see  the  Lord."  Patrick  goes 
forth  with  nine  men,  and  sees  the  Lord,  who  takes 
him  to  his  right  hand  and  declares  to  him, 

"  Go  thou  to  Ireland,  and  there  preach  the  word 
of  eternal  life." 

"  I  ask  of  thee  three  petitions,"  answered 
Patrick — "that  the  men  of  Ireland  be  rich  in  gold 
and  silver ;  that  I  may  be  their  patron ;  and  that, 
after  this  life,  I  may  sit  on  thy  right  hand  in 
heaven."  (Surely  this  is  not  our  Patrick !) 

"  Patrick,  thou  shalt  have  what  thou  hast  asked  ; 
and,  moreover,  whosoever  shall  commemorate  thee 
by  day  or  by  night  shall  not  perish  for  ever." 

He  then  goes  to  Ireland  as  a  priest.  But  the 
people  refuse  to  listen  to  him,  for  he  has  no  com 
mission  from  Rome.  It  is  not  enough  that  the 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  79 

Lord  ha-  -cut  him.  He  mu>t  have  a  different  au 
thority.  Not  Heaven,  but  Rome,  must  send  him, 
IM -fore  he  can  have  any  -necos  !  Hr  -u-pects  the 
cause  of  his  defeat,  and  pray-  t«»  the  Lord: 
"Who  did-t  i:iiide  my  path  through  the  ( lauls  and 
Italy  unto  these  islands,  lead  me,  I  beseech  thee, 
to  the  holy  B66  of  the  Roman  ( 'hureh,  that  I  niav 
thence  reeeive  ;inthurity  to  preaeh  thy  word  with 
faithfulness  and  the  people  of  Hiberni  may 
by  me  be  made  Christians."*  (What  impiety! 
1-  not  the  hand  of  a  monk  in  all  thi-'.') 

Patrick  then  Beta  "in  H»r  Koine.  On  his  way  he 
again  vi-it>  (lermann^,  and  i-  fni'thur  -ehouled  into 
habit-  ..f  monkish  devotion,  The  angel  iirp-s  him 
i"  go  back  to  Ireland:  he  starts,  and  Germanus 

-end-    \\illl    hilll   Se^-etiu<   the   pre^bvler.        Not    \'e|    i-s 

he  a  bishop,  for  I'alladin-  had  been  sent  with  that 
rank  to  the  Iri-h.  At  Kmhoria  lie  i-  met  by  the 
former  Companions  of  Palladium  and  they  tell  him 
I'alladiu-  i-  dead.  He  then  turn-  a-ide  to  "a  man 
of  wondn.ii*  -aiietiiy.  a  ehief  bi-hop.  named  A  ma- 
tor  («»r  Amatorexi,  dwelling  in  a  n"i«j-hbouriiiir 
pl-iee,"  and  by  him  Patriek  i-  consecrated  a  bMn.p. 
rpon  tin-  lie  (jiiiekly  takes  ship,  and  n-aehe<  the 
unfriendly  -bore-  ,,f  the  Kmerdd  I-le.  His 
*  Probiis,  quuttV  by  Tu.l.I.  St.  l':it.-i,-k,  :','J4-326. 


labours  are  successful.  But  in  this  story  there  is 
nothing  of  his  having  been  at  Rome,  nor  of  a  com 
mission  from  "the  pope.77  The  genius  of  Probus 
was  clouded  in  regard  to  the  Roman  mission.  Of 
that  invention  he  seems  not  to  have  been  aware. 

But  we  have  not  yet  reached  the  climax  of 
monkish  fable.  We  have  left  out  something, 
which  \ve  could  not  weave  into  the  foregoing  ac 
count.  It  is  this:  On  one  of  his  many  visits  to 
Germanus  he  is  thus  advised:  "Go  to  the  succes 
sor  of  St.  Peter,  namely  Celestine,  that  he  may  or 
dain  thee,  for  this  office  belongs  to  him."  Patrick 
goes,  but  Celestine  gives  him  no  honour,  because 
he  has  already  sent  Palladius  to  Ireland.  One 
bishop  to  that  country  is  all  that  he  can  afford. 
After  this  repulse  Patrick  goes  with  Segetius  to  an 
island  in  u  the  Tyrrhene  Sea."  [One  version  is 
that  he  took  this  island  on  his  way  to  Rome.] 
There  he  comes  to  a  house  which  seems  to  be  new. 
There  the  master,  who  appears  to  be  a  very  young 
man,  points  him  to  a  very  old  woman,  and  says, 
"She  is  my  daughter's  granddaughter!"  And 
much  more  quite  as  wonderful.  Those  who  ap 
pear  youngest  are  the  oldest  on  that  blessed  isle. 
They  had  been  in  the  habit  of  showing  hospitality 
to  every  traveller  passing  that  way.  One  night  a 


pilgrim  had  oorae  with  a  staff  in  his  hand,  and 
they  had  a  precious  relic-  which  had  the  power  of 
preserving  those  who  sacredly  kept  it  in  all  the 
freshness  of  youth.  He  was  lodged  with  all  kind 
ness.  In  the  morning  he  told  them  that  he  was 
the  Lord  Jesus,  and  leaving  the  staff  with  them, 
said,  "  Keep  it  safely.  After  a  long  time  a  certain 
pilgrim  will  come  named  Patrick;*  give  it  to 
him."  Then  Patrick  refused  to  take  the  staff,  un 
less  he  should  receive  it  from  the  Lord  himself. 
Three  days  afterward  he  went  with  these  remark- 
iiMe  people  to  Mount  Hermon  in  the  neighbour 
hood,  and  there  it  wa<  ^Iven  to  him  to  qualify  him 
for  the  ronveision  of  Ireland.  He  went  again  to 
Home  [it  \va>  the  lirsi  time,  according  to  some], 
and  w:i-  received  with  favour,  for  Celestine  had 
MOW  heard  of  the  death  of  Palladius.  He  was 
then  ordained  u  bisliop,  t^iven  the  name  of  Patrick, 
and  -.Mit  on  the  irivMt  mi  —  ion,  with  a  fair  supply 
of  relie^,  which,  as  some  will  have  it,  he  filched 
from  the  pope.  Three  choirs  th.-n  smir  praises— 

*  The  author  of  this  wretched  story  forgot  to  n-pn-^-nt  thii 
name  as  aft.  -rwunl  uivru  to  him  hy  •'  Pope  Celestine,"  when  In- 
received   hi<   n,riiini.~ion.     Tin-   st.-itl1  ti-ur.-^  l.-irK-Iy   in  the 
Irk.     Th.-  |.r.-t.-n.l,-.|  n-lir  was  long 
k.-jit.  IMII  piihlifly  hiinn-il  .-it  th«-  }{.  -f  ..nnntion. 


one  in  heaven ;  another  in  Rome,  and  a  third  in 
the  wood  of  Erin,  where  the  children  were  still 
calling  for  "  the  saint'7  to  come  and  bless  them.* 
What  their  ages  were  is  not  told,  but  Patrick's  is 
set  down  at  sixty !  He  had  passed  nearly  forty 
years  in  study  and  in  the  chase  after  the  true 
Church !  Verily  some  of  our  modern  brethren 
may  take  courage ;  they  are  not  likely  to  have  a 
rougher  time  than  had  this  mythical  Saint  Patrick 
in  getting  to  Rome. 

Such  are  the  stories.  Modern  Romanists  tone 
down  the  absurdities,  and  out  of  these  trifling 
legends  weave  the  accounts  of  Patrick's  studies  on 
the  Continent  and  his  commission  from  the  pope. 
What  truth  is  there  in  them  ?  None  whatever,  we 
believe,  so  far  as  Saint  Patrick  is  concerned.  The 
greater  part  are  incredible ;  the  rest  untrue.  We 
have  passed  over  some  of  the '  contradictions  and 
absurdities.  We  may  sift  out  a  few  items  of  ap 
parent  fact,  but  they  seem  to  •  belong  to  the  life  of 
Palladius.  He  is  the  Patrick  who  was  connected 
with  Germanus.  He  may  have  been  a  disciple 
of  Martin  of  Tours,  and  studied  at  Lerins.  He 
may  have  been  ordained  by  Amatorex.  He  may 
have  wandered  about  the  Mediterranean  islands. 
*  Vita  Septima,  in  Colgan ;  Joceline's  St.  Patrick. 


He  seems  to  have  been  at  Emboria,  wherever  that 
was,  for  it  is  mentioned  in  connection  with  his 
name.  He  appears  t<»  have  been  urged  by  Ger- 
iiianus  to  go  to  Ireland,  and  it  was  he  who  went 
as  a  bishop,  with  the  seal  of  Celestine  on  his  com 
mission.  One  account  is  that  Saint  Patrick  was 
sent  with  (Jermanus  into  Britain,  in  429,  to  sup 
press  the  Pelagian  heresy;  this  is  far  more  likely 
to  have  been  true  of  Palladius,  for  he  was  zealous 
on  that  subject.  The  story  of  Patrick's  repulse  by 
the  Irish  is  clearly  borrowed  from  Palladius. 
shall  find  the  one  represented  as  following 
in  the  foot-tep>  of  the  other,  landing  on  the  same 
coast  and  driven  away  by  the  same  Hy  Garchon. 

There  is  but  <»ne  point  where  a  fact  seems  to  crop 
out  through  the  ma—  of  fables.  It  is  where  Saint 
Patriek  is  sent  to  Ireland  in  his  younger  days, 
and,  as  a  priest  or  presbyter,  begins  his  work 
without  having  been  at  Rome,  and  without  any 
sort  of  commission  from  her  bishop.  It  was  not 
necessary  to  have  a  permi-ion  from  that  quarter. 
Good  men  and  ehun-he.-.  and  synods  had  the  right 
to  send  mi»ionaries  wherever  they  chose,  without 
a  word  from  "the  holy  lather.1'  Kven  lie  did  not 
claim  that  all  success  depended  upon  him.  He  WM 
not  yet  a  full-blown  pope.  With  all  his  faults, 


Celestine  was  too  good  a  bishop  to  assume  such 
high  powers.  u  A  ray  of  truth  has  here  broken 
out  through  clouds  of  fable,  and  no  greater  proof 
can  be  desired  that  the  Roman  mission  was  a 
modern  addition  to  the  facts  of  history."  * 

And  yet  it  is  assumed  that  St.  Patrick  was  sent 
forth  from  Rome,  as  her  bishop,  her  legate,  her 
apostolic  nuncio  !  Hear  Father  Brenan  :  "  Upon 
the  death  of  Palladius,  Patrick  received  the  regular 
missionary  powers  from  the  sole  divinely  estab 
lished  source  of  spiritual  jurisdiction  on  earth,  the 
head  of  the  Church,  at  that  time  also  Pope  Celes 
tine  ;"  and  thus  other  Romish  writers  assert  in 
shorter  words,  from  Fiacc's  Scholiast  down  to  Mon- 
talembert.  It  is  made  the  great  point  with  them. 
It  lies  at  the  basis  of  all  the  wonders  done  by  "  the 
apostle  of  Ireland."  Without  it  he  is  nothing  in 
their  eyes.  It  has  become  deeply  rooted  in  the 
hearts  of  thousands  of  Irishmen.  It  has  made 
him  their  patron  saint;  they  swear  by  his  name, 
pray  to  him,  adore  him,  and  regard  him  as  the 
guardian  of  the  whole  Irish  race  wherever  they 
may  roam  in  other  lands. 

Moreover,  this  Roman  mission  is  made  the 
central  point  in  all  the  chronology  of  his  life.  All 
*Todd'sSt.  Patrick,  p.  327. 


other  dates  are  conformed  to  it.  If  he  was  com 
missioned  by  (Vie- tine  as  the  successor  of  Pal- 
ladius,  it  must  have  been  in  432,  for  this  Eoman 
bishop  died  early  in  that  year.  If  he  was  then 
sixty  years  of  age,  he  was  born  in  372.  But  what 
of  the  other  dates  ?  If  he  was  thirty  when  he 
went  to  German  us,  he  must  have  found  a  poor 
teacher  of  theology,  for  this  man  was  a  military 
officer  at  that  time,  if  not  a  heathen  sportsman;  he 
was  not  a  bishop  earlier  than  418.  Did  Patrick 
study  with  him  thirty  years?  When,  then,  did  he 
study  with  Martin  of  Tours,  who  died  about  4<>L' '.' 
The  green. -i  urave  of  the  most  learned  man  would 
not  be  a  lit  place  to  study  "church  discipline." 
IIi-<le:ith  i-  iixe«l  about  the  year  494,  giving  him 
the  full  age  of  one  hundred  and  twenty-two  years. 
These  are  a  few  of  the  beauties  of  monkish  arith- 
metie.  To  fix  hi-  birth  at  387  does  not  clear  up 
the  difficulties.  These  dry  dates  show  a  plentiful 
watering  of  tin-  facts  in  the  life  <>f  the  missionarv. 
\Va-Saint  Pan-irk  evoratRome?  Perhap-  he 
was,  but  there  i>  no  good  evidence  of  it.  Vet  what 
if  ho  were?  Protestants  now  visit  that  city,  and 
inoM  of  them  ennie  away  with  their  faith  unim 
paired  ;  Bomighi  he.  Ami  the  I ;.. me  of  the  fifth 
century  was  not  what  it  heeame  in  the  eighth;  its 


moon  was  only  in  the  first  quarter  of  decline  and 
gently  waning  into  the  crescent.  Her  power  was 
not  the  growth  of  one  age ;  it  was  the  gradual 
result  of  centuries  of  ambition.  Even  had  Patrick 
studied  there  (as  some  legends  run),  and  been  there 
ordained,  he  might  still  have  held  none  of  Rome's 
peculiar  views.  Indeed,  we  might  grant  that  he 
was  sent  forth,  from  that  great  centre  of  the  empire, 
to  labour  in  Ireland,  and  yet  not  admit  Rome  to 
be  the  mother  of  all  the  ancient  churches  nor  the 
head  of  Christendom.  The  question  would  not  be 
so  very  important  if  the  Papists  had  not  laid  such 
stress  upon  it.  "  The  fact  that  missionaries  were 
sent  out  with  the  sanction  of  Rome  no  more  proves 
the  modern  papal  claim  to  universal  supremacy, 
than  the  fact  of  a  bishop  being  now  sent  into  the 
interior  of  Africa,  with  the  sanction  of  Canterbury, 
would  prove  the  universal  supremacy  of  the  Primate 
of  England."  * 

Was  Saint  Patrick  sent  to  Ireland  with  a  com 
mission  from  Celestine?  The  question  is  im 
portant.  Its  answer  will  help  to  solve  many  diffi 
culties.  We  state  some  of  our  reasons  for  rejecting 
the  story  of  the  Roman  mission  : 

1.  It  is  based  on  the  legends  of  which  we  have 
*Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  333,  note. 


given  a  speeimen  ;  rather  were  these  fables  framed 
to  support  it.  They  are  of  comparatively  late 
origin.  J'li.-v  were  put  forth  at  a  time  when  some 
show  of  foundation  wa.-  needed  fur  the  pope's 
power  in  1  ivland. 

2.  It  is  not  mentioned  by  the  older  writers. 
Tin-  is  admitted  by  the  most  candid  Roman 
('atliolic  hi.-torians,  who  base  it  only  on  tradi 
tion.1  Could  an  appointment  of  so  great  mo 
ment  have  been  unknown  to  the  chroniclers  of 
that  age  ?  If  known,  would  they  have  passed 
it  over  in  silence?  Yet,  -trance  to  relate,  cen 
turies  seem  to  have  rolled  away  before  the  im 
portant  rommi-sion  with  which  Saint  Patrick  is 
said  to  have  been  honoured  by  Saint  ('destine  was 
mentioned  by  any  British  or  foreign  writer.f 
Not  ii  word  i>  said  about  it  by  Sechnall,  his  sup- 
jM-.-d  nephew,  hi-  disciple  and  eulogist.  He  wrote 
a  poem  in  praise  of  the  great  man,  but  thrust  upon 
him  no  glory  derived  from  an  education  on  the  Con 
tinent  or  a  sanction  from  Koine.  He  describe-, 
him  as  "constant  in  the  tear  of  <i«>d,  immovable 
in  faith,  one  upon  whom  as  a  second  Peter  the 
Church  is  built,  and  one  who  obtained  from  God 

*  Lanigan,  Colgan,  Carew. 

Ireland,  p.  74. 


his  apostleship.  The  Lord  chose  him  to  teach 
barbarous  nations,  and  to  fish  with  the  nets  of 
doctrine."  Fiacc's  Hymn  represents  him  as  edu 
cated  on  the  Continent,  but  says  nothing  of  the 
Roman  mission.  If  it  were  a  fact,  they  certainly 
would  not  have  ignored  such  an  honour,  unless 
they  were  too  proud  of  the  independence  of  the 
Irish  Church.* 

Prosper  of  Aquitaine  took  into  his  special  care 
the  praises  of  Celestine,  for  he  was  the  bishop's 
friend  and  counsellor.  He  advised  the  sending  of 
Palladius  to  "the  Scots  believing  in  Christ."  Pal- 
ladius  went,  stayed  a  few  weeks,  raised  three 
chapels,  and  ran  away ;  yet  for  this  brief  and  ig 
noble  effort  Celestine  is  named  with  high  honour. 
But  Patrick  went  to  Ireland,  laboured  there 
twenty-three  years  before  Prosper  finished  his 
chronicle,  and  was  blessed  with  the  most  signal 
success.  Was  not  this  to  the  honour  of  Celestine, 
who  did  not  live  to  hear  of  it?  Was  he  not  the 
spiritual  father  of  the  Irish  Church  ?  Yet  Prosper 
never  mentions  Patrick.  He  neither  tells  us  that 
he  was  at  Rome  nor  that  he  was  sent  out  from 
Rome.  Why  not?  It  must  have  been  for  the 

*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  312.     This  silence  occurs  in  five  of 
the  seven  lives  in  Colgan's  Trias  Thanmaturga. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  89 

reason  that  Celestine  had  no  part  in  the  glorious 
work  of  redeeming  the  sons  of  Erin  to  the  Lord. 
Nor  had  Home.  Patrick  had  gone  forth  from 
another  quarter,  and  Prosper  did  not  care  to  relate 
the  deeds  of  an  independent  missionary. 

liede  maintain-  the  like  silence.  He  enters 
Patrick  in  his  martyrology  as  a  presbyter,  which  is 
some  proof  of  his  existence.  He  mentions  Ninian, 
and  Palladius,  and  Columba  as  eminent  mission 
aries  ;  why  not  Patrick?  He  either  knew  noth 
ing  of  the  mission  to  Ireland,  or  he  cared  not  to 
tell  what  he  knew.  He  could  hardly  have  been 
ignorant.  Was  it  because  he  could  not  hone-tly 
say  that  Patrick  was  in  Rome,  and  could  not  in 
any  \\.iv  make  him  -npport  the  Roman  pretensions 
of  the  eighth  century  ?  Bede  had  a  strong  love  for 
the  Roman  party.  The  deeds  of  its  bishops  and 
poprs  he  gloried  in  telling.  But  if  Patrick  was 
only  a  presbyter,  an  independent  missionary,  an 
a.-soriate  of  the  <  'uldrrs,  a  humble  man  who  had 
devoted  him-df  to  the  Iri.-h  mi  —  ion  by  the  com 
mand  of  rin-M,  he  was  not  thought  worthy  of 

3.  Patrick  i-  evidently  OOofbondtd  with  Palla 
dia-.  Tin-  we  have  >ln»wn  as  a  condii-ion  drawn 

*Soame«,  Lat.  Ch.  p.  X):  M-  I.;iu.  hlan,  l-imly  (  h.  Scot.  p.  97. 


from  sifting  the  legends.  "We  infer,"  says  Dr. 
Todd,  "  that  the  whole  story  of  Patrick's  connec 
tion  with  St.  Germain  and  mission  from  Celestine 
should  be  regarded  as  a  fragment  of  the  lost 
history  of  Palladius,  transferred  to  the  second  and 
more  celebrated  Patrick,  by  those  who  undertook 
to  interpolate  the  authentic  records  of  his  life. 
The  object  of  these  interpolates  was  evidently  to 
exalt  their  hero.  They  could  not  rest  satisfied 
with  the  simple  and  humble  position  in  which  his 
own  writings,  his  confession  and  his  letter  to  Coro- 
ticus  had  placed  him.  They  could  not  concede  to 
Palladius  the  honour  of  a  direct  mission  from 
Rome,  without  claiming  for  Patrick  a  similar 
honour.  They  could  not  be  content  that  their  own 
Patrick  should  be  regarded  as  an  unlearned,  a  rude 
uneducated  man,  even  though  he  has  so  described 
himself.  The  biography  of  Palladius, '  olio  nomine 
PatriciuSj  supplied  them  with  the  means  of  effect 
ing  their  object,  and  gave  to  the  interpolated  story 
the  appearance  of  ancient  support."  Thus  we  may 
account  for  what  is  related  of  Patrick's  education 
on  the  Continent,  his  monastic  tonsure,  his  ordina 
tion  by  Amator,  his  consecration  by  Celestine,  his 
Roman  mission  and  his  first  failure  in  Ireland. 
They  belong  to  the  first  Patrick.  "  Xo  ancient  or 


trustworthy    authority    has     countenanced     these 
BMbta  in  reference  to  the  second  Patrick."* 

Tli is  patchwork  makes  a  chaos  of  chronology, 
a>  il'  the  elates  were  thrown  into  a  box,  shaken  up, 
and  drawn  out  by  one  wli  an-  so  bandaged 

that  lie  cannot  M6  tin-  iacts  of  history.  We  shall 
present,  in  the  next  chapter,  a  chronology  that  will 
better  accord  with  the  facts  of  Saint  Patrick's  life; 
but  it  will  set  at  naught  all  theories  of  the  Romi.-h 
mi— ion. 

4.  The  reception  and  success  of  Saint  Patrick 
argue  against  the  Roman  mission.  If  we  und«  r 
stand  that  the  Irish  people  hated  civil  Rome,  and 
were  suspi<-i«.u-  of  r«vlr>iastical  Koine,  all  will  be 
clear.  Palladiu-  was  rejected  because  he  came  to 
place  a  new  y.»kc  upon  the  Irish  Christians,  and 
be  their  chief  bi.-lmp,  teaching  them  new  usages 
and  ruling  in  a  new  way.f  Patrick  went  with  no 
Roman  views  or  corn  ink-ion,  no  aim  to  lord  it 
over  God's  heritage,  no  design  but  to  j»na<h 
Christ  and  BttVG  >inm -rs  ;  and  he  succeeded.  He 
bore  the  true  cross,  and  not  the  crosier.  View 
him  as  a  Romish  prelate,  and  there  is  confusion; 
regard  him  as  an  earnest  Christian  missionary, 

*  Soniin-s  I  .at.  <'h.  p.  50. 

f  ToddV  St.  Pairirk.  pp.  Ml,  :;:;L(.  ,-/  pauim. 


going  forth  from  North  Britain,  and  all  is  clear. 
Cut  him  loose  from  the  meshes  of  Rome,  and  the 
burden  of  continental  legends  rolls  away.  He 
then  stands  forth  a  devoted  minister  of  Christ, 
with  a  tongue  that  can  gain  the  Irish  ear  and  a 
soul  that  can  win  the  Irish  heart. 

5.  Saint  Patrick  claimed  to  have  gone  to  Ireland 
of  his  own  accord.      None  compelled  him.     He 
went  "  bound  in  the  spirit/7  and  with  no  call  but 
that  of  the  Lord.     To  show  this  fact   he  refers  to 
his  dreams.     He  had  the  sanction  of  his  God  and 
of  his  own  conscience ;  he  needed  none  from  Rome. 

6.  There  are  intimations  that   he  was  ordained 
in    Britain  for   the   work.      Certain    "respectable 
clergymen"   at  first  opposed  his  consecration,   on 
acccount  of  an   old  fault,   committed  thirty  years 
before   in   his  youth.      We  have   seen   that  some 
of  the  legends  represent  him  as  ordained  in  Gaul, 
without  any  connection  with  Rome.    Such  accounts 
would  hardly  be  mere  inventions  of  the  monks. 

7.  There  is  not  one  word  in  his  own  writings 
about  an  education  on  the  Continent,  or  a  Roman 
mission,  or   a  friendship  with   Martin  of  Tours, 
Germanus   or   Celestine.      Why   not?      He   was 
writing  in   his  old   age,  when   Rome  was   rising 
toward  the  papacy,  and  receiving  more  and  more 


honour  on  the  Continent.  He  had  I een  charged 
with  pre.-umption  in  liav ing  undertaken  such  a  work 
a-  the  conversion  of  the  Iri-h,  rude  and  unlearned 
as  he  was,  and  on  his  <>\vn  authority.  What  a 
chance  now  for  him  to  IM..-IM  a  little  of  his  former 
advantages,  and  tell  oi'  his  education  abroad  and 
of  his  eummi  — ion  from  Rome!  This  would  have 
M-ttled  the  <|iie.Mion  of  his  right  to  preach  with 
th'»-r  who  favoured  the  Roman  pretensions.  But 
In  -  iid  nothing  <>f  the  kind.  We  infer,  then,  that 
lie  had  never  held  any  connection  with  Rome,  or 
t'lat  the  people  had  prejudices  in  that  direction 
which  he  did  not  \\i-h  to  rouse.  They  may  have 
stood  linnlv  on  the  ground  of  their  independence. 
They  may  have  eared  little  lor  Roman  education, 
and  less  11  .r  li<>man  commissions.  And  that  after 
Saint  Patrick  had  been  long  with  them!  On  such 
matter,  prol.ahlv.  he  and  they  were  agreed. 

Kven  if  the  <'onfe— inn  !„•  :l  fir^'ry,  this  argu 
ment  will  hold  ^..nd.  For  its  author,  assuming 
the  n;ini,  Pati-ieU,  evidently  wn.t<-  with  n«» 

n  t«.  |  n»p  up  the  theory  of  a  limnan  mi  — inn 
or  a  Continental  education.  lie  knew  not  their 
value,  or  lie  \\as  m>t  making  up  a  hi-lorv  of  events 
that  never  oe.-niTed.  Ilrsn  fully  threw  himself 
hack  into  Saint  Patri'-k'-  time-  and 


that  he  told  only  the  truth.  But  here  is  a  proof 
that  the  Confession  is  not  a  forgery.  It  is  not 
stuffed  with  lying  legends.  Its  very  face  proclaims 
that  it  was  written  by  a  man  of  truth,  and  such  a 
man  would  not  pen  a  "  pious  fraud."  It  served  as 
a  basis  for  the  later  manufacturers;  they  used  the 
good  material  as  they  pleased.  It  was  gold  for 
their  alloys.  But  they  cared  not  to  multiply  copies 
of  it,  and  few  now  remain  in  the  original  form. 
It  was  cast  into  the  shade,  for  it  could  not  serve 
the  purposes  of  the  Roman  Church.* 

8.  We  shall  find  that  the  Irish  Church  was  not 
conformed  to  the  Roman  during  several  centuries 
after  Saint  Patrick's  death.  "  If  Patrick  came  to 
Ireland  as  a  deputy  from  Rome,  it  might  naturally 
be  expected  that  in  the  Irish  Church  a  certain  sense 
of  dependence  would  always  have  been  preserved 
toward  the  mother  Church  of  Rome.  But  we  find, 
on  the  contrary,  in  the  Irish  Church  afterward,  a 
spirit  of  church  freedom  similar  to  that  shown  by 
the  ancient  British  Church,  which  struggled  against 
the  yoke  of  Roman  ordinances.  .  .  .  This  goes 
to  prove  that  the  origin  of  this  Church  was  inde 
pendent  of  Rome."  f  To  this  we  shall  again  recur 

*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  387. 
f  Neander,  Ch.  Hist.,  p.  123. 

/  A  /    I' A  TRICK.  95 

when  we  consider  whether  Saint  Patrick  held  any 
oilieial  connection  with  Rome,  in  his  oversight  of 
the  Church  to  which  lie  <ravc  his  toils.  Some  pre- 
lat i>ts  think  that  he  eoniniitted  errors  in  not  forming 
dioceses,  and  placing  "  bishops"  over  them.  His 
bishops  were  pa.-tor>,  <  a.  h  having  charge  of  a  par 
ticular  church.  >%  'I'he  very  errors  into  which  he 
fell"  are  eited  as  evidence  that  he  did  not  hold  his 
appointment  i'roin  Koine.* 

*  The  Church  of  St.  Patrick,  by  Rev.  W.  G.  Todd,  London, 
1844,  p.  30. 



^FTER  clearing  away  the  rank  growth  of 
/•*,£  legends  from  the  path  of  Saint  Patrick,  we 
may  now  follow  the  truck  of  his  life.  It  is 
still  like  an  old  Indian  trail  through  the 
dark  woods ;  many  of  the  tree*  once  "  blazed" 
have  fallen,  and  the  footprints  have  become  dim. 
But  here  is  an  ancient  landmark,  there  an  outlying 
fact,  and  with  cautious  step  we  undertake  to  follow 
him  from  the  home  of  his  parents  0:1  the  Clyde. 
There  we  left  him,  lately  returned  from  his  cap 

It  is  expressly  stated  in  the  Irish  version  of 
Nermius*  that  Patrick  was  a  slave  with  Milchu 
when  Palladius  was  sent  to  Ireland.  If  this  be 
true,  he  was  a  slave  in  the  year  431.  If  that  was 
the  first  year  of  his  bondage,  he  was  then  sixteen ; 
if  the  last,  he  was  about  twenty-two,  for  these  are 
admitted  to  be  the  dates  of  his  capture  and  his 

*Nennius,  abbot  of  Bangor,  wrote  about  A.D.  688. — Cave, 
Scrip.  Hint.  Lit.  Sac.  vii.  62');  TodtTs  St.  Patrick,  p.  394. 

I  i  /.vy   rATRlCK.  97 

release.  This  would  give  the  year  409-415  as  the 
period  of  his  birth.  As  the  Romanists  arc  cap -r 
to  link  him  with  Palladius,  we  might  assume  that 
both  of  them  left  Ireland  the  same  year.  We  see 
no  way  of  bringing  them  together  unless  we  sup 
pose  that  the  -hip  which  bore  the  bi-lmp  northward 
was  the  very  MIMIC  that  took  up  the  fugitive  young 
man  of  t wenty-two.  Both  are  said  to  have  had 
rough  sailing,  and  a  wreck  on  the  Scottish  coast 
might  have  separated  them  for  ever.  Nor  can  we 
imagine  how  Celestine  heard  of  Patrick,  or  sent 
him  to  Ireland,  unless  the  bishop  forwarded  by 
post  a  report  of  tin  /eal  shown  by  the  young  Briton 
on  shipboard.  Then  comes  the  commission. 
Patrick  gets  it  after  one  of  his  dreams,  and  with 
all  speed  departs  to  the  children  calling  to  him 
liom  the  dark  forests  of  Erin.  We  submit  this 
theory  as  quite  equal  to  any  other  which  puts  into 
the  hand-  of  Patrick  a  parchment  sealed  by  the 
dyinji  (  Vle-tine. 

\\  -  take  the  d;t;c  of  Nennius  as  nothing  more 
thai)  a  dose  goess  ai  the  truth.  lie  had  no  idea 
of  the  Roman  mi  — ion.  Let  us  take  other  data. 
1-Yoiu  some  of  the  additions  to  the  Confession  we 
learn  that  Patrick  had  eommiited  a  limit,  we  know 
not  what,  when  fifteen  year-  <,f  ap'.  Thirty  years 


afterward  he  was  about  to  be  fully  ordained  to  the 
work  of  the  ministry.  His  friends  opposed  his 
going.  One  of  them,  to  whom  he  had  confessed 
the  old  forgiven  fault,  brought  it  forward  as  an  ob 
jection.  He  was  overruled.  This  would  make 
Patrick  forty-five  years  of  age  at  his  ordination. 

Now  if  we  can  find  the  date  of  this  event,  we 
may  clear  up  various  difficulties.  Let  us  assume 
that  he  sought  ordination  to  qualify  him  more 
fully  for  the  work  in  Ireland.  When  did  he  go 
thither?  A  curious  Irish  tract  says  that  the  battle 
of  Ocha  happened  exactly  forty-three  years  after 
the  coming  of  Patrick  to  Ireland.  In  this  fray 
Oilioll  Molt  was  slain.  The  annals  of  Ulster  fix 
it  at  482-483.  This  would  give  440  as  about  the 
date  of  Patrick's  mission. 

By  comparing  Tirechan  with  Keating  we  have 
these  dates  :  King  Laogaire  died  in  474.  He  had 
reigned  after  the  coming  of  Patrick  thirty-two 
years.  This  gives  the  year  442  as  the  date  of  the 

An  Irish  bard  and  historian  of  the  eleventh  cen 
tury*  says  that  Pope  Gregory  died  one  hundred  and 
sixty-two  years  after  Patrick's  coming.  Gregory 

*  Gilla  Csemhain,  quoted  more  fully  in  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  99 

died  in  (>04.  Tin-  uives  442  as  the  year  of  the 
mis-i.m.  Dr.  Todd  fiirnMie-  other  dates,  all  drawn 
from  Sources  independent  of  each  oilier,  and  vary 
ing  little  Iroiii  those  which  we  have  quoted  from 
his  pane-.  Let  the  above  suffice;  we  are  not  writ 
ing  an  arithmetic.  We  have  good  grounds  for  a~- 
suming  that  about  442  was  the  date  of  his  mission 
to  Ireland,  that  he  was  then  forty-five  years  of 
age,  and  that  397  was  the  year  of  his  birth. 

Here  then  are  twenty-three  years  which  he  had 
at  hi-  disposal  after  his  return  from  captivity — a 
vei-v  considerable  number  {'or  ,-tndy  and  lor  the 
trial  of  hi-  o-ilts  as  a  preacher.  But  we  may  sup 
pose  the  time  well  employed.  We  are  not  driven 
to  hide  him  in  a  mona-terv.  There  are  a  few  traces 
of  active  labour- ;  they  are  mere  traditions,  but 
they  accord  with  the  circumstances  of  hi-  life,  and 
help  to  fill  up  the  picture  of  his  times. 

When-  did  this  young  Briton  study?  Not 
surely  'at  Tours  with  Saint  Martin,  for,  if  our 
dates  be  correct,  the  one  was  an  infant  when  tin- 
Other  was  lying  in  his  grave.  It  may  have  been 
at  some  Culdee  cell  or  college,  where  the  Bible 
was  the  chief  classic,  and  students  were  hardly 
trained  to  write  Latin  letters  with  the  elegance  of 
Cicero.  He  never  became  a  scholar.  His  know- 


ledge  of  Latin  was  limited.  In  later  years  he 
spoke  of  himself  as  a  man  who  "was  afraid  to 
write  in  the  language  of  the  civilized  world,  be 
cause  he  had  not  read  like  others,  who  had  been 
devoted  to  sacred  learning  from  their  infancy,  and 
his  speech  had  been  changed  to  another  tongue." 
He  had  preached  and  prayed  in  the  language  of 
the  Irish  people.  Very  modestly  he  acknowledged 
himself  to  be  "  rustic,  unlearned,"  brought  up  in 
the  country  as  an  uneducated  man.  But  he  seems 
to  have  been  an  Apollos  mighty  in  the  Scriptures, 
and  able  to  move  his  illiterate  hearers  by  the 
power  of  his  eloquence.  We  infer  therefore  that 
his  education  was  scriptural  rather  than  classical. 
It  was  like  that  of  Niniaii,  who  had  found  his 
views  of  Bible  truth  quite  different  from  those 
taught  at  Rome. 

"Were  there  any  ties  between  Patrick  and  Ger- 
manus  of  Auxerre?  It  is  not  easy  to  completely 
sever  their  names.  They  seem  to  have  clasped 
hands,  and  that  on  British  soil.  This  view  is 
favoured  by  traditions  not  in  the  interest  of  the 
Romish  monks.  It  is  worthy  of  notice  that  while 
the  one  was  thinking  of  going  to  Ireland  as  a  mis 
sionary,  the  other  was  coming  to  Britain  as  the 
champion  of  the  true  faith.  The  Pelagians  were 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  101 

bu-y  in  teaching  the  Britons  that  sin  had  not 
ivn<lnv<l  man  a  helple-s  sinner,  and  that  by  his 
good  works  lie  iniijit  save  liinisclf.  There  were 
many  ('hri-tians  who  would  not  accept  tin-t 
errors,  and  yet  could  not  ably  defend  the  truth. 
They  a-ked  the  churches  of  Gaul  to  send  them 
help.  At  a  synod  held  in  429  Germanus  \va.^ 
chosen  to  vi-it  Britain.  The  armour  of  a  spiritual 
warrior  was  upon  him,  but  perhaps  he  had  learned 
from  the  ureat  Augustine  that  good  word,  " Slay 
the  errors,  but  love  the  erring.''  With  him  went 
Lupus,  afterward  the  bishop  of  Troyes,  who  \\.i- 
called  "  the  prince  of  (Jallicau  prelates,  the  rule  of 
manner-,  the  pillar  of  virtue,  the  friend  of  Clod, 
the  intercessor  l'«>r  men  with  Heaven."  There  is 
no  good  ancient  evidence  that  they  took  a  commi-- 
sion  from  "Pope  Celestine,"  yet  he  may  have 
volunteered  to  -rant  them  his  blessing.  They 
CTOSSed  the  <  'hanm-l,  ;md  probably  went  up  through 
Cornwall,  visited  (Ila-tmibury,  and  entered  the 
valley-  of  Wale-,  preaching  aloit--  the  road-  and 
in  the  fields.  They  seemed  to  carry  evcrvt hin-j 
before  them.  Tin-  humble  ('hri-tian-  \\.iv  de- 
liLrhted  ;  the  hau'_rhtv  errori-t-,  -o  fond  of  <j\\ 
-trench  to  the  pride  of  man,  be-an  to  make  their 



A  great  debate  was  to  come  off  at  Verulam. 
Bede  describes  the  scene  in  his  lively  style.  He 
says  that  the  champions  of  heresy  came  in  gorgeous 
robes,  while  those  of  the  truth  appeared  plainly 
dressed  and  diffident.  "  An  immense  multitude 
was  assembled,  with  their  wives  and  children.  On 
the  one  side  was  divine  faith ;  on  the  other,  human 
presumption.  On  the  one  side,  piety  ;  on  the  other, 
pride.  On  the  one  side,  Pelagius  [by  his  repre 
sentatives]  ;  on  the  other,  Christ.  .  .  .  Germanus 
and  Lupus  permitted  their  adversaries  to  speak 
first,  who  occupied  a  long  time  and  filled  the  ear 
with  empty  sounds.  Then  the  venerable  prelates 
poured  forth  the  torrent  of  their  apostolic  and  evan 
gelical  eloquence.  Their  speeches  were  filled  with 
Scripture  sentences.  .  .  .  The  Pelagian  party,  not 
being  able  to  answer,  confessed  their  errors.  The 
people,  who  were  judges,  could  scarcely  be  re 
strained  from  acts  of  violence,  but  signified  their 
judgment  by  their  acclamations."  * 

Germanus  remained  for  some  time  in  Britain. 
Among  the  wonders  related  of  him  is  his  part  in  a 
battle.  The  Scots  and  Picts  were  coming  down 
upon  the  Britons.  The  fray  bade  fair  to  be  fierce. 
Germanus  is  said  to  have  baptized  many  of  the 
*Bede,  Eccl.  Hist.  libi.  cap.  17. 


British  soldier-,  and  then  acted  quite  as  a  general, 
as  he  well  knew  how  to  do.  He  probably  knew 
the  value  of  tremendous  shouting.  The  fight 
began;  he  shouted  lidllclujah  three  times;  the 
word  ran  along  the  line;  the  whole  army  took  it 
up,  and  the  enemy  took  fr  i  11  h  t ,  and  retreated  in  the 
greatest  disorder."  The  -p..i  in  Wale-  when-  this 
affair  is  -nppo-ed  to  have  occurred  is  called  the 
Field  of  Garmon,  the  \Vel.-h  name  of  Germanu.-. 
Several  Welsh  churches  .  bear  his  name.  Such 
events  were  likely  to  draw  the  attention  oi'  yonn^ 

To  find  Patrick  in  Wales  need  not  surpri-e  n-. 
Between  tin  people  of  the  two  countries  there  were 
ties  of  lan-naur,  and,  probably,  of  religion.  Thither 
the  Highlanders  were  quite  likely  to  drive  many 
familie-  from  the  land-  of  the  Clyde.  One  tradi 
tion  i-,  that  Patrick  had  a  n-tn-at  and  a  cell  in  the 
Yalli-  Ko-ina.  which  -ome  have  claimed  as  hi- 
birth-place.  It  i-  -aid,  al-n,  that  he  preached  in 
,id  Cornwall,  with  whose  (  Vh  ic  -p.  .eh  he 
mi-lit  have  Ix-cn  familiar.  1  f  t  hi-  were  true,  lie 
\vi.uld  -eareely  fail  |,,  -JM-IK!  -oine  time  at  (ilaston- 
l.ury,  which  ha-  been  called  the  cradl--  of  llriti.-h 
( 'hri-tianity,  k4  the  tir.-t  in'onnd  of  (iod,  the 
*  I;.  MM.  lil,  i  ,-.-,,,.  20. 


ground  of  the  saints  in  England  ;  the  rise  and 
fountain  of  all  religion  in  England."  It  was  called 
the  holy  isle  of  Avalon.  Its  church  claimed 
descent  from  the  churches  of  Asia  Minor.  One 
tradition  is,  that  Patrick  studied  there  for  thirty 
years ;  another,  that  he  died  there  and  was  buried. 
His  name  was  loved  in  these  regions,  and  given  to 
several  churches.  In  later  days  the  Irish  Chris 
tians  looked  with  reverence  toward  Glastonbury, 
and  thither  made  their  pilgrimages.  It  is  possible 
that  Germanus  met  Patrick  at  some  of  these  points 
before  returning  to  Gaul.  They  may  have  eaten 
together  some  of  the  famous  apples  of  Avalon.* 

William  of  Malinsbury  says  :  "When  Germanus 
was  meditating  a  return  into  his  native  country,  he 
formed  an  intimate  acquaintance  with  Patrick, 
whom  he  sent  after  some  years  to  the  Irish  as  a 
preacher,  at  the  bidding  of  Celestine."  The  latter 
part  of  this  sentence  we  do  not  believe ;  the  "  some 
years"  reveal  the  mistake.  Celestine  had  but  a 
few  months  to  live.  But  the  "  intimate  acquain 
tance"  was  very  possible.  Patrick  may  have 
learned  much  from  the  man  of  heroic  zeal,  who 
caused  the  churches  to  be  thronged,  and  preached 
in  the  open  fields,  along  the  highways,  and  wher- 
*  Camden,  Britannia,  Col.  63. 


ever  he  could  make  war  against  the  heresies  of 
Pelagius.  They  may  have  talked  together  of 
Ireland,  whose  rulers  were  deluded  by  the  bards 
and  priests  of  Druid  ism. 

There  are  traces  of  other  labours.  "This  Si. 
Patrick  did  not  neglect  his  native  country  of 
North  Britain,  but  was  very  useful  and  assistant 
to  the  other  instruments  of  that  good  work,  in 
bringing  tin-  people  into  and  confirming  them  more 
and  more  in  the  Christian  faith."*  Such  is  the 
statement  of  a  writer  in  the  early  part  of  the 
eighteenth  century,  when  referring  to  en-tain  tradi 
tions  of  Scotland,  where  the  name  of  Patrick  some 
times  appears  in  towns  and  churches. 

There  is  no  good  proof  that  Patrick  ever  set  foot 
out  of  the  British  Isles,  and  yet  he  may  have 
crossed  the  Channel  and  laboured  in  Armorica. 
One  story  is,  that  he  there  passed  three  or  four 
years  as  a  pastor,  under  the  direction  of  ( J< •nnanus.f 
A  Celtic  Briton  would  not  have  been  an  <>nt in- 
stranger  in  that  country  of  Celts,  who  had  such  a 
readiness  to  accept  the  gospel.  It  also  has 
treasured  his  name  and  claimed  hi-  birth.  He 
may  have  helped  to  start  a  movement  which  be- 

•    \n.    <  i,    Scot  in  S|K,ttU\v(x,(l».  Mixvllany. 
t  Lai  :  '  i    :«i. 


came  wonderful  after  his  departure,  and  continued 
for  almost  a  century.     The  Saxons  were  devouring 
Britain   and   driving  away   her  Christian   people. 
"To  escape  from  their  bloody  yoke,  an  army  of 
British  monks,  guiding  an  entire  tribe  of  men  and 
women,  freemen  and  slaves,  embarked  in  vessels 
not  made  of  wood,  but  of  skins  sewn  together,  sing 
ing,  or  rather  howling,  under  their  full  sails,  the 
lamentations  of  the  Psalmist,  and  came  to  seek  an 
asylum  in  Armorica.  .  .  .  This  emigration  lasted 
more  than  a  century,  and  threw  a  new  but  equally 
Celtic  population   into  that  part  of  Gaul  which 
Roman  taxation  and   barbarian   invasion   had  in 
jured  least,  and  where  the  ancient  Celtic  worship 
had  retained   most  vitality.     With   the  exception 
of  three  or  four  episcopal  cities,   almost  all  the 
Armorican  peninsula  was  still  pagan  in  the  sixth 
century.     All  the  symbols  and   rites,  the   myths 
and  arcanas  of  paganism  seemed  to  be  concentrated 
in   that    wild    and    misty   country."     (Yet    some 
writers  picture  it  as  the  blessed  Eden  that,  in  372, 
gave  Saint  Patrick  to  the  world.)     The  British 
missionaries  "  came  to  ask  shelter  of  their  breth 
ren,  issued  from  the  same  race  and  speaking  the 
same   language.     They  undertook  to  pay  for  the 
hospitality   they   received    by   the   gift  of  a  true 


faith,  and  they  succeeded.  They  gave  their  name 
and  wor.-hip  to  their  new  country.  .  .  .  Fifty 
years  after  their  appearance  the  Gospel  reigned  in 
peniiiHiIa."*  If  Patrick  did  not  aid  in  it,  he 
nniM  have  known  of  the  movement  when  toiling 
among  another  Celtic  people. 

A  ray  of  truth  may  have  gleamed  upon  Probus 
when  lie  >aid  that  Patrick  began  his  work  in 
Ireland  as  a  young  man  and  "  a  priest."  In  one 
of  the  snppo-cd  addition*  t<>  the  Confession  he  is 
made  to  say  to  certain  Irish  Christians,  "You 
know,  and  God  knoweth,  how  I  walked  among 
you  from  my  youth.*'  This  may  mean  that  he 
ULNIM  \\\<  mini>try  among  them  before  he  was 
ordained  to  the  office  of  "a  bishop,"  whatever  that 
was.  He  may  have  laboured  in  the  southern  part 
of  the  inland,  where  the  little  bands  of  Christians 
were  most  numerous.  Wars  among  the  tribes 
may  have  hindered  him  from  great  efforts  which 
the  chroniclen  would  notice.  Some  of  them,  how- 

«,f  the-  W«M.  ii.  ,,.  2t>0,  et  teg.;  also 
Gilda>  .ui.1  <  m.ili-ii.  Tin-  latter  says  "From  that  time  tin- 
Armuriri,  1,,-in^  .-uUm-d  hy  little  and  littlt-,  tin-  name  of 
r.iitains  grew  so  great  in  thin  new  country  that  tlu-  whole 
body  ot'  inlialiitaiit-  l>«-^an  !<•  fall  umlrr  it,  and  tht-  tract  to  be 
called  Britanniea  America."  Al«o  lyisraeli's  Amenities  of 
J.itrratnrr,  ii.  2. 


ever,  dated  his  arrival  about  the  year  436.  Often 
he  may  have  crossed  and  recrossed  the  Irish 
Channel.  He  may  have  tasted  the  dangers  of 
labouring  in  such  a  country.  Wishing  to  have 
full  power  to  organize  churches  and  ordain 
ministers,  he  may  have  applied  for  ordination  in 
Britain.  Then  came  the  opposition  of  his  rela 
tives  and  friends. 

"  Why  does  this  man  rush  into  danger  among 
the  heathen,  who  know  not  the  Lord  ?"  they  said 
one  to  another.  "  That  fault  in  his  youth  I" 
whispered  a  confidant.  But  he  persevered.  Noth 
ing  could  turn  him  aside — not  their  offers  of 
wealth,  not  their  tears.  He  was  ready  to  leave  all 
and  follow  Christ.  "  Many  gifts  were  offered  me 
with  tears,  if  I  would  remain/'  he  tells  us.  "  I 
was  forced  to  offend  my  relations  and  many  of  my 
well-wishers.  But  with  God's  guidance  I  did  not 
yield  to  them  at  all,  not  by  my  own  power,  for  it 
was  God  who  triumphed  in  me.  He  did  not 
hinder  me  from  my  labour,  which  I  had  dedicated 
to  my  Lord  Christ.  I  felt  no  small  power  from 
him,  and  my  faith  was  proved  before  God  and 
men.  Wherefore  I  boldly  say  that  my  conscience 
reproves  me  not  here  nor  hereafter." 

And  yet  so  vigorous  a  man  may  have  felt  young 


at  forty-five,  or  he  would  so  appear  to  himself  when 
over  ninety,  and  then  looking  back  to  the  time 
when  lie  fully  entered  upon  his  mission.  In  the  prime 
of  life  he  set  foot  on  the  shores  of  Erin  as  a  mis 
sionary.  That  he  went  first  to  the  tribes  of 
Lei nster,  landed  at  Inbher  Dea,  on  the  Wicklow 
coast,  made  a  tew  converts,  roused  the  wrath  of  the 
II  v  (iarchon,  yielded  tin;  ground,  took  ship  again, 
and  -ailed  northward,  is  extremely  doubtful.  It 
looks  too  much  like  a  story  borrowed  from  the.  ad 
ventures  of  Palladius.  "It  is  not  reasonable  to 
suppose  that  both  missionaries  should  have  done 
•  •  \aetly  the  same  things  ;  that  both  should  land  at 
the  Mime  place,  both  be,  driven  off  by  the  same 
ehiettain,  and  both  turn  to  the  north  of  the  island; 
with  thi-  difl'erenee  only,  that  Palladius  is  driven 
ia< -cording  to  some  accounts)  by  a  storm  round  the 
iioi  i  IK  in  «,ast  of  Scotland  to  the  region  of  tin 
Piet-,  and  Patrick  landed  safely  in  Dalaradia, 
when-  hi-  mini-try  is  at  once  successful.  Patrick, 
we  may  rcadilv  believe,  went  at  once  to  I  1-ter,  to 
vi-it  the  j.laee  with  which  he  was  formerly 
acquainted,  and  where  he  expected  to  bt:  well 
ived."  ;  T he  oldest  authorities  have  nothing 
of  the  Wick  low  ,-tory. 

*Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  339,  sliyhtiy  wndemed. 



N  Irish  herdsman  is  said  to  have  kept  the 
flocks  of  his  master  Dichu  near  the  lower 
end  of  the  Strangford  Lough.  One  day  he 
strolled  down  toward  the  shore,  and  saw  a 
boat  put  into  a  little  cove,  as  if  there  was  some 
secret  business  on  hand.  Out  of  it  stepped  a  small 
party  of  men,  who  had  been  wearied  in  toiling 
with  the  waves.  Carefully  stowing  away  their 
luggage,  they  hid  their  boat  among  the  rushes,  and 
then  set  forth  to  explore  the  country.  A  man  of 
about  forty-five  years  appeared  to  be  the  chief  of 
the  party. 

"  Robbers,"  thought  the  herdsman.  "  Pirates 
from  the  land  of  the  Picts !"  They  seemed  to  be 
gazing  over  the  neighborhood,  as  if  -spying  out  the 
land,  and  about  to  choose  some  house  to  plunder 
or  fall  upon  some  unguarded  flock.  They  must 
have  been  hungry  enough,  if  they  had  been  for  three 
days  upon  a  barren  isle,  since  called  Inis  Patrick, 
just  off  the  Dublin  coast.  One  story  is,  that  they 


SA  I.\T    /'.I  THICK.  HI 

had  sought  t«>  make  them  a  home  on  its  sands, 
where  no  man  dwelt,  and  famine  threatened  their 
lives.  Not  even  a  fish  would  enter  their  nets,  and 
the  water-fowl  took  wing.  The  choice  of  such  an 
island  would  indicate  that  they  were  Culdees,  seek 
ing  tin- -pot  for  a  cell.  "The  practice  of  taking 
pOBeeasiot)  of  -ecluded  inlands  continued  to  charac- 
tcri/c  the  ('nldee  -y-tem,  and  was  carried  by  the 
missionari.-,  -rut  forth  from  time  to  time,  whither- 
BT  they  went."*  But  the  herdsman  knew  not 
the  habit-  of  ( 'uldee-,  and  he  ran  as  fast  as  his  feet 
could  take  him  from  the  invader.-.  kl  Pirate-"  was 
the  burden  of  every  l.reath. 

Now  his  ma-tcr,  Dichn,  had  a  choice  home,  and 
he  happened  to  be  in  at  the  time.  He  wa-  a  ^n-at 
man  in  tho-r  part-,  having  the  blood  of  an  ancient 
kin_r  in  hi-  veins,  and  a  goodly  array  of  clan-mei: 
on  hi-  e-tate-.  Hi~  i-iche-  would  allbnl  iine  spoils 
for  a  tronp  ..f  marauders.  The  report  of  hi-  ah 
breathle—  lienUmaii  roused  his  fear.-,  his  wrath 
and  his  murage.  He  .-ounded  the  alarm.  The 
clan-men  gathered  at  his  rail.  He  took  his  sword 
and  they  their  pike-.  All  marched  ii.rth  eager  for 
the  fray.  They  divw  nearer  to  the  invad. 

The  chiefiain  wa.-   -truck  tir-t,  not  with  a  >k  holv 

MrL:im-hlaii,   |-I:irly  Scut.  Ch.  p.  182. 

112  SA  I.\T    PA  THICK. 

staff,"  but  with  the  noble  bearing  and  frank, 
friendly  countenance  of  the  leader  of  the  strange 
party.  He  had  not  seen  a  more  winning  face  for 
many  a  day.  The  foot  of  heaven's  messenger 
seems  never  before  to  have  pressed  his  soil.  He 
knew  not  Scripture  enough  to  ask,  "  Comest  thou 
peaceably  ?"  It  would  not  have  cleared  up  the 
mystery  for  the  leader  to  say,  "  I  am  Patrick,  a 
missionary.  In  the  name  of  the  living  God  I  come 
to  declare  to  you  the  glad  tidings  of  salvation. 
My  greeting  is  the  angel's  song,  '  Peace  on  earth, 
good-will  to  men.7 "  For  this  chieftain  was  a 
heathen.  He  had  heard  of  no  Druid's  prophecy,* 
beginning  thus  : 

"  He  comes,  he  comes  with  shaven  crown, 
From  off'  the  storm-tossed  sea." 

The  sword  was  dropped.  The  warrior's  face 
grew  mild.  The  descendant  of  kings  talked  with 
the  man  of  God.  A  finger  pointed  to  the  house, 
and  a  welcome  was  given  to  Patrick  and  his  com 
panions.  It  was  not  "  a  multitude  of  holy  bishops, 
presbyters,  deacons,  exorcists,  readers,  door-keepers, 
and  students,"  as  some  would  have  us  believe.  As 
for  "some  Gauls"  and  certain  priests,  who  had 

*  The  legend  of  such  a  prophecy  by  a  pagan  Druid  was  the 
manufacture  of  a  papal  monk  long  after  the  event. 

9J  /  \  T  PATRK  h  113 

]  aeked  up  their  n.lxs  on  the  hanks  of  the  Tiber, 
our  eyes  do  not  perceive  them.  Rather  were  they 
such  assistant.-  a>  a  mi.—  iouary  would  be  likely  to 
take  with  him  to  a  heathen  land.  They  went  to 
the  hoii-.-;  ho-pitality  opened  the  \vav  for  the 
gospel.  Patrick  preached,  the  chieftain  listened 
and  believed  in  Christ.  He  was  afterward  bap 
tized,  and  all  his  family.  He  was  "  the  first  of  the 
Scots"  who  confessed  the  faith  under  the  preach 
ing  of  Patrick. 

We  may  suppose  that  friends  and  neighbours 
were  urged  to  come  and  listen  to  the  good  news 
which  tin  Bto&agf*  had  to  tell;  that  the  house  be 
came  crowded,  and  that  the  missionary  led  them  to 
the  barn  on  the  lands  of  the  chieftain.  There  the 
Word  Lr,v\\  and  helicver>  multiplied.  On,-  day 
the  chieftain  ii-lt  his  heart  touched  with  gratitude 
i"  God,  "I  give  you  the  land  on  which  we  are 
•teading,*  -aid  he  to  the  preacher.  "In  place  of 
thi>  bam  I. -i  a  church  be  built." 

"  If  shall  I >e  done,"  we  hear  Patrick  reply,  "and 
may  God's  house  be  your  habitation." 

"I  only  ask,"  said  Dicliu,  "that  th.«  l.-n-th  of 
the  church  shall  not  be  from  east  to  west,  but 
fmni  north  to  >outh." 

"It  >hall  thu.-  Hand,"  answered  the  missionary, 


for  he  did  not  see  any  virtue  in  having  a  church 
fronting  toward  the  east,  as  was  the  general  cus 
tom  in  Oriental  lands.  What  would  the  Lord 
care  for  that?  It  was  a  mere  trifle.  The  farther 
account  is :  "  Then  Patrick  erected  in  that  place 
the  transverse  church,  which  is  called  even  to  the 
present  day,  Sabhal  Patraic,  or  Patrick's  Barn." 
The  place  is  now  called  Sabhal,  or  Saul,  and  is 
about  two  miles  from  Downpatrick.  It  appears 
that  other  churches  were  built  after  this  model,  ex 
tending  from  north  to  south.*  Thus  was  estab 
lished  a  base  of  operations. 

The  story  is,  that  Patrick  was  concerned  for 
Milchu,  his  former  master,  from  whom  he  had  run 
away  without  being  redeemed  by  money.  He  set 
set  forth  on  foot  to  visit  him.  He  went  in  the  very 
face  of  danger,  uto  offer  to  his  former  master  a 
double  ransom — an  earthly  one  in  money  and 
worldly  goods,  and  a  spiritual  one — by  making 
known  to  him  the  Christian  faith  and  the  gospel 
way  of  salvation."  Going  northward  into  Antrim, 
he  reached  the  top  of  a  hill,  where  he  stood  gazing 
upon  the  scene  of  his  exposures  to  the  rains  and 
snows  of  his  vigils,  his  prayers  and  his  dreams. 

*  Bingham's  Eccl.  Antiq.  bk.  viii.  3.  Usser  ad  Seldenum, 
Epist.  51. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  115 

What  emotions  must  have  filled  his  heart!  By 
that  rock  he  once  had  his  Bethel.  By  that  brook 
lie  had  wreMled  with  find,  and  had  his  Peniel. 
( 'nder  yonder  oak  he  had  songs  and  visions  of  the 
niirht.  I>elmv  him  Mo<>d  the  house  of  his  former 
master,  who  had  used  him  so  roughly  twenty-three 
years  before.  What  a  joyful  mission  to  enter  those 
doors  and  tell  the  -lad  tidings  of  a  Saviour! 
But,  lo!  that  house  is  seen  to  be.  in  flames,  i!'  we 
may  credit  the  legend.  The  tyrant  has  heard  of 
coniii,-.  1 1,.  i>  troubled.  An  evil  spirit 
him.  He  determines  not  to  meet  the 
mi  — ionary.  He  sets  fire  to  the  house,  and  easts 
himself  into  the  flames,  choo>in^  {()  perish  rather 
than  to  become  the  di-eiple  of  his  former  slave. 
1'atricU  MM  it,  and  for  three  hours  weeps  in  com- 
pa— ion.  lint  he  next  is  represented  aa  uttering 
hi-  curse  upon  the  family  of  the  suicide,  and  de 
claring  that  none  of  Mildm's  sons  shall  ever  .-it 
upon  hi-,  pretty  throne;  they  shall  be  slaves  for 

Thus  had  Patrick  cursed  the  rivers  that  would 
yield  him  no  fish,  according  to  the  fables  of  the 
monks.  "Let  us  hope,"  says  Dr.  Todd,  "that 
these  examples  of  vengeance,  so  common  in  his 
story,  represent  only  the  mind  of  the  ecclesiastics 


of  a  later  age,  and  that  his  biographers  knew  not 
the  spirit  he  was  of."* 

If  there  be  any  truth  at  all  in  the  account  of 
the  visit  to  his  former  master,  it  is  probable  that 
Patrick  failed  in  his  efforts.  He  could  not  con 
vince  the  tyrant  that  Christ  was  a  Saviour. 
Baffled  and  repelled,  he  left  him  in  his  sins. 
Those  sins  were  the  flames  into  which  he  cast  him 
self.  But  the  monks  could  not  bear  to  have  their 
hero  defeated,  and  they  portrayed  the  self-destruc 
tion  of  his  former  master.  One  account  is  that 
some  of  the  cruel  prince's  family  were  afterward 
converted  to  the  faith. 

Again  we  find  the  missionary  at  Sabhal,  in  what 
is  now  the  barony  of  Secale.  There  he  preaches 
for  many  days,  going  about  in  the  neigbourhood, 
teaching  all  who  will  give  heed  to  his  words. 
"  The  faith  began  to  spread."  It  was  not  by  out 
ward  display  that  the  hearts  of  the  people  were 
gained ;  not  by  exhibiting  relics,  not  by  holding 
up  a  crucifix  with  an  image  upon  it,  nor  by  the 
mumbling  of  a  Latin  mass ;  but  by  the  preaching 
of  God's  holy  word  in  the  language  of  the  natives. 
He  had  learned  their  speech  while  a  slave,  if  in 
deed  it  had  not  been  to  him  as  a  mother  tongue. 
*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  406. 


He  may  have  called  thorn  around  him  at  the  beat 
of  a  drum,  and  IK-  pointed  them  to  the  true  cross 
of  Calvary.  Having  formed  little  bands  of  dis 
ciples  and  placed  teachers  o\er  them,  he  planned 
other  missionary  journeys. 

It  seems  to  have  !>«-n  Patrick's  policy  to  bring 
the  rulers  of  the  land  first  to  the  faith.  Eleven 
centuries  after  him  the  Reformers  acted  somewhat 
upon  this  principle:  Luther  sought  to  gain  the 
Saxon  prince-  ;  (  alvin  presented  to  Francis  I.  one 
<>f  the  noblest  letters  ever  written,  and  before  other 
kin--  he  laid  hi-  -iniplc  Confession  of  Faith.  The 
Jri-h  chieftains  and  kings  had  great  power  over 
their  tribes  in  the  fifth  century.  The  men  of 
influence  were  gather.. 1  at  their  courts.  To  win 
them  was  a  great  point,  for  "kings  might  become 
niir-in--iathers,  and  queens  nursing-mothers"  to 
the  infant  ( 'linrch. 

Tarah    WM    hefoiv    the    mind    of    Saint   Patrick. 

Thither  he  mad  <:<>  and  tin  re  preach  rim.-t.    It 

Was  the  chief  centre  of  pn\v«T.  There  \\riv 
.gathered  the  kin--,  prince-,  nol.lcs  and  warrior-. 
There  wre  he], |  the  national  conventions  e\ 
three  years.  The  -npreine  monarch  of  Ireland  was 
•  ire,  who  had  rei-ned  |,,lt  ,)1IV<,  or  f;lUr  years 
the  coming  of  Patrick.  II,  was  ahmit  t.i 


summon  the  great  convention  to  meet  him  at 
Tarah.  It  was  the  parliament  of  that  ancient  day, 
according  to  an  old  Irish  poet : 

"  The  learned  Ollara  Fodla  first  ordained 
The  great  assembly,  where  the  nobles  met, 
And  priests,  and  poets,  and  philosophers, 
To  make  new  laws,  and  to  correct  the  old, 
And  to  advance  the  honour  of  his  country." 

Patrick  resolved  to  attend  this  convention. 
Taking  his  boat,  he  and  his  companions  sailed 
down  the  coast  and  entered  the  mouth  of  the  river 
Boyne.  Thence  they  took  their  way  on  foot  toward 
the  place  where  now  stands  the  town  of  Slane. 
Coming  one  evening  to  the  house  of  a  nobleman 
named  Sechnen,  they  were  received  with  generous 
hospitality.  The  guests  sang,  prayed,  read  the 
Scriptures  and  spake  of  the  errand  on  which  Jesu^ 
Christ  came  into  the  world.  The  host  let  the 
truth  sink  down  into  his  ears  and  reach  his  heart. 
He  believed  and  was  baptized.  It  was  very  com 
mon  in  those  days  for  missionaries  to  baptize 
persons  within  a  few  hours  of  their  conversion. 
Thus  did  the  apostles,  but  in  their  case  the  believers 
generally  had  some  knowledge  of  the  Scriptures 
beforehand,  as  in  the  case  of  the  believers  at  Pen 
tecost,  the  Ethiopian  officer,"  and  probably  the 

8A  INT  PA  TRICK.  119 

centurion  at  Ososarea.  This  custom,  however,  in 
later  days  led  to  baptism  upon  a  very  slight  evi 
dence  of  true  faith.  It  often  secured  only  a  nominal 

In  this  family  of  rank  was  a  young  man  of 
gentle  nature,  attractive  and  impressible.  The 
looks  and  words  of  the  chief  stranger  won  his 
heart;  Patrick  also  was  charmed  with  him.  He 
determined  to  be  a  disciple  and  follow  the  mis 
sionary  wherever  he  went.  His  parents  and  friends 
tried  to  divert  him  from  such  a  purpose.  They  set 
forth  the  dangers  and  the  toils  of  such  a  life  as  In- 
must  have  before  him.  But  none  of  these  thin-- 
moved  him.  He  left  his  home  to  be  a  missionary — 
the  first,  it  seems,  of  the  natives  who  was  reared 
for  the  ministry.  He  could  not  be  separated  from 
I'atriek,  keeping  close  to  him  for  years  amid  all 
hi-  dangers  and  sufferings.  We  know  not  his 
native  name,  but  for  his  gentleness  he  was  called 
Px'iiiiiims,  or  liinen.  God  had  given  him  the  power 

"iig,  and  lie  n-ed  it  for  good.  II  the 

prai-cs  of  the  Lord  before  large  assemblies,  to  whom 
I'atrirk  preached.  Thus  he  rendered  great  aid  to 
tin-  nood  cause.  lie  w:i-  tin-  Asaph  of  the  move 

I'atri'l:   ha-tened  onward,  and  pitched  his  tent 


on  a  hill  quite  near  to  Tarah.  It  may  have  been 
the  time  of  Easter,  and  he  may  have  kept  it  accord 
ing  to  the  general  custom  of  the  fifth  century.  The 
practice  of  setting  apart  certain  days  for  worship, 
in  memory  of  great  events  in  the  life  of  our  Lord, 
grew  up  quite  early  in  the  Church.  It  sprang 
from  a  good  intention.  But  it  soon  became  a  form 
and  a  device  of  men.  Instead  of  keeping  every 
Sabbath  in  memory  of  Christ's  resurrection,  they 
observed  one  day  in  the  year,  and  called  it  Easter. 
No  such  custom  is  taught  in  the  New  Testament. 
The  "  holy  day"  has  become  a  holiday  with  most 
of  those  who  pay  any  regard  to  it.  In  the  time  of 
Patrick  it  was  held  more  sacred.  It  became  a 
stirring  question  in  the  Irish  Church  on  what  day 
it  should  be  kept.  The  Latin  Christians  held  to 
one  day,  and  the  Greek  Christians  another.  We 
have  little  doubt  that  Patrick  kept  Easter  in  the 
Greek  manner  (if  he  kept  it  at  all),  for  thus  did 
the  Irish  Church  in  later  centuries.  But  we  are 
far  from  being  sure  that  he  went  to  Tarah  at 
Easter-tide,  and  that  his  "  paschal  fire"  on  the  hill 
drew  the  attention  of  the  king  and  threw  the  whole 
court  into  commotion. 

Romish   biographers    make  this  a  strong  point 
for  their  dates  in  the  life  of  St.  Patrick.     They  as- 


sume  that  the  Feast  of  Tarah  was  celebrated  at 
the  vernal  equinox.  In  433  this  occurred  on  the 
26th  of  March.  This  they  take  as  the  Easter  of 
that  year.  They  also  assume  that  Patrick  kept  his 
first  Easter  in  Ireland  that  very  year.  According 
to  their  story  he  must  have  done  a  great  deal  of 
sailing,  foot- travel  ling  and  open-air  preaching 
during  the  winter  months.  But  the  year  441 
would  better  agree  with  their  own  argument,  drawn 
from  the  movements  of  the  sun.  Also  it  seems  that 
the  feast  of  Tarah  came  off  in  May,  for  Bel  tine's 
day  is  still  fixed  at  that  time  among  the  Irish  and 
the  Scott \A i  Hiuhlamh TS.  Some  ancient  author 
ities,  however,  fix  the  convention  of  Tarah  about 
the  first  of  November,  a  time  >till  further  from  the 
Christian  Easter.  Moreover,  there  is  some  evidence 
that  Saint  Patrick  was  not  at  Tarah  for  several 
years  after  his  arrival  in  Ireland.*  Indeed  we 
should  not  be  guilty  of  very  great  incredulity  if 
we  doubted  whether  In-  was  ever  there  at  all  when 
such  a  convention  wa>  held.  The  proof,  to  say  the 
lea>l  <.f  it,  i-  l.y  no  mean-  ••..m-lu-ive. 

There  was   a   va.-t  work   the   missionary. 
A  heathen    religion    miiM     he  overthrown,  one   of 
the  most   powerful   and    interesting   nftlu'  ancient 
*Todd'a  E  420. 


systems  of  errors.  We  must  therefore  give  a  little 
attention  to  the  Druids,  their  customs,  their  super 
stitions,  their  poets,  their  priests  and  their  influence 
over  botli  rulers  and  people. 



Through  untold  ages  past  there  stood 
A  deep,  wild,  sacred,  awful  wood : 
Ite  interwoven  boughs  had  made 
A  cheerless,  chilly,  silent  shade: 
There,  underneath  the  gloomy  trees, 
Were  oft  performed  the  mysteries 
Of  barbarous  priests,  who  thought  that  God 
Loved  to  look  down  upon  the  sod 
Wlu-n-  t-v.-ry  l.-;if  wa*  deeply  stained 
With  blood  from  human  victims  drained. 

LUCAN,  iii.  399. 

PON  the  larger  branches  of  old  oaks  grew 
the  mistletoe.  It  was  a  shrub  fixing  its  roots 
£  into  the  wood  of  the  tree,  and  there  it  ap 
peared  dark  and  green  through  all  the 
winter,  with  white  berries  upon  it.  It  is  often  seen 
in  forests  alon^  our  We-tern  rivers.  I  have  seen 
one  specimen  upon  a  white  ..;ik  a-  tar  to  the  north 
as  the  southern  -hon •-  of  Lake  Michigan.  The 
mistletoe  wa-  ln-M  MCtied  1  v  the  heathens  of 
Northern  Europe.  The  shade  of  the  oak  on  which 



it  grew  was  their  place  of  worship.     Hence,  pro 
bably,  the  name  Druids,  or  the  men  of  the  oaks. 

We  imagine  ourselves  in  Ireland,  far  back,  four 
teen  centuries  ago.  We  stand  upon  a  hill  with  a 
village  in  front  of  us,  just  on  the  border  of  a  thick, 
wild  forest.  It  is  one  of  the  first  evenings  in  May. 
Out  of  some  cabins  and  cells  we  see  strange-looking 
men  creeping.  They  walk  about  very  solemnly, 
and  whisper  something  which  to  us  is  very 
mysterious.  They  are  venerable  long-beards  and 
magicians.  Some  of  them  wear  coats  of  many 
colours,  and  a  string  of  serpent's  eggs  about  their 
necks.  Others  have  a  white  scarf  thrown  over 
their  shoulders,  bracelets  on  their  arms  and  long 
white  rods  in  their  hands.  They  gaze  at  the  stars, 
and  decide  that  it  is  the  proper  time  for  their  sacred 
rites.  The  moon  is  just  six  days  old.  They  gather 
about  their  chief,  but  we  prefer  not  to  be  in  their 

In  solemn  procession  they  march  into  the  dark, 
gloomy  woods.  Under  an  ancient  oak  they  halt 
and  engage  in  a  strange  mummery.  One  of  their 
priests  climbs  the  oak,  and  with  the  golden  knife 
cuts  away  the  wondrous  mistletoe.  Carefully  he 
throws  it  down  upon  a  white  cloth,  and  they  quite 
adore  it.  Every  leaf  is  a  treasure.  They  think  it 


ha-   power  to  charm   away  evil  spiiits  and  keep 
them  in  health. 

But  this  is  not  all.  They  have  led  with  them 
two  white  bullocks  for  sacrifice.  They  now  put  a 
wreath  of  oak  leaves  upon  their  horns,  and  pre 
pare  for  solemn  rites.  The  golden  knife  i< 
plunged  into  the  necks  of  these  victims,  which 
fall  quivering  in  the  pan--  of  death.  The  fires 
are  kindled.  Skilful  hands  make  all  the  arrange 
ments  for  a  feast.*  We  will  not  suppose  ourselv<  - 
to  be  gazing  upon  a  more  horrid  sight,  for  the 
Druids  are  rcpiv-entrd  as  leading  into  the  gloomy 
woods  some  slave,  or  prisoner  of  war,  or  the  child 
of  some  pea-ant,  and  there  nfli-rinu;  a  human  .-aeri- 
fice.  At  .-ix-h  time-  the  .-iii^-in^  priests  are  said  to 
have  r  ;m  d  and  howled  and  beat  their  drums  to 
drown  the  cries  of  the  suffering  martyrs.  Cse.-ar 
lelN  n-  that  tin-  I  >ruid-  <>!'  (Jaul  made  hn-r  l>a 
of  osier,  in  the  shape  of  a  man,  filled  them  with 
human  beings,  and  set  the  vast  mass  on  fire.f 
Dfl  hop,-  thai  tin-  ancient  Iri-h  were  not  SO 

Such  wor-hip  remind-    n-  nl'  the  horrid    rites  of 
sacrifice  to  Baal  and    Moloch.      It    has  been  sup- 

*  IMin\ ,  lili.  xvi.  cap.   !  \ 

f  Comnanteiiet,  lib.  vi.  10. 


posed  that  Druidism  came  from  the  Phoenicians, 
from  whom  the  Hebrews  derived  their  worst  forms 
of  idolatry.  The  Druids  had  their  Baal,  as  ap 
pears  from  their  Beltine*  fires.  To  face  the  sun 
was  to  be  about  right  in  the  world.  The  word 
south  meant  right,  and  north  meant  wrong.  If  one 
was  beginning  any  work,  he  must  first  look  toward 
the  sun  if  he  would  prosper.  A  boat  going  to 
sea  must  turn  sunwise.  As  soon  as  people  were 
married  they  must  make  a  turn  sunwise.  The 
dead  were  borne  sunwise  to  the  grave.  Perhaps 
this  was  one  reason  why  Dichu  wished  the  new 
church  to  face  the  south.  The  fronting  of  build 
ings  toward  the  east  may  have  had  a  similar  mean 
ing.  Certain  men,  who  think  that  they  must  turn 
toward  sunrise  when  saying  their  prayers,  may 
ask  whether  they  do  not  take  their  custom  from 
the  Druids,  whose  priests  were  likely  to  do  the 
same  thing.  Thus  follies  creep  into  the  very 
Church  of  Christ.  They  perhaps  adored  the  sun, 
but  they  do  not  seem  to  have  made  idols.  They 
held  that  their  gods  were  omnipresent,  and  to  be 
worshipped  in  roofless  temples  or  within  large 
circles  of  stones.  Some  writers  have  thought  that 

*  Beal-tain,  Beat's  fire-day.     Beal  means  the  sun ;  in  honour 
of  the  sun  the  fire  was  made. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  127 

.hey  had  their  chief  seats  in  Ireland  and  on  the 
Isle  of  Man ;  thence  they  spread  over  Britain  and 
into  Gaul. 

Saint  Patrick  might  lay  hold  of  some  of  their 
doctrines,  and  thus  gain  a  footing  for  his  own. 
They  were  ready  to  listen  when  he  told  them  that 
God  was  everywhere,  always  having  his  eye  upon 
their  d« •< ••!.-.  They  believed  in  the  immortality  of 
the  soul,  and  had  some  crude  ideas  of  future  re 
wards  and  punishments.  They  taught  that  there 
was  another  world,  where  the  good  souls  preserved 
their  identity  and  their  habits.  The  souls  of  bad 
men,  they  thought,  passed  into  lower  animals  to 
be  chastised.  At  funerals  letters  were  burnt,  for 
the  dead  to  read  or  carry  to  those  who  had  gone 
before  them  across  the  borders  of  the  spirit-land. 
Money  was  also  loaned  to  the  departed/ on  condi 
tion  that  it  should  be  repaid  in  the  world  to  come.* 
The  prieM-  were  careful  t«>  !><•  the  bankers,  411!: 
certain  prints  now  arc,  \\h<»  receive  money  to  pur 
chase  souls  out  of  purgatory.  But  what  a  work 
to  clear  a  l'c\v  truth-  In  mi  a  mass  of  err«.r>!  The 
missionary  mu-t  preach  Christ,  who  offered  the 
only  redeeminj-  sacrifice,  and  brought  lite  and  im 
mortality  to  li^ht  in  the  Lr"-pel.  He  must  declare 

*M:  i.  chap.  2. 


the  facts  of  a  judgment,  a  hell,  a  heaven,  and  ar. 
eternity.  Druidism  was  to  the  ancient  Irish  what 
Brahminism  now  is  to  the  Asiatics ;  the  work  of 
Patrick  was  quite  similar  to  that  of  the  modern 
missionary  among  the  Hindoos. 

In  going  to  Tarah,  the  citadel  of  Dmidism, 
Patrick  must  meet  the  priests  and  bards  of  a  false 
religion.  These  men  had  great  influence  at  the 
royal  court,  and  to  this  day  it  remains  in  Ireland, 
as  "Kirwan"  has  shown  us  : 

"The  power  of  these  priests  was  very  great. 
They  directed  in  all  sacred  things — they  offered  all 
sacrifices — they  were  the  teachers  of  the  youth, 
and  the  judges  in  all  disputes  public  and  private. 
Their  supreme  pontiff  was  elected  by  these  priests 
in  conclave  assembled;  and  he  was  called  the  Arch- 
druidj  ancf  possessed  power  without  check  or  con 
trol.  Whilst  thus  the  ministers  of  the  law,  they 
enforced  their  decisions  by  religious  sanctions,  and 
if  any  refused  obedience  to  their  decrees  they  for 
bid  their  presence  at  all  religious  sacrifices.  The 
persons  thus  doomed  were  regarded  as  accursed, 
:md  were  shunned  as  were  those  white  with  leprosy 
by  the  Jews. 

"  These  priests  were  exempt  from  war  and  from 
taxation,  and  were  regarded  with  the  deepest  vene- 


ration.  Their  learning  was  not  committed  to 
writing,  lest  it  should  go  down  among  the  people; 
it  was  committed  to  memory,  and  was  thus  trans 
mitted  from  one  to  another.  When  they  commit 
ted  anything  to  writing,  it  is  said  they  used  the 
Greek  language,  of  which  the  people  were  utterly 

"  Many  of  the  customs  and  superstitions  which 
now  exist  in  Ireland,  and  which  are  wielded  with 
great  power  by  the  priests  to  gain  their  purposes, 
existed  there  long  before  the  days  of  Saint  Patrick. 
The  peasantry  now  bury  their  dead  with  peculiar 
rites;  they  have  their  wakes,  when  the  neighbour- 
watch  with  the  dead  and  carouse;  lighted  candles 
are  placed  around  the  corpse ;  the  dead  are  taken 
to  the  grave  followed  by  the  wailing  multitudes, 
and  are  buried  with  their  feet  toward  the  east.  So 
it  was  two  thousand  years  ago ;  thus  Dathy,  the 
la-t  pii'jan  priner  (»!'  the  enimtrv,  was  buried. 

"They  have  now  their  holy  well*  in  Ire  hind. 
They  r\i>t  in  ^reat  numbers  in  every  part  of  the 
country  ;  and  all  have  a  history  which  connects 
them  with  tin-  lanta-tie  doings  of  some  saint  or 
saintess  in  remote  antiquity.  It  i-  truly  painful  to 
gee  the  deep  path>  worn  by  pilgrims  to  them,  going 
round  and  round  them  on  their  knees,  doing  pen- 


ance  for  their  sins.  At  the  canonical  time  for 
visiting  these  wells  the  paths  around  them  are  red 
with  the  blood  of  the  poor  pilgrims.  Around  these 
wells  are  rude  stones,  among  which  the  poor  people 
stuif  some  of  their  rags,  and  even  some  of  their 
hair,  as  a  witness,  if  necessary,  of  their  visit ;  and 
around  these  wells  are  holy  bushes,  on  which  are 
always  streaming  some  fragments  of  pilgrim  gar 
ments  to  put  the  guardian  saint  of  the  well  in  mind 
of  '  the  stations'  there  performed.  As  to"  these 
wells  there  can  be  no  doubt ;  I  have  visited  them 
recently,  and  have  seen  the  things  now  described. 
The  name  of  Saint  Patrick,  and  of  a  Saint  Bridget, 
are  widely  associated  with  these  fountains;  but 
they  were  regarded  as  holy  before  the  Christian  era ; 
and  the  penances  now  performed  around  them,  and 
in  the  same  manner  and  form,  were  performed 
in  obedience  to  Druid  priests  two  thousand  years 
ago.  Indeed,  Thomas  Moore,  himself  a  papist, 
admits  that  the  holy  St.  Bridget,  of  whom  Alban 
Butler  so  piously  writes,  was  the  Vesta  of  the  fire- 
worshippers  ;  and  that  the  nuns  of  St.  Bridget  were 
only  the  Druidesses  continued  under  a  new  name ! 

"  Who,  born  in  Ireland,  or  descended  from  Irish 
parents,  has  not  heard  of  fairies,  and  of  their  doings 
and  antics,  until  he  has  feared  if  not  believed  their 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  131 

existence?  There  is  scarcely  any  form  of  supersti 
tion  which  has  more  generally  seized  on  the  Irish 
mind  than  this.  The  shoe  of  an  ass  is  often  nailed 
on  the  door-sill  t<»  keep  oil'  the  fairies.  The  priests 
bless  amulets,  which  are  sold  for  '  a  compensation/ 
and  are  worn  around  the  neck,  to  keep  off*  the 
witches  and  the  fairies  !  When  a  boy  or  girl  sent 
to  a  Protestant  school  gets  sick,  the  priest,  even  in 
our  own  day,  tells  the  parents  that  their  child  is 
bewitched  in  punishment  for  going  to  those  awful 
schools,  and  offers  to  drive  off  the  witches  for  *  a 
obmpeiMatioo/  and  on  the  condition  that  the  child 
be  withdrawn  from  the  schools.  If  the  child  gets 
well,  the  priest  has  the  credit ;  if  it  dies,  the 
parents  and  child  have  gone  too  far  to  have  the 
punishment  remitted!  But  these  fairy  legends 
and  superstitions  jare  of  Druid  origin,  and  have 
been  adopted  and  trai;>imtted  by  the  priests  to 
work  upon  the  fears  of  the  people. 

"Then-  an-  hu-hes  -acred  to  the  fairies,  and 
1  pleasant  hill>'  \\hnv  they  love  to  congregate," and 
lonely  towers  amid  \vho-e  ruins  they  love  to  gam 
bol  by  moonlight,  and  grovu  mand  to  their  .-ports 
and  meetings.  To  cut  down  a  lairy  hu>h  is  even 
now  a  sacrilege  am  on  L:  the  ignorant.  And  the  in 
stances  are  not,  even  in  our  day,  unfrequeut  of  a 


peasant  removing  his  cabin  when  ignorantly  built 
on  the  pathway  of  the  fairies,  or  when  found  in 
their  way  when  opening  up  a  new  path.  All,  again 
of  Druidic  origin,  whose  priests  had  their  fairies, 
and  their  bushes,  their  hills,  groves  and  places 
sacred  to  them  ! 

"  The  Irish  peasantry  have  a  remarkable  fond 
ness  for  bonfires.  On  Saint  John's  Eve  they 
kindle  them  on  the  hill-tops  all  over  the  country. 
The  lovely  Charlotte  Elizabeth  thus  describes  one 
of  these  of  which  she  was  a  witness  :  The  pile, 
composed  of  turf,  bog- wood  and  other  combustibles, 
was  built  to  a  great  height.  '  Early  in  the  evening 
the  peasants  began  to  assemble,  all  habited  in  their 
best  array,  glowing  with  health  ;  I  had  never  seen 
anything  resembling  it ;  and  was  exceedingly  de 
lighted  with  their  handsome,  .intelligent,  merry 
faces.  The  fire  being  kindled,  a  splendid  blaze 
shot  up.  After  a  pause  the  ground  was  cleared  in 
the  front  of  an  old  piper,  the  very  beau-ideal  of 
drollery  and  shrewdness,  who,  seated  in  a  low 
chair,  with  a  well-replenished  jug  by  his  side, 
screwed  his  pipes  to  the  liveliest  tunes,  and  the 
endless  jig  began. 

"'When  the  fire  burned  low,  an  indispensable 
part  of  the  ceremony  commenced.  Every  one 


present  of  the  peasantry  passed  through  it,  and 
i&veral  children  were  thrown  across  the  sparkling 
embers/  And  after  describing  other  ludicrous 
scenes,  she  remarks,  'Here  was  the  old  pagan  wor 
ship  of  Baal,  if  not  of  Moloch  too,  carried  on 
openly  and  universally  in  the  heart  of  a  nominally 
Christian  country,  and  by  millions  professing  the 
Chri>tian  name.  I  was  confounded,  for  I  did  not 
know,  then,  that  Popery  is  only  a  crafty  adapta 
tion  of  pagan  idolatries  to  its  own  scheme.' 

"The  Druids  were  fire- worshippers,  as  were  the 
Asiatics  from  whom  they  were  descended.  The 
priests  of  Rome  adopted  the  days  and  the  customs 
consecrated  to  the  worship  of  fire;  they  called  the 
day-  after  a  saint,  and  gave  to  the  ceremonies  a 
papal  significance;  and  thus  perpetuated  the  cere- 
monic-  «-f  tin*  I)ruid-  to  our  time. 

"Tin-  kin--  had  their  bards,  as  had  also  all  the 
great  aristocratic  families.  These  bards  became, 
in  time,  a  privilr^-d  ela-s,  and  exercised  great  in 
fluence.  They  were  the  chief  chroniclers;  they 
kept  the  family  L'<'noalogie8;  they  casf  int..  rude 
verse  the  deed-  nf  their  heroes,  and.  like  Homer  in 
Greece,  iv-itcd  them  on  public;  occasions.  On 
great  occasion-,  and  at  all  great  festival-,  these 
bards  were  j.n-cnt.  By  their  example  they  ex- 


cited  the  youth  to  the  cultivation  of  oratory,  and 
by  their  fervid  appeals  they  swayed  the  multitude, 
and  filled  them  with  the  highest  enthusiasm. 
They  moved  the  people  as  the  high  winds  move 
the  trees  of  the  forest.  They  would  seize  their 
harps  and  play  and  sing  their  own  national  songs, 
in  which  the  people  would  join,  until  the  family, 
provincial,  or  national  spirit  was  intensely  excited, 
when  all  were  ready  to  go  forth  to  deeds  of 
heroism  or  of  rapine.  And  the  names  of  some 
of  these  bards,  or  Fileas,  are  retained  and 
honoured  among  the  people  of  the  country  to  the 
present  day.  Had  the  productions  of  these  bards 
escaped  the  wrecks  of  time,  Ireland,  too,  might 
have  its  Homer,  its  Virgil,  its  Horace  and  its 
Ossian ! 

"There  are  long  and  dreary  annals  running 
through  ages,  which  record  little  else  than  the  rise 
and  fall  of  kings — the  wars  between  provinces  and 
petty  nobles — the  insurrections  of  the  peasants 
against  their  oppressors — and  the  way  in  which 
nobles  at  the  head  of  their  retainers  ravaged 
the  island,  and  destroyed  everything  by  fire  and 
sword.  By  causes  like  these,  and  by  the  bloody 
rites  and  superstitions  of  the  Druids,  the  people 
were  wasted  and  brutalized.  The  arts  introduced 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  135 

by  the  first  colonists  were  neglected — agriculture 
was  fc  rsaken ;  and,  save  at  intervals  few  and  far 
between,  the  entire  island  was  agitated  by  the 
jealousies  and  conflicts  of  contending  princes  and 
nobles,  until  in  the  process  of  time  the  people  were 
buried  in  profound  barbarism  and  ignorance. 

"Through  those  obscure  ages  rose  various  cus 
toms,  traces  of  which  are  now  visible.  The  people 
were  divided  in  ranks  and  grades.  These  grades 
were  designated  by  the  number  of  colours  they 
were  permitted  to  wear;  the  lowest  could  wear  but 
one,  and  none  but  the  royal  family  could  wear 
•seven.  The  rank  next  to  royalty  was  composed 
of  the  learned  order;  these  wore  six  colours,  which 
shows  the  high  estimation  of  learning  in  that  early 
day.  This  custom  is  the  origin  of  the  Scotch  plaid 
worn  by  the  Highlanders  down  to  our  own  times. 

The  Irish  are  proverbial  for  their  hospitality. 
In  those  early  times  provisions  were  made  by  law 
for  straiiL:'T-  ami  travc Hern,  by  creating  an  order 
of  nobility  called  ,„/,,-/, dners.  Th«-e  di-nii .-: 
were  iv.jiiiiv.l  ID  i.c  the  proprietor^  of  BeV60  town- 
lands;  to  h:  wrfc  :  to  have 
seven  herd-  «.f  r..\v»,  i-ach  herd  to  contain  one 
hundred  and  1'ortv.  their  man-ion  \va-  rc«jnirc-d  lo 
be  acci  —  -il»lc  l»v  t'«.iir  ditVcn-iif  RV6QUW;  and  a 

136          4  SAINT    PATRICK. 

sheep  and  beef  were  required  to  be  in  constant 
preparation,  that  whoever  called  should  be  fed 
without  delay.  And  all  was  gratuitous.  Thus 
the  hospitality  of  the  Milesians  was  without  a 
parallel  in  Europe;  and  such  is  the  character  of 
the  Irish  people  to  the  present  time.  The  houses 
of  the  Irish  gentry  are  now  as  open  as  they  were 
under*  the  law  promulged  from  the  old  halls  of 
Tarah ;  and  in  the  poorest  mud  cottage  on  the  side 
of  the  moor  you  will  receive  a  kind  welcome, 
and,  if  you  are  in  want,  a  warmth  of  sympathy 
that  will  divide  with  you  the  last  cup  of  porridge 
or  the  last  potato.  'An  Irish  welcome'  is  pro 
verbial  in  all  the  earth  for  cheerfulness,  heartiness 
and  truthfulness.  And  the  Milesians  have  carried 
with  them  into  all  the  lands  of  their  dispersion  this 
characteristic  of  their  ancestry.  May  they  nevei 
lose  it! 

"These  are  national  characteristics  which  have 
their  foundation  in  institutions  older  than  our 
Christianity ;  and  which,  because  of  the  stationary 
principle  which  has  obtained  in  Ireland,  have  been 
transmitted  to  our  time.  Once  break,  as  it  must 
be  broken  in  our  country,  the  influence  of  that  old 
stationary  principle ;  save  the  native  impulses  of 
the  Milesians,  but  elevate  them  above  the  influence 


of  the  social  and  Druidical  laws  of  old  Ollarah 
Fodhla,  and  the  conventions  of  Tarah, — and  you 
have  material  out  of  which  to  form  as  noble  a 
people  as  walk  the  earth."* 

If  Druidism  thus  stamped  itself  upon  a  pcMplr, 
so  that  its  customs  were  not  all  removed  by  Chris 
tianity,  what  must  it  have  been  when  Saint  Patrick 
1"  -an  hi-  labour-  in  Ireland?  Its  priests  and  poets 
were  tin-  learned  men  of  the  country.  Twenty 
year-  <>f  study  were  required  to  educate  a  Druid. 
He  kii»-\v -nun-thing  <»f  t lie  sciences  of  mathematics, 
a-n •'.immy,  rhetoric,  law,  medicine  and  moral 
pliiln-ophy.  He  was  skilled  in  the  arts  of  magic. 
His  knowledge  was  condensed  into  triads,  or 
-cntences  each  con  tain  ing  three  strong  points. 
One  triad  ran  thus  :  4k  The  first  three  principles  of 
wi-dni,i  are — obedience  to  the  laws  of  God,  care  for 
the  welfare  of  man  and  fortitude  under  the  acci 
dent  nf  life." 

\\  »e  to  Saint  Patrick  it'  a  Druid  grew  jealous! 
A  sin-le  word  from  a  Druid  for  ever  withered  a 
human  bring;  he  was  " cut  d«>\vn  like  grass."  !!•• 
always  lia<l  the  kin-.'.  ,.ai-,  and  at  hi-  whimper  the 
cruel  order  went  forth  to  slay  the  hated  man.  On 

*  Ireland  and  il..  Iri-h  l,y  Kirwan  (Rev.  N.  Murray,  D.  D.), 
N.  Y.  Observer,  1856. 


his  lip  was  war  or  peace;  in  his  hand  the  golden 
knife  for  the  throat  of  the  condemned;  at  the 
sound  of  his  rude  lyre  the  people  rose  to  the  work 
of  vengeance;  on  his  word  the  doom  of  a  kingdom 
hung.  The  loyalty  of  the  land  was  a  religion  of 
wonder  and  fear,  and  to  dispute  with  a  Druid  was 
a  crime  against  the  state.* 

Woe  also  to  the  disciples  of  Saint  Patrick  if 
they  kept  back  the  tax  claimed  by  the  Druids! 
The  chief  Druid  of  every  district  required  all 
families,  rich  or  poor,  to  pay  him  certain  annual 
dues.  On  an  evening  in  autumn  they  must  put 
out  every  fire  in  their  houses.  It  seems  to  have 
been  at  the  time  of  the  convention  of  Tarah. 
Then  every  man  must  appear  and  pay  his  tax. 
If  he  failed,  he  was  the  object  of  terrible  ven 
geance.  To  be  with  a  fire  in  the  house,  and  with 
out  money  in  the  hand,  was  a  crime.  The  next 
morning  the  Druid  priest  allowed  every  man  to 
take  some  of  his  own  sacred  fire,  and  rekindle  the 
flame  on  his  own  hearth.  It  was  a  crime  for  one 
man  to  lend  a  living  coal  to  his  neighbour ;  if  he 
did  it,  he  was  reduced  to  poverty  and  declared  an 
outlaw.f  To  be  a  Christian  one  must  renounce 

*  Disraeli,  Amenities,  i.  1. 

f  Toland's  His.  Druids,  pp.  71.  72. 


such  customs  of  superstition  at  the  peril  of  his 
life.  Also,  if  he  saw  "the  fiery  cross"  borne  on 
the  hills,  he  must  rush  to  the  rallying-place  of  the 
clans.  The  chieftain  had  slain  a  goat,  dipped  in 
its  blood  the  ends  of  a  wooden  cross,  set  it  on  fire, 
given  it  to  the  clansman,  and  told  him  to  run  and 
wave  it  on  the  hill-tops.  When  his  breath  was 
gone,  another  would  take  it  up  and  repeat  the 
signal.  Tht  man  who  did  not  obey  the  summons 
was  doomed 



HE  story  is  that  King  Laogaire  and  his  court 
were  preparing  for  the  great  feast  held  at 
the  time  of  the  convention  at  Tarah.  One 
of  the  oldest  writers  upon  Saint  Patrick,  in 
his  fondness  for  the  Scripture  style,  says  :  "Now 
there  happened  in  that  year  the  idolatrous  festival 
which  the  Gentiles  were  wont  to  observe  with  many 
incantations  and  magical  inventions,  and  some  other 
superstitions  of  idolatry;  gathering  together  the 
ki<  gs,  satraps,  dukes,  chieftains  and  nobles  of  the 
people;  summoning  the  magicians,  enchanters, 
augurs,  with  the  inventors  or  teachers  of  every  art 
and  gift,  unto  Laogaire  (as  unto  King  Nebuchad 
nezzar  of  old)  to  Tarah,  which  was  their  Babylon. 
.  .  .  They  were  worshipping  and  exercising  them 
selves  in  that  Gentile  festivity."  * 

Every  fire  was  to  be  put  out  in  the  land,  and  it 
was   "made   known   by  proclamation   to  all  that 
*  Muirchu  Maccn-Machtene,  an  Irish  writer  supposed  to  be 
of  the  seven  kh  century.—  Vide  Todtfs  Saint  Patrick,  chap.  iii. 



whosoever  should,  on  that  night,  kindle  a  fire  before 
the  king's  fire  had  been  kindled  on  the  hill  of 
Tarah,  that  soul  should  be  cut  off  from  his  people." 
We  may  imagine  that 

"  The  king  was  seated  on  a  royal  throne, 
And  in  his  face  majestic  greatness  shone  : 
A  monarch  tor  heroic  deeds  designed, 
For  noble  acts  become  a  noble  mind : 
About  him,  summoned  by  his  strict  command, 
The  peers,  the  priests  and  commons  of  the  land, 
In  princely  state  and  solemn  order  stand." 

The  night  is  falling.  Not  yet  have  the  Druids 
struck  their  sacred  fire  on  the  hill  of  Tarah.  Death 
to  the  man  who  dares  to  kindle  his  own  in  the  very 
teeth  of  the  law  !  The  king  looks  out  of  his 
window;  the  glare  of  a  distant  flume  eatrhcs  his 
eye.  He  is  amazed.  Is  his  sovereignty  de~|»i~.-d  .' 
"  Who  U  thi-  that  sets  at  naught  the  law?"  he 
inquires.  "  Who  is  so  defiant  as  to  light  his  fire 
just  in  >i<rlit  of  my  palace?" 

"Death  to  him  !"  mutter  the  Druid  counsellors, 
who  are  in  still  greater  alarm.  All  eyes  stand  out 
with  a-stniii-lmiriit.  The  word  run-  thou-h  the, 
halls,  "There  is  a  fire  on  yonder  hill." 

'•What  r-hall  be  d«me  V"  a-k*  the  kin<r,  who  is 
scarcely  permitted  to  have  a  mind  of  his  own.  It 


is  a  religious  offence ;  the  priests  must  give  their 

UO  king,  live  for  ever!"  is  the  reply  of  the 
Druids,  as  framed  by  our  old  author,  who  labours 
to  imitate  the  style  of  Scripture  and  make  the 
scene  parallel  to  events  in  Daniel's  time.  "  This 
fire  which  we  see  shall  never  be  extinguished  to  all 
eternity  unless  we  put  it  out  to-night.  Moreover, 
it  shall  prevail  over  all  the  fires  of  our  wonted  ob 
servance  ;  and  he  who  has  kindled  it  shall  prevail 
over  us  and  over  thyself,  and  shall  win  away  from 
thee  all  the  men  of  thy  kingdom."  Well  had  it 
been  for  the  Druids  if  they  had  known  Scripture 
so  familiarly  as  to  play  thus  upon  the  words  of 
Daniel  to  the  king  in  Babylon !  They  would  not 
have  been  in  such  alarm. 

"  Now,"  continues  our  author,  "  when  King 
Laogaire  heard  all  these  things  he  was  greatly 
troubled,  as  Herod  was  of  old,  and  all  the  city  of 
Tarah  with  him.  And  he  answered  and  said, 
'  This  shall  not  be  so,  but  we  will  now  go  and  see 
the  end  of  the  matter,  and  we  will  take  and  kill 
the  men  who  are  doing  such  wickedness  against 
our  kingdom/  y> 

The  story  is,  that  the  king  set  out  for  the  fire- 
crowned  hill,  with  numerous  courtiers  in  his  train. 


The  Druids  would  not  permit  the  king  nor  any  of 
the  valiant  knights  to  venture  too  close,  lest  some 
strange  power  should  injure  them.  Coming  to  a 
halt,  they  advised  that  the  daring  intruder  should 
be  brought  into  the  royal  presence.  "Let  none 
rise  up  at  his  coming,"  said  they,  "nor  pay  him 
any  respect,  lest  he  win  them  by  his  arts." 

The  man  was  ordered  to  appear.     He  at  once 

obeyed.    He  entered  among  the  horses  and  chariots 

and   t4ie  array  of  courtiers,   chanting  the   words, 

ne  trust  in  chariots  and  some  in   horses,  but 

we  will  remember  the  name  of  the  Lord  our  God." 

All  eyes  were  upon  the  dignified  and  courageous 

stranger.    One  of  the  royal  attendants  rose  up  from 

n-spcd  to  him.     This  was  Ere  Mac  Dego,  a  noble 

young  man,  to  whom  the  stranger  said,  "  Why  do 

y.  11  alone  rise  up  to  me  ip  honour  of  my  God." 

u  I  know  n..t  why,"  was  the  answer;  "it  seems 
as  if  fire  com.-  fn.m  your  lips  to  mine." 

"Wilt  tlimi  receive  ih«  baptism  of  the  Lord?" 
"I  will  receive  it  wh,  M  I  know  who  thou  art." 
"  I  am  I'atri.-k,  :i  messenger  .,!'  M,riM  to  all  wno 
will  hear  the  truth  of  hrav,,,."     \\  ,-  ;irc  not  bound 
to  believe  all  fchif,  even  aftrr  havin-  , -ullcd  a  few 
reasonable  stat,-,,,,.,^  II-..MI  a  mass  of  absurdities. 
But  there  is  a.Mi,l   in   the  legends  an  account 


wonders  performed  by  Patrick,  modelled  after  the 
miracles  wrought  by  the  hand  of  Moses  before 
Pharaoh,  except  that  Moses  is  utterly  outdone. 
Very  coolly  does  Father  Brenan  say :  "  The  con 
ference  which  on  this  occasion  took  place  between 
Saint  Patrick  and  Laogaire  is  so  interwoven  with 
unattested  and  incredible  anecdote  that  it  might 
perhaps  be  as  well  passed  over.*  We  pass  it  over. 

The  king  is  furious.  He  orders  his  people  to 
seize  Patrick.  But  the  fearless  missionary  chants 
the  words,  "Let  God  arise,  and  let  his  enemies  be 
scattered."  "We  may  suppose  that  he  explained  the 
matter  of  his  fire  on  the  hill.  It  had  nothing  to 
do  with  Easter,  and,  even  if  it  had,  the  royal  pagan 
would  have  cared  nothing  for  that.  It  was  kindled 
before  his  tent,  simply  to  expel  the  chill  of  an 
October  night.  The  king  is  appeased.  Irish  wrath 
quickly  gives  way  to  a  generous  Irish  forgiveness. 
As  the  missionary  is  a  stranger,  he  shall  receive 
Irish  hospitality  from  some  of  the  nobles. 

The  next  day,  Patrick,  with  five  of  his  compan 
ions,  enters  the  hall  where  the  court  is  feasting. 
The  king's  chief  bard  rises  to  greet  him.  This  is 
Dubtach,  a  Druid  of  great  learning  and  fame. 
With  him  also  rises  the  young  poet  Fiacc,  a  stu- 
*  Eccl.  Hist.  Ireland,  p.  14. 


dent  whom  he  taught  in  the  Druid  lore.  They 
listen  while  the  mis.-ionary  preaches  what  they 
never  heard  before.  He  is  represented  as  saying  to 
the  king  and  the  magnates  of  the  convention: 
"  You  worship  the  sun  ;  you  adore  the  light  ;  it  is 
but  a  mere  creature.  That  sun  which  you  see  ri-o 
daily  for  our  good  at  the  command  of  the  Al 
mighty,  but  its  splendour  shall  not  always  endure. 
The  day  will  come  when  its  light  shall  be  extin 
guished,  and  all  those  that  worship  it  shall  misera 
bly  perish.  But  we  adore  the  true  Sun,  Christ  the 
Ivord  and  Ruler  of  all  the  world."  The  poet-lau 
reate  and  his  young  disciple  saw  the  folly  of  tin- 
fire- \vor~hip,  the  leading  doctrine  of  Irish  Druid- 
ism.  They  renounced  the  system.  They  believed 
the  word  and  were  the  first  converts  at  Tarah. 
The  younger  of  these  two  poets  might  have  found 
a  genial  frit-nd  in  IVni^nus,  the  sweet  singer  of  t  In- 
Irish  Israel.  Tin-  kini:  was  touched  by  the  prayer 
of  Patrick.  Troubled,  fearing,  trembling  and  seek 
ing  relief,  he  -aid  to  hi>  counsellor-  :  "  It  i-  better 
for  me  to  believe  than  to  die."  He  professed  him 
self  a  believer  in  Chri>t.  Hut  it  would  take  a 
large  mantle  of  charity  to  cover  hi-  sins.  He 
eeems  to  have  acted  from  policy,  rather  than  prin 
ciple.  The  account  is,  that  many  at  Tarah  brli> 



and  that  "  Patrick  baptized  many  thousand  men  on 
that  day"     No  doubt  this  is  an  exaggeration. 

We  may  know  much  of  Saint  Patrick's  spirit 
amid  these  scenes  if  we  may  give  credit  to  an  an 
cient  Irish  hymn  as  one  written  by  himself.  It 
is  often  called  Saint  Patrick's  Armour.  It  is  in 
the  style  of  a  lorica  or  prayer  against  all  evil 
powers.  Some  parts  of  it  are  still  remembered  by 
the  Irish  peasantry,  and  repeated  at  bed-time  as  a 
protection  from  evil.  Thus  words  of  devotion 
have  been  turned  to  a  sort  of  superstitious  dream. 
"  That  this  hymn  is  a  composition  of  great  anti 
quity  cannot  be  questioned.  It  is  written  in  a 
very  ancient  dialect  of  the  Irish  Celtic.  ...  It 
notices  no  doctrine  or  practice  of  the  Church  that 
is  not  known  to  have  existed  before  the  fifth  cen 
tury.  .  .  .  We  may  not,  therefore,  err  very  much  in 
taking  this  hymn  as  a  fair  representation  of  Saint 
Patrick's  faith  and  teaching.  Whether  it  was 
actually  written  by  him  or  not,  it  was  certainly 
composed  at  a  period  not  very  far  distant  from  his 
times,  with  a  view  to  represent  and  put  forth  his 
sentiments.  .  .  .  Notwithstanding  some  tincture  of 
superstition,  we  find  the  pure  and  undoubted  truths 
of  Christianity,  a  firm  faith  in  the  protecting 
providence  and  power  of  God  ;  and  Christ  is  made 


all  and  in  all.*  None  of  the  peculiar  errors  of 
the  Rome  of  the  eighth  century  are  found  in  it. 
Were  it  "  a  pious  fraud"  of  the  monks,  it  would 
certainly  have  had  praises  to  the  Virgin  Mary,  ap 
peals  to  angels  and  saints,  and  hints  concerning  the 
power  of  relics,  charms  and  rosaries.  It  is  thus 
literally  rendered  by  Dr.  Todd  : 

I.  I  bind  to  myself  f  to-day 

The  strong  power  of  the  invocation  of  the  Trinity, 
The  faith  of  the  Trinity  in  Unity, 
The  Creator  of  the  elements. 

II.  I  bind  to  myself  to-day 

The  power  of  the  incarnation  of  Christ, 
With  that  of  his  baptism ; 

power  of  the  crucifixion, 
With  that  of  his  burial ; 
The  power  of  the  resurrection, 
With   [that  of]  the  ascension; 
The  power  of  the  coming 
To  the  sentence  of  judgment. 

III.  I  bind  to  myself  to-day 

The  power  of  the  love  of  seraphim, 

In  the  obedience  of  angels, 

In  the  hope  of  resunvrtion  unto  reward, 

*  Todd's   St.  Tat  rick,  pp 

t  Dr.  Toddshowg  th.-it  thi-  i,  thr  true  n-Mdrrinir  ..f  th«-  wjrd 
Atomriug,  usually  translated  "At  Tarah."  This  1<  ^,-ns  the 
evidence  that  tin-  hvmn  wa>  first  used  at  this  royal  «»e»t. 


In  the  prayers  of  the  noble  fathers, 

In  the  predictions  of  the  prophets, 

In  the  preaching  of  apostles, 

In  the  faith  of  confessors, 

In  the  purity  of  holy  virgins, 

In  the  acts  of  righteous  men.     . 

IV.  I  bind  to  myself  to-day 
The  power  of  heaven, 
The  light  of  the  sun, 
The  whiteness  of  snow, 
The  force  of  fire, 
The  flashing  of  lightning, 
The  velocity  of  wind, 
The  depth  of  the  sea, 
The  stability  of  the  earth, 
The  hardness  of  rocks. 

V.  I  bind  to  myself  to-day 

The  power  of  God  to  guide  me, 
The  might  of  God  to  uphold  me, 
The  wisdom  of  God  to  teach  me, 
The  eye  of  God  to  watch  over  me, 
The  ear  of  God  to  hear  me, 
The  word  of  God  to  give  me  speech, 
The  hand  of  God  to  protect  me, 
The  way  of  God  to  prevent  me, 
The  shield  of  Gou  to  shelter  me, 
The  host  of  God  to  defend  me, 

Against  the  snares  of  demons, 
Against  the  temptations  of  vices, 


Against  the  lusts  of  nature, 

Against  every  man  who  meditates  injury  to  me, 

Whether  far  or  near, 

With  few  or  with  many. 

VI,  I  have  set  around  me  all  these  powers, 

Against  every  hostile,  savage  power  '. 

Directed  against  my  body  and  my  soul ; 

Against  the  incantations  of  false  prophets, 

Against  the  black  laws  of  heathenism, 

Against  the  false  laws  of  heresy, 

Against  the  deceits  of  idolatry, 

Against  the  spells  of  women,  and  smiths,  and  Druids, 

Against  all  knowledge  which  blinds  the  soul  of  man. 

VII.  Christ,  protect  me  to-day 

Against  poison,  against  burning, 
Against  drowning,  against  wound, 
That  I  may  receive  abundant  reward. 

VIII.  Christ  with   me,  Cliri-t  in.-. 

Chri-t  behind   me,   Christ   within   me, 

Cliri-t  l>riii  ,ith   me,  Chri-t  al>ove  me, 

Christ  at  my  ri-ht,  Christ  at  my  left, 

(  liri-t  in  the  fort   [when  I  am  at   IK. me], 

Christ  in  the  it  [when  I  travel], 

Chri.-t  in  the  .-hip  [  when  I  sail]. 

IX.  <  hri-t   in  tin-  heart  of  every  man 

\VliM  thinks  of  me; 
(hri-t   in   the   month   of  every   man 
speaks  to  me; 


Christ  in  every  eye  that  sees  me, 
Christ  in  every  ear  that  hears  me. 

X.  Of  the  Lord  is  salvation, 
Christ  is  salvation, 
With  us  ever  be 
Thy  salvation,  O  Lord. 



is  no;  our  intention  to  relate  all  the  travels 
and  heroic  adventures  attributed  to  Saint 
Patrick  by  those  biographers  who  have 
dealt  largely  in  the  wonderful  and  mirac 
ulous.  They  rarely  ascribed  to  him  a  failure; 
almost  every  prince  whom  he  visits  is  suddenly 
converted;  wherever  he  goes  whole  districts  are 
won  to  the  faith,  and  a  bishop  is  placed  over  the 
group  of  churches.  This  looks  suspicious  on  ite 
very  face.  The  greatest  missionaries,  from  the 
Apostle  Paul  downward,  have  had  defeats.  Uni 
form  success  has  rarely  been  the  rule  in  human 
toils.  The  wise  advantage  taken  of  a  defeat  is 
quite  as  much  to  the  honour  of. a  hero  as  an  un 
broken  series  of  victories. 

No  doubt  there  was  some  romance  in  his  preach 
ing,  and  on  his  journeys  various  strange  exploit**. 
But  the  tendency  has  been  to  exaggerate  his  la 
bours.  "Many  of  those  advent un •>  were  evidently 
invented  to  pay  a  compliment  to  certain  tribes,  or 



clans,  by  ascribing  the  conversion  of  their  ances 
tors  to  the  preaching  of  Saint  Patrick.  Others 
were  intended  to  claim  for  certain  churches,  or 
monasteries,  the  honour  of  having  been  by  him 
founded:  and  others,  again,  were  framed  with  the 
object  of  supporting  the  pretensions  of  the  see  of 
Armagh  to  the  possession  of  lands  or  jurisdiction 
in  various  parts  of  Ireland."*  Very  singular  is 
it,  if  he  made  so  many  dioceses,  that  one  modern 
author  names  twentyf  of  them  as  founded  before 
the  close  of  the  fifth  century.  Of  this  statement 
we  shall  find  hereafter  an  explanation.  They  were 
central,  missionary  churches,  each  having  a  bishop 
in  the  sense  of  a  pastor  over  his  own  flock,  and 
the  general  oversight  of  the  little  bands  of  Chris 
tians  in  his  district. 

What  were  the  causes  of  Patrick's  success  f  On 
this  question  we  may  hang  what  is  farther  to  be  re 
lated.  We  shall  take  those  statements  which  seem 
most  likely  to  be  true,  illustrating  them  with  such 
anecdotes  as  exhibit  the  character  of  the  man  and 
of  his  religious  teachings. 

A  commanding  presence  seems  to  have  lent  its 
aid.  Tradition  portrays  him  as  attractive,  venera- 

*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  400. 

t  Brenan,  Eccl  Hist.  Ireland,  chap.  ii. 


ble  and  dignified  in  his  appearance.     In  his 
there  was  a  majesty  of  love  and  truth.     A  portly 
frame,  open  countenance  and  imposing  manner  are 
not  essential  elements  of  usefulness.     The  Apostle 
Paul  was  "  in  bodily  presence  contemptible,"  but 
he  was  a  preacher  of  tremendous  power.     The  MP- 
dent  piety  shining  forth  through  uncomely  features 
is  often  a  means  of  grace.     Yet    amoii-    an    i 
rant,  superstitious,  barbarous  people  there  i-  a  t 
in  a  noble  presence.     Chieftains  appear   to    i 
seen  something  in  Patrick  more  stately  than  \va-  in 

He  went  from  Tarah  to  the  Tailten  races.  The 
court  resorted  thither  to  engage  in  the  royal  di 
versions.  A  modern  Irish  fair  would  be  a  more 
promising  scene  for  preaching.  But  in  spite  of  the 
tilt-,  tournaments  and  rough  sports  of  the  Iri-h 
Olympia,  he  gained  the  heart  of  large  numlx  r 
people.  He  bade  fair  to  turn  the  amu-ement-  into 
-olemn  exercises.  The  Druid  of  longest,  gray.  ~i 
beard  eonld  not  thn-  -way  the  multitude.  Num 
bers  listened  and  l.<-lie\ed,  arenrdin::  to  tin-  tradi 
tions.  lint  tin-  kin-'-  Ln.iher,  (  arl.i-i.  -MI  of  the 
great  Niall  of  the  \in«-  II  .  an-ry  when 

he  feared    tint  kk*  games  would    \n>   -j»oiled.      It   i\ 
likely  that  a  Druid   whispered  revenge  in  his  ear. 


He  first  sought  to  kill  the  missionary,  but  his 
brother  Conall  warded  off  the  blow.  He  then 
caused  Patrick's  helpers  to  be  beaten  and  thrown 
into  the  Blackwater.  They  were  not  drowned. 
Persecution  won  them  sympathy. 

Conall  opened  the  doors  of  his  heart  and  home 
to  the  preacher,  inquired  the  way  of  life,  believed 
on  the  Lord,  and  with  great  joy  was  baptized ;  thus 
accepting  brotherhood  with  the  lowliest  peasant 
who  had  bound  himself  to  Christ.  Months  of 
preaching  were  passed  in  this  region.  lf  Show 
kindness  to  my  believing  children,"  said  the  mis 
sionary,  "and  be  just  all  the  days  of  your  life." 

"  I  devote  to  the  Lord,"  said  the  prince,  "  the 
site  for  a  church."  He  measured  the  ground  with 
his  own  feet,  and  ordered  that  it  should  be  sixty 
foot-lengths  long.  There  stood  the  building  which 
took  the  name  of  "  the  Great  Church  of  Patrick." 
This  Conall  was  the  great-grandfather  of  Colum- 
ba,  the  renowned  missionary  at  lona  and  in  West 
ern  Scotland. 

His  mode  of  teaching  is  worthy  of  note.  It  was 
direct,  full  of  truth  and  forcible.  It  related  to 
Christ  rather  than  to  the  Church.  A  very  curious 
and  ancient  anecdote,  whether  true  or  false,  affords 
a  specimen  of  what  was  believed  to  be  his  manner 


of  instructing  the  ignorant.  He  crossed  the  Shan 
non  and  went  into  Connaught,  and  lingered  near 
the  Mount  of  the  Druids  in  Roscommon.  Perhaps 
he  mused  upon  the  fact  that  races  perish  from  the 
earth  as  well  as  men,  as  he  passed  by  the  i-omctery 
of  the  ancient  kings.  Perhaps  he  found  hospitality 
in  the  royal  fort.  Near  it  was  a  well-known  foun 
tain.  Thither  he  and  his  companions  went  one 
morning,  it  would  seem,  to  talk  with  th<»i'  who 
came  for  water.  The  little  company  wa<  afterward 
magnified  into  "a  synod  of  holy  bishops!"  It  is 
said  that  there  they  lifted  their  early  song  of  pi 
to  God. 

It  appears  that  King  Laogaire  had  smt  two  of 
his  daughters  into  this  neighbourhood,  and  p!a<-«  d 
them  under  the  care  of  two  Druids.  For  a  morn 
ing  walk  they  came  to  the  fountain,  and  were  much 
surprised  to  meet  the  strangers,  not  being  quite 
sure  but  they  were  "men  of  the  hills,"  or  halt' 
gods,  who  were  supposed  to  dwell  in  the  mountain 

"  Whence  are  ye  ?"  they  asked,  "  and  whence 
come  ye  ?'' 

"  It  were  better  for  you  to  confess  to  <mr  true 
God  than  to  in<juin-  <-<>n<vrning  our  race." 

"Who  is  God,  and  where  does  he  dwell?"  the 


elder  asked.  "  Has  he  sons  and  daughters,  silver 
and  gold  ?  Is  he  ever-living  ?  Does  he  love  his 
children  ?  Are  they  beautiful  ?  Tell  us  of  him. 
How  shall  he  be  seen  ?  Is  it  in  youth  or  in  old 
age  that  he  is  to  be  found  ?" 

"  Our  God  is  the  God  of  all  men,"  answered 
Patrick.  "  He  is  the  God  of  heaven  and  earth, 
the  sea  and  the  rivers,  the  mountains  and  the 
valleys,  the  sun,  the  moon  and  the  stars.  He  is 
in  heaven,  and  above  heaven.  He  dwells  also  on 
the  earth.  He  gives  life  to  all  things — light  to  the 
sun,  stars  to  the  sky,  water  to  the  fountains,  and 
he  upholds  all  beings." 

How  different  was  he  from  the  gods  of  the 
Druids !  If  we  had  never  heard  of  the  true  God, 
we  might  understand  how  the  king's  daughters 
wondered.  But  they  were  to  hear  a  still  greater 
truth — one  which  had  power  to  win  the  heart  of  all 
who  will  give  due  heed  to  it.  Those,  who  call  it  a 
mystery  and  treat  it  with  neglect,  know  not  how 
precious  it  is  to  the  sinner  seeking  the  way  to  be 

"  He  hath  a  Son  co-eternal  and  co-equal  with 
himself,"  continued  Patrick.  "  The  Son  is  not 
younger  than  the  Father ;  nor  the  Father  older 
than  the  Sou.  And  the  Holy  Ghost  breatheth  in 


them.*  The  Father,  the  Son  and  the  Holy  Ghost 
are  not  divided.  But  I  wish  to  unite  you  to  the 
heavenly  King,  as  ye  are  the  dau^-lit* T-  of  an 
earthly  king;  that  is,  to  believe." 

"Teach  us  most  diligently  how  we  may  believe 
in  the  heavenly  King.  Show  us  Imw  we  may  see 
him  face  to  face,  and  whatsoever  thou  wilt  say  untu 
us  we  will  do?" 

No  doubt  here  is  a  blank  in  the  lc— on.  If  the 
scene  were  real,  the  plain  requirements  must  have 
been  taught.  And  Patrick  said  :  "  Believe  ye  that 
by  baptism  ye  put  off  the  sin  of  your  father  and 
your  moflu T 

"We  beli.-ve." 

"  Believe  ye  in  repentance  after  sin  ?" 
"  We  believe." 

'   relieve  ye  in  the  unity  of  the  Church?" 
"  We  believe." 

Nothing  more  is  added  that  illustrates  Patrick's 
method  of  teaching.  In  this  there  is  not  all  that 

"Inflat  in  eis,"  proceedeth  from  them,  would  have-  been 
the  truth. 

f  The  error  here  may  have  been  that  of  the  biographer, 
ratlu-r  than  i.f  1'utrirk.  Original  -in  is  not  ])iit  :i\v;iy  by  bap- 
tium;  itn  n-inoval  by  Christ  may  U-,  ,,t.  ,1.  'i  hr  -iKn  ,,u,.,t 
not  be  takvn  f«.r  the  cause.  Thi«  error  grew  up  quite  i-arly  in 
some  part*  of  tin-  (  'hri-ti;in  <  hur.  h. 


we  could  wish.  There  are  some  errors.  But  there 
is  nothing  here  of  modern  Romanism.  On  their 
confession  of  faith  the  king's  daughters  were  bap 
tized  at  the  same  fountain.  What  is  said  of  their 
wish  to  "  see  the  face  of  Christ"  and  their  sudden 
death  is  evidently  the  boldest  fiction. 

The  story  also  is,  that  their  teachers  were  con 
verted  "  to  the  repentance  of  God."  They  believed 
and  renounced  their  Druidism.  Near  this  spot  a 
church  arose  That  many  Druids  were  converted 
is  very  credible.  If  only  a  few  of  them  had 
accepted  the  Christian  doctrines,  we  should  expect 
to  find  more  persecution  and  less  success. 
*(  His  power  of  adaptation  must  have  aided 
Patrick's  influence.  There  is  a  beautiful  story 
which  gives  nobility  to  one  of  the  plainest  of 
plants.  It  is  said  that  Patrick  once  came  to  a 
barbarous  tribe  and  began  to  preach  to  them  in  the 
open  air.  He  spoke  of  the  Holy  Trinity.  They 
shook  their  heads.  It  was  too  sublime  a  mystery 
for  an  ignorant  and  faithless  people,  who  would  not 
accept  as  true  what  they  could  not  comprehend. 
These  rationalists  grew  indignant  and  intolerant. 
They  were  about  to  enter  into  the  controversy  with 
clubs  and  drive  the  missionary  from  their  soil.  He 
understood  the  wise  management  of  human  nature. 

SA  I  *T   r.l  TRICK.  159 

Stooping  down,  lit-  took  from  the  green  sod  a  sprig 

which  h;nl  three  leave-  united  in  one,  and  holding 
it  up  lu-  -imple  illustration  of  the  Trinity. 

It  was  the  common   shamrock,  trodden    under 
in  the  pastures  and    the  wild  woods.     The   Mil 
the  people  wen-  gained,  (jiiite    as    much  bv  the   tact 
of  the  .Mran-e  preacher  a.-  l»v  the 
inent  drawn  iVom  a  symbol    so    imperfect    and    un 
worthy  of  the  theme.      They  li-tcned   to  the  p: 
of  the   docti'  M    in    the   Script lire-,  and  were 

convinced.    The  legend  is  that  the  -hamrock  l>ecanie 
in  thi-  way  a  national  emblem  of  Ireland.      In  our 
times  many  an   Iri.-h  hat   i-  decked  with   tlie   sham- 
on  Saint   Patrick'-  dfl    ^ 

//  '/"it   aided    Patrick's   in 

fluence.  It  appears  that  he  overthrew  some  oft  ho 
pillar-Moiies,  which  >eem  t.»  ha\c  been  the  chief 
objects  of  worship  with  th«-  pa-an  Iri>h.  One  of 
th.-e  wa-  the  Crom-cr  "ihe  black  M«i..piiiir- 

itone.91      Keating  MJI  --tlie  same  go<l  that 

adored  in  (  i  :11<1  that    this  WW  llie 

form     of    idolatry     introduced    Upoag    "the 
MileHan-.""-      Around  it    -tood    hi  -cr  idols 

of  brass.     The  spot  was  called  "the  plain  of  ki, 
ing."     It  had   been   a   favou. 

•  li  J,  p.  156. 

160  SA  INT  PA  TR ICK. 

Laogaire.  To  this  "Moloch  of  Ireland"  no 
doubt  human  victims  were  sacrificed. 

To  this  plain  the  ardent  missionary  bent  his 
way.  He  resolved  that  the  idol  should  fall. 
Romanists  differ  as  to  whether  it  fell  at  the  touch 
of  his  aholy  staff"  or  at  the  voice  of  his  prayer. 
We  believed  in  neither  of  these  means,  for  it  would 
involve  a  miracle.  It  is  far  more  likely  that  he 
caused  it  to  be  smitten  to  the  dust  by  blows  which 
were  not  at  all  mysterious.  A  hammer  in  a  strong 
hand  was  sufficient.  The  people  saw  that  such 
idols  were  worse  than  vanity.  There  too,  it  is 
said,  a  church  was  built,  transmitting  "to  suc 
ceeding  ages  the  memory  of  the  wonderful  things 
that  God  had  accomplished  there  by  the  ministry 
of  his  servant." 

Another  name  of  the  idol  is  thought  to  have 
been  Crom-dubh,  whence  a  certain  day  is  now  called 
in  Ireland,  Cromduff  Sunday.  It  may  be  that 
the  old  heathen  festival  was  turned  into  a  Chris 
tian  observance.  The  people  were  not  willing  to 
give  up,  altogether,  their  pagan  revelries,  and  in 
their  stead  certain  rites,  more  Christian,  were 
adopted.  It  may  be  that  Patrick  showed  some 
tolerance  toward  the  old  superstitions.  He  dealt 
tenderly  with  the  popular  usages  and  prejudices. 

SA  INT  PA  TEIC  K.  161 

He  did  not  break  in  pieces  all  the  idols  of  stone, 
in  the  spirit  of  the  young  Hebrew  king,  Josiah. 
The  chieftain.-  would  not  permit  it;  the  clansmen 
would  rise  in  rebellion.  On  ~.,me  of  them  he  was 
content  to  iiis.TJi,e  the  name  of  Jesus.  Also  the 
wells,  which  had  long  been  used  f«,r  heathen  pur 
poses,  he  allowed  to  be  used  lor  baptism.  Near 
them  churches  were  built,  so  that  the  people  might 
walk  in  the  old  paths  fur  a  new  purpose.  The 
Druid  fire  became  an  Ka-ter  flame.  In  a  later 
day  this  adaptation  of  heathen  customs  to  Chris 
tian  rites  gave  rise  to  many  evils.  Kven  the  good 
Columba  said,  without  meaning  any  irreverence, 
"My  Druid  i>  Christ." 

"Nothing  is  clearer,"  says  Dr.  O'Donovan, 
"  than  that  Patrick  engrafted  Christianity  on  the 
pagan  superstitious,  with  >«>  much  skill  that  he 
won  the  pc., pi,,  over  t,,  the  rim-nan  religion  be 
fore  they  UlldciMond  the  exact  (litl'd'CUCe  bctWCCU 

the  two  system-  nf  belief;  and  much  of  this  half- 
Pagan,  half-Christian  n-li^ion  will  be  found  not 
only  in  the  Irish  stories  of  the  Middle  Ages,  but  in 
the  Mipcrstitious  oi'  the  peas-mtry  to  tin:  present 
day."  Thi^  rather  a  sweeping  charge.  Without 
denying  that  Patrick  erred  in  tlii-  direction,  it  is 
certainly  unfair  to  lay  all  these  results  to  his  ac- 


count.  Those  who  came  after  him  were  more  dis 
posed  to  compromise  with  the  old  Druidic  customs. 
They  were  ready  to  borrow  from  the  heathen,  as 
was  then  done  in  almost  all  Christendom.  It  was 
this,  in  a  great  measure,  that  made  Romanism,  and 
gave  it  popularity  among  every  people  at  whose 
doors  the  Church's  messengers  were  knocking. 
Gregory  the  Great  was  not  a  fierce  iconoclast.  He 
saw  with  regret  the  destruction  of  heathen  temples. 
u  He  enjoined  their  sanctification  by  Christian 
rites ;  the  idols  only  were  to  be  destroyed  without 
remorse.  Even  the  sacrifices  of  oxen  were  to  con 
tinue,  but  to  be  celebrated  on  the  saints'  days,  in 
order  gently  to  transfer  the  adoration  of  the  people 
from  their  old  to  their  new  objects  of  worship."* 

Not  yet  is  the  Church  rid  of  this  faulty  policy. 
It  is  rightly  felt  to  be  a  duty  both  to  Christianize 
society  and  to  socialize  the  Church.  How  shall  we 
adapt  our  religion  to  the  demands  of  worldly  men  ? 
Shall  we  come  down  to  their  tastes,  their  customs, 
their  habits?  Shall  we  take  up  what  is  peculiar 
to  their  society  and  give  it  a  place  in  the  Church  ? 
Shall  we  adopt  their  amusements  and  try  to  hallow 
them?  This  will  be,  not  to  socialize  our  Chris 
tianity,  but  to  secularize  it.  It  will  be  to  make  the 
*  Milman,  Lat.  Chris,  bk.  iii.  chap,  vii.,  A.  D,  590. 


"broad  road"  the  easy  avenue  to  the  "strait  gate;" 
the  rounds  of  mirth,  the  ladder  of  piety!  The 
apology  that  such  devices  will  draw  ,M>me  sinners 
who  can  be  reached  by  nothing  else  is  suspicious. 
It  reflects  on  God's  own  means.  His  gospel  is 
adapted  to  reach  every  soul.  To  carry  into  the 
pulpit  the  buffooneries  that  make  a  street  auction 
interesting  to  the  crowd,  all  agape  for  low  wit, 
finds  a  pnc.r  excuse  in  the  assertion  that  some  are 
thus  \v.)ii  who  can  be  gained  in  no  other  way.  I 
deny  the  a— ert i< .n.  So  long  as  men  have  a  con- 
scienee  and  nunninii  sense,  they  can  be  touched  by 
the  solemn  realities  of  eternity  and  the  wondrous 
love  of  Christ.  The  efforts  to  tempt  them  into  the 
way  of  life  by  worldly  lures  may  afford  them 
amusement,  but  the  result  will  be  only  failure. 
( 'hrist  designed  that  his  kingdom  should  be  in  the 
world  (not  of  it),  in  order  to  Christianize  the 
world.  lie  did  not  mean  that  the  world  should 
be  brought  into  his  kingdom  to  secularize  that 

Centres  of  influence  were  sought.  To  gain  a  country 
he  must  win  it-  petty  kiiiLr:  the  prince  first,  then 
the  peasantry.  Secure  the  chief,  the  elan  would 
follow.  "To  attempt  the  conversion  of  the  clan 
in  opposition  to  the  will  of  the  chieftain  would 


probably  have  been  to  rush  upon  inevitable  death, 
or  at  least  to  risk  a  violent  expulsion  from  the 
district."  We  have  seen  that  such  leading  men 
were  the  first  converts.  They  permitted  Patrick  to 
extend  his  labours.  "  The  clansmen  pressed  eagerly 
round  the  missionary  who  had  baptized  the  chief, 
anxious  to  receive  that  mysterious  initiation  into 
the  new  faith  to  which  their  chieftain  and 
father  had  submitted.  The  requirements  prepara 
tory  to  baptism  do  not  seem  to  have  been  very  rigor 
ous;  and  it  is  therefore  by  no  means  improbable 
that  in  Tirawley  and  other  remote  districts,  where 
the  spirit  of  clanship  was  strong,  Patrick,  as  he 
tells  us  himself  he  did,  may  have  baptized  some 
thousands  of  men."  * 

Thus  every  castle,  every  court,  every  city  that 
gave  him  a  footing  became  a  centre  of  influence,  a 
spring  upon  the  mountain,  sending  its  stream  down 
upon  the  lowlands.  There  grew  up  the  central 
churches,  which  at  length  swelled  into  cathedrals ; 
there  were  founded  the  schools,  which  a  later  ae:e 

'  O 

perverted  into  monasteries ;  thence  went  forth  mis 
sionaries  whose  feet  were  "  beautiful  upon  the 
mountains/'  for  they  were  the  messengers  of  "  good 
tidings  ;"  thither  resorted  young  men  afterward, 
*Todd's  St.  Patrick,  pp.  498,499. 


and  changed  the  old  training-schools  into  rookeries 
of 'idle  monks. 

The  love  of  pioneering  was  strong  in  this  earnest 
missionary.  To  go  forth  whither  none  had  led  the 
way  was  his  delight.  He  planted  where  others 
should  reap.  Like  Paul,  he  chose  not  to  build  on 
another  man's  foundation.  No  doubt  he  sought 
out  the  scattered  bands  of  believers  whom  P:il- 
ladius  had  failed  to  visit  and  strengthen.  He 
may  have  made  their  cells  the  nurseries  of  schools 
and  churches.  In  solitary  places  he  may  have 
found  a  few  disciples,  who  had  retreated  into  the 
forests  to  be  safe  from  Druid  foes  and  to  hold 
fellowship  with  God.  These  he  was  able  to  lead 
out  of  their  obscure  retreats,  place  them  as  teachers 
over  bands  of  youth,  or  as  pastors  over  little  flocks 
who  needed  a  shepherd. 

On  his  first  and  perilous  journey  to  the  western 
coast  he  came  upon  such  a  Christian  retreat,  if  we 
may  credit  the  hotter  lines  of  an  ancient  story. 
There  he  met  the  "excellent  presbyter  Ailbe,"  who 
has  often  been  rej.r. >. -nt< •<!  as  "a  bishop"  in  Ireland 
l>efore  the  days  of  Saint  Patrick.  The  young  man 
itf  more  likely  to  h:t\<  }„  (»n  a  Culdee  missionary. 
When  he  was  about  to  be  ordained  by  Patrick,  he 
went  to  "  a  cave"  and  dug  from  the  earth  certain  glass 


cups  used  in  the  communion  service.  They  were 
hidden  there  from  intruding  robbers,  who  were  very 
plentiful  in  those  parts.  The  cave  seems  to  have 
been  a  rude  chapel,  fitted  up  in  a  concealed  place,  a 
long  time  before,  by  some  of  the  early  Christians 
of  Ireland.  It  is  pleasant  to  imagine  that  Ailbe 
chose  the  old  retreat  as  the  point  for  new  labours, 
and  won  converts  from  the  wild  tribes  of  Sligo, 
thus  building  the  old  waste  places  and  repairing 
the  broken  altars  of  Jehovah. 

His  enthusiasm  for  souls  was  a  motive-power 
within  him.  He  laboured  with  the  ardour  and 
energy  of  faith,  and  produced  effects  upon  rude 
minds  which  proved  that  God  was  with  him. 
Plunging  into  deep  forests  as  a  bold  pioneer,  he 
opened  the  road  to  Christian  civilization.  His 
journeys,  if  described,  would  serve  as  a  guide-book 
to  a  large  part  of  ancient  Ireland.  He  penetrated 
the  interior.  He  went  down  among  the  Firbolgs 
of  Connaught.  He  went  from  one  province  to 
another,  from  one  prince  to  another,  undismayed  by 
dangers  or  difficulties.  Like  another  Paul,  he 
preached  the  Gospel  with  the  Holy  Ghost  sent 
down  from  heaven ;  and  his  labours  were  crowned 
with  great  success.  Kings,  princes  and  hostile 
clans  beat  their  swords  into  ploughshares  and  their 


Bpears  into  priming-hooks  ;  and  so  abundant 
he  in  labour  that  in  a  few  years  he  carried  the 
•gospel  from  Antrim  to  Kerry,  and  from  the 
"NVicklow  mountains  to  the  most  secluded  glens 
of  Mayo.* 

His  daring  spirit  urged  him  into  perilous  seem-.-.. 
AVhat  were  dangers  to  such  a  man?  He  dared  to 
obey  the  call  of  duty.  It  appears  that  on  a  day 
when  he  was  at  Tarali,  he  overheard  two  ehieftains 
conversing  together  about  their  home  and  people. 
One  of  them  said,  "  I  am  Enna  the  son  of  Amal- 
gaid,  from  the  western  rc^imi-,  where  is  the  Wood 
of  Foclut." 

"Thai  -reins  to  be  the  country  of  which  I  had  a 
dream  in  my  youth,  where  the  children  called  for 
me  to  come  and  help  them,"  answered  Patrick  ;  "  I 
will  return  with  you  to  your  home,  if  the  Lord 
shall  so  direct." 

"  Thou  shalt  not  go  forth  with  me,  lest  we  be 
both  slain.  It  is  a  long  road  and  beset  with 

"  Thou  mayst  never  reach  thine  own  country 
alive  null--  I  -.>  \\ith  thee,  and,  if  thmi  do.-t  not 
hear  my  gospel,  thou  shalt  not  have  eternal  life." 

"  I  wMi  my  -on  to  be  taught,  for  he  is  of  tender 

'  M  ;i  :  r,  .  I  •  .  !  in.l  :m<l  tli«-  Irish. 


years/'  said  the  chief,  bringing  foward  the  lad, 
whom  Patrick  took  by  the  hand,  while  a  blessing 
fell  from  the  good  man's  lips.  "  But  I  and  my 
brothers  cannot  believe  until  we  come  to  our  own 
people,  lest  they  should  mock  us." 

It    was   agreed    that    Patrick    should    be    well 
guarded  upon  the  rough  journey  to  the  far  west, 
"  straight  across  all  Ireland."     The  king  sent  out 
a  body  of  men  with  him,  but  it  appears  that  the 
missionary  paid  fifteen  of  them  for  their  services. 
Among  some  of  the  wild  tribes  it  seems  that  the 
company  fell  into  savage  hands,  if  Patrick  wrote 
the  following   words:    "On  that  day  they   most 
eagerly  desired  to  kill  me,  but  the  time  was  not  yet 
come;  yet  they  plundered  everything  they  found 
with  us,  and  bound  me  in  irons ;  but  on  the  four 
teenth  day  the  Lord  delivered  me  from  their  power, 
and  whatever  was  ours  was  restored  to  us,  through 
God  and  by  the  help  of  the  close  friends  whom  we 
had  before  provided."     He  seems  to  have  bought 
his  liberty  quite  often  on  such  occasions,  for  he 
adds :  "  You  know  how  much  I  expended  upon 
those  who  were  judges  throughout  all  the  districts 
which  I  used  to  visit.     And  I  think  I  paid  them 
the  price  of  not  less  than  fifteen  men,  that  so  you 
might  enjoy  me,  and  that  I  may  always  enjoy  you 


in  the  Lord.  I  do  not  repent  of  it,  yea  it  is  not 
enough  for  me.  I  still  spend  and  will  spend  more. 
The  Lord  is  might  v  t<»  give  me  more  hereafter, 
that  I  may  employ  myself  for  your  souls.  (2  Cor. 
xii.  15)." 

Crossing  the  river  M..y,  he  came  into  a  wooded 
country,  like  that  of  which  lie  had  dreamed  many 
years  before,  and  which  had  clung  ever  since  to  his 
imagination.  But  it  quite  staler-  our  faith  to 
read  the  story  of  the  legend-makers,  that  he  met 
two  young  women  who  were  the  very  children 
once  calling  t«>  him  from  the  Focladian  for. 
We  may  follow  him  to  the  rally  ing-place  of  the 
clan  Amaliraid,  not  far  from  the  present  town  of 
Killala.  The  clansmen  had  met  to  elect  a  leader 
from  among  the  seven  sons  of  their  late  chieftain. 
These  sons  were  brave  warriors,  "whose  match  in 
the  field  of  battle  it  were  difficult  to  find."  One 
of  them  was  Enna,  who  had  talked  with  the  gn -at 
missionary  at  Tarah.  Polities  ran  high,  and  the 
candidates  for  office  were  not  likely  to  ma^e  them 
selves  unpopular.  If  the  people  should  hear  the 
preacher  with  fiiv«.ur,  the  leaders  would  -ladly 
avow  them-elve^  believers.  Patrick  -!...,«!  up  be 
fore  the  l;ii-«  assembly  and  declared  the  glad  tid 
ings.  "He  penetrated  the  hearts  of  all,"  says 


Tirechan,  "und  led  them  to  embrace  cordially  the 
Christian  faith  and  doctrine."  At  an  ancient  well 
it  is  said  that  large  numbers  were  baptized,  and 
among  them  the  sons  of  the  late  chief.  Over  the 
flock  thus  gathered  was  placed  a  pastor,  "  a  man 
of  great  sanctity,  well  versed  in  Holy  Scripture."* 

The  endurances  of  such  a  missionary  added  to 
his  success.  Heroism  captivates;  self-denial  car 
ries  with  it  a  high  degree  of  reverence.  The  man 
who  makes  sacrifices  for  a  people  usually  wins  their 
hearts.  Monks  and  Jesuits  have  ever  understood 
this  fact,  and  when  their  self-denial  was  not  real, 
they  assumed  the  guise  of  it.  Their  haggard  faces, 
their  bare  and  bleeding  feet,  won  them  respect. 
There  is  no  good  proof  that  Patrick  went  about  in 
the  disguises  of  poverty  and  humility.  He  en 
dured  real  trials ;  he  made  real  sacrifices ;  he  re 
fused  the  offers  of  gifts  and  wealth.  He  was 
careful  to  avoid  the  semblance  of  seeking  his  own 
glory  and  profit.  It  is  an  Irish  saying,  that  if  he 
had  accepted  all  that  was  offered  to  him  in  grati 
tude,  he  would  not  have  left  as  much  as  would 
have  fed  two  horses  to  those  who  came  after  him. 

From  a  few  lines  of  the  hymn  attributed  to  his 
disciple  Fiacc,  whom  we  saw  rising  up  to  honour 
*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  pp.  442-449. 


him  at  Tarah,  the  reader  may  cull  some  lines  of 
truth : 

Prudent  was  Patrick  until  death: 
Bold  was  he  in  banishing  error: 
Therefore  bis  tame  was  extended 
Up  to  each  tribe  of  the  people. 

1 1.-   hymns  and    revelations 

And  the  three  fifties*  sang  daily. 

He  preaehed,  he   prayed,  he  baptized, 

And  from  rendering  praise  never  ceased. 

Hi    felt  not  the  cold  of  the  season; 

The  rains-nf  the  night   fell   upon  him: 

To  further  the  kingdom  of  heaven 

He  preached  through  the  day  on  the  hills. 

Oft  on    the   bare  rock    h- 
A  dampened  cloak   \va.-  hi-  .-belter: 
Then,   leaving  behind   his  stone  pillow, 
He  hastened  to  unceasing  labours.! 

*  Tres  quinquagenaa  psalmorum  is  Colgan's  version.  This 
singing  of  "the  three  liftie-"  sound-  to  us  quite  as  much  out  of 
time  :t-  if  it  were  said  lliat  he  took  his  salary  in  five-twenties  1 

f  11  ml  about  which  some  of  our  readers 

will  be  curious  to  know.  It  jrave  rise  to  a  proverb.  It  is.  that 
when  I'atriek  wa-  in  the  west  of  Ireland,  he  passed  his  Lent  on 
a  high  mountain,  "  fa.-tini;  forty  days  without  taking  any  kind 
of  HHtaDttM  I  1  '  V.-ry  wonderful  indeed  !  but  .Joceline  burdens 
our  amazement  still  more.  This  monk  gravely  tells  us  that 
"in  this  place  he  gathered  together  the  several  tribes  ,,• 
pent*  and  venomous  creature*,  and  drove  them  headlong  into 


When  some  of  his  "  children  in  the  Lord,"  wish 
ing  to  show  their  gratitude,  "  voluntarily  brought 
him  presents,  and  pious  women  gladly  offered  to 
him  their  ornaments,  Patrick  refused  them  all/7  in 
order  to  avoid  the  charge  that  he  sought  to  enrich 
himself.  At  first  they  were  offended  by  his  refusal. 
But  they  learned  to  honour  him  for  his  rule  of  not 
accepting  presents  for  himself.  He  turned  the  tide 
of  donations  to  the  Lord.  He  built  up  these  gifts 
in  walls  of  schools  and  churches,  or  with  them 
"  redeemed  many  Christians  from  captivity."  As  a 
faithful  shepherd  he  was  ready  to  give  up  every 
thing,  even  life  itself,  for  the  sheep. 

In  his  old  age  he  could  appeal  to  the  people,  re 
ferring  to  these  refusals  of  gifts:  "If  I  took  any 
thing  from  you,  tell  me,  and  I  will  restore  it. 
Nay,  I  rather  expended  money  for  you,  so  far  as  I 
was  able;  and  I  went  among  you,  and  everywhere, 
for  your  sakes,  amid  many  dangers,  even  to  those 
extreme  regions  whither  no  man  had  ever  gone  to 
the  Western  ocean,  and  hence  hath  proceeded  that  exemption 
which  Ireland  enjoys  from  all  poisonous  reptiles."  He  did  it 
by  beating  a  drum,  and  this  is  the  only  point  reasonable  in  the 
story.  If  anything  could  frighten  the  "  creeping  things,"  a 
drum  would  be  likely  to  do  it.  It  must  have  been  some  other 
event  that  gave  to  a  mountain  in  that  region  the  name  of 


baptize  and  confirm  the  people  or  ordain  clergy; 
and  by  the  help  of  the  Lord  I  did  all  things  dili 
gently  and  most  gladly  for  your  salvation.  At  the 
same  time  I  gave  presents  to  kings,  besides  the 
cost  of  keeping  their  sons,  who  walked  with  me  in 
order  that  robbers  might  not  seize  me  and  my  com 
panions.  ...  I  call  God  to  witness  that  I  sought 
not  honour  from  you.  That  honour  is  enough  for 
me,  which  is  not  seen,  but  is  felt  in  the  heart. 
[( '»mpare  Paul's  *  testimony  of  a  good  conscience.'] 
God  is  faithful,  who  has  promised,  and  who  never 
lies.  But  I  see  myself  already,  in  this  world,  ex 
ulted  above  measure  by  the  L<>rd.  I  know  very 
well  that  poverty  ami  di -comfort  suit  me  much 
better  than  riches  and  a  life  of  pleasure.  Yes,  in 
deed;  even  the  Lord  Jesus  became  poor  for  our 
sakes.  Daily  I  expected  to  be  seized,  dragged  into 
slavery  or  slain.  But  I  feared  none  of  all  these 
things,  fnr  I  <  a-t  myself  in  the  arms  of  Him  who 
rules  over  all,  as  it  written,  'Cast  thy  burden  on 
the  Lord,  and  he  will  sustain  thee.'  " 

These  are  stirring  words.  They  go  ploughing 
through  the  idle  soul,  and  soften  it  for  fruitfulness. 
No  leisurely  lii>hop  was  Patrick.  Not  even  could 
he  take  time  to  revisit  his  native  land.  "God 
knows  how  greatly  I  have  wi.-hi-d  it,"  he  is  made 


to  say.  "I  would  gladly  have  gone  into  Britain, 
as  to  my  country  and  parents,  and  even  into  Gaul 
to  visit  my  brethren,  and  to  see  the  face  of  the 
saints  of  my  Lord.  But  I  am  bound  by  the 
Spirit,  who  will  pronounce  me  guilty  if  I  do  this, 
and  I  dread  lest  the  work  I  have  begun  should 
fall  to  the  ground."  There  is  no  evidence  that  he 
ever  left  Ireland  after  he  had  fully  entered  upon 
his  mission. 

The  story  that  he  went  to  Rome  and  came  back 
an  archbishop  is  a  groundless  fiction.  If  we  be 
lieve  that  he  went,  we  may  as  well  take  the  whole 
story,  and  believe  that  he  got  some  relics  for 
Armagh  by  rather  sharp  practice.  u  While  the 
keepers  of  the  sacred  place  were  asleep  and  uncon 
scious,"  he  crept  in  and  carried  off  a  goodly  quan 
tity  of  old  clothes,  blood-stained  towels,  saints' 
tresses,  and  the  like.  "  The  pope"  winked  at  the 
proceeding.  "Oh  wondrous  deed!"  exclaims  the 
legend  is t  in  rapture.  "  Oh  rare  theft  of  a  vast 
treasure  of  holy  things,  committed  without  sacri 
lege — the  plunder  of  the  most  holy  place  in  the 
world."  And  yet  this  writer  fails  to  tell  that  the 
pope  embraced  Patrick,  declared  him  to  be  the 
Apostle  of  Ireland,  and  made  him  an  archbishop. 
This  invention  was  left  for  Joceline. 


Attention  to  young  men  was  a  marked  feature  of 
the  ministry  of  Patrick.  He  drew  them  after 
him,  teaching  them  as  they  travelled,  and  calling 
out  their  gifts  by  employing  them  in  the  good 
work.  Certain  chieftains  allowed  their  son-  to  at 
tend  him,  often  at  his  expense.  The  gentle  lad 
Benignus,  the  charming  singer,  was  long  at  his 
side.  When  he  found  men  of  the  lower  rank 
suited  to  a  higher  calling,  he  took  care  to  have 
them  instructed  and  fitted  to  become  teachers  of 
the  people.  Thus  he  was  raising  up  a  native 

The  redemption  of  captives  was  another  feature 
of  his  wise  policy.  He  had  "a  zeal  to  preserve 
the  country  where  he  himself  had  borne  the  yoke 
from  the  abuses  of  slavery,  and  especially  from  the 
incursions  of  the  pirates — Britons  and  Scots, 
robbers  and  traffickers  in  men — who  made  it  a  sort 
of  store  from  which  they  took  their  human  cattle."* 
This  gave  him  favour  with  the  peasantry,  who 
loved  their  children  equally  with  the  nobles  in 
their  forts  and  eastkt,  Many  of  the  rescued  cap 
tives  -M-MI  to  have  Ixen  placed  in  schools  and 
trained  for  tin-  work  of  teaching  and  preaching. 
It  \v;is  common  at  that  time  in  Europe  for  the 

*  Montalernbert,  Moiika  of  the  West,  vol.  ii.  },. 

176  SA  INT  PA  TRICK. 

missionaries  to  purchase  heathen  slaves,  educate 
them,  and  send  them  back  to  their  native  land  to 
bear  the  tidings  of  salvation.  Patrick  was  an  ex 
ample  to  himself  of  what  a  redeemed  captive 
might  accomplish. 

To  do  and  suffer  all  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  ap 
pears  to  have  been  Patrick's  earnest  desire.  For 
him  he  could  labour,  suffer,  die.  He  was  willing 
to  be  counted  as  one  of  the  "  least  of  all  saints."  He 
says,  "  Let  none  think  that  I  place  myself  on  a  level 
with  the  apostles.  I  am  a  poor,  sinful,  despicable 
man.  .  .  .  Ye  tine  talkers,  who  know  nothing  of 
the  Lord,  learn  who  it  is  that  has  called  a  simple 
person  like  myself  from  the  ranks  of  the  lowly  to 
serve  this  people,  to  whom  the  love  of  Christ  has 
led  me.  ...  I  have  no  power  unless  he  gives  it 
to  me.  Pie  knows  that  I  greatly  desire  that  he 
would  give  me  the  cup  of  suffering  which  he  has 
given  others  to  drink.  I  pray  God  that  he  would 
give  me  perseverance,  and  think  me  worthy  to  bear 
a  faithful  testimony  until  the  time  of  my  departure. 
If  I  have  striven  to  do  anything  for  the  sake  of 
my  God  whom  I  love,  I  beseech  him  to  allow  me 
to  shed  my  blood  for  his  name,  with  those  of  my 
new  converts  who  have  been  cast  into  prison,  even 
should  I  obtain  no  burial,  or  should  my  body  be 


torn  in  pieces  by  wild  beasts.  I  firmly  believe  that 
if  this  should  happen  to  me,  I  have  gained  my 
soul  along  with  my  body ;  for  beyond  a  doubt  we 
shall  rise  again  in  that  day  with  the  splendour  of 
the  sun ;  that  is,  with  the  glory  of  our  Redeemer. 
i  .  .  The  sun  which  we  see  daily  rises  and  sets ; 
but  the  sun  Christ  will  never  set,  nor  will  those 
who  do  his  will.  They  shall  live,  as  Christ  lives, 
for  ever." 

Ttte  power  of  prayer  was  held  to  be  an  essential 
means  of  success.  Not  only  did  Patrick  entreat 
God  with  fervour,  but  he  laboured  to  secure  a  pray 
ing  Church.  In  the  old  Culdee  spirit  he  chose 
cells  and  secluded  places  for  supplication.  Thither 
he  wished  the  people  to  resort.  There  they  might 
renew  their  strength.  Thence  they  might  go  into 
the  great  field,  with  the  blessing  of  the  Lord  upon 
them  and  the  Spirit  burning  in  their  hearts.  It 
was  hardly  his  design  to  found  monasteries.  "Saint 
Patrick  h:nl  a  much  higher  object  in  view.  He 
seems  t«i  hav«-  been  deeply  imbued  with  faith  in  the 
inieree^ory  powers  of  the  ( 'hurch.  He  established 
throughput  the  land  u-inplrs  and  oratories  [prayiug- 
plaer-J  lur  tli.-  perpetual  worship  of  (Jod.  He 
founded  toOMtiei  ofpricrtl  and  l*Miops,  whose  first 
duty  it  was  'to  make  constant  .-upplieations,  prayers, 


intercessions,  and  giving  thanks  for  all  men/'3 
He  felt  that  without  prayer  his  preaching  would 
be  in  vain.  From  this  source  slowly  arose  an  evil. 
These  societies  became  convents  in  a  later  century. 
It  would  be  too  much,  probably,  to  claim  that 
Patrick  was  entirely  free  from  the  monastic  tend 
encies  of  that  age,  yet  he  was  not  a  monk.  His 
effort  was  not  to  found  monasteries. 

The  power  of  God  was  the  great  cause  of  success. 
To  secure  it,  all  else  was  done.  It  came  by  prayer, 
by  faithful  preaching  of  the  divine  word,  and  by 
the  agencies  of  active  laymen  and  teachers.  Men 
planted,  God  gave  the  harvest. 

Early  in  Ireland,  Christianity  took  a  somewhat 
national  form.  It  was  not  looked  upon  as  coming 
from  foreigners,  nor  did  it  adopt  a  foreign  character. 
It  had  peculiarities  of  its  own.  "  The  successors 
of  Saint  Patrick  in  his  missionary  labours  were 
many  of  them  descendants  of  the  ancient  kings  and 
chieftains  so  venerated  by  a  clannish  people.  The 
surrounding  chieftains  and  men  in  authority,  who 
still  kept  aloof  in  paganism,  were  softened  by 
degrees  when  they  perceived  that  in  all  the  assem 
blies  of  the  Christian  Church  fervent  prayers  were 
offered  to  God  for  them.  In  this  point  of  view 
the  public  incense  of  prayer  and  '  lifting  up  of 


hands'  of  the  Church  in  a  heathen  land  is  perhaps 
the  most  important  engine  of  mi.-Monarv  success. 
'Nothing/  says  St.  Chrysostom,  'is  so  apt  to  draw 
men  under  teaching  as  to  love  and  t<>  he  loved  ;'  kp 
be  prayed  for  in  the  spirit  of  love."  *  We  do  not 
need  for  this  purpose  any  other  societies  than  the 
churches  of  the  land;  no  emivenN,  no  iimna-i. 
but  bands  of  Christians  earnot  in  praver,  in  their 
home-  and  in  the  house  of  (i«>d. 

Penooution  was  the  usual  attendant  of  missionary 
effort  in  a  heathen  country.  Chri>tian  eivili/ation 
has  generally  followed  in  the  footMeps  of  a  bleed 
ing  Chnivh.  Knt  the  early  Christians  of  Ireland 
were  not  expo.-ed  M  much  to  the  sword,  the  rack 
and  the  tlames.  Still  their  peace  has  been  exag- 
gerated.  "  While,  in  other  countries/'  says  Mr. 
Moore.  '•  the  introduction  of  C'hri-tianitv  has  been 
the  slow  work  of  time,  has  been  re.HMed  hy  either 
government  or  propl,-,  and  seldom  ell'eetrd  without 
a  lavi.-h  Hl'ii-ion  of  blood,  in  Ireland,  on  the  con 
trary,  hy  the  influence  of  one  humble  but  zealous 
missionary,  and  with  little  previous  preparation  of 
the  soil  by  other  hands,  ( 'hristianity  burst  forth  at 
the  first  ray  of  apostolie  li-ht  and  with  the  sudden 
ripeness  of  a  northern  >ummer,  and  at  once  covered 
*Todd'88t.  Patrick,  p.  514. 


the  whole  land.  Kings  and  princes,  when  not 
themselves  among  the  ranks  of  the  converted,  saw 
their  sons  and  daughters  joining  in  the  train 
without  a  murmur.  Chiefs,  at  variance  in  all  else, 
agreed  in  meeting  beneath  the  Christian  banner; 
and  the  proud  Druid  and  bard  laid  their  supersti 
tions  meekly  at  the  foot  of  the  Cross ;  nor,  by  a 
singular  disposition  of  Providence,  unexampled 
indeed  in  the  whole  history  of  the  Church,  was 
there  a  single  drop  of  blood  shed,  on  account  of 
religion,  through  the  entire  course  of  this  mild 
Christian  revolution,  by  which,  in  the  space  of  a 
few  years,  all  Ireland  was  brought  tranquilly  under 
the  influence  of  the  gospel."  * 

This  pleasing  picture  is  not  true  to  fact.  Not 
all  Ireland  was  converted,  even  nominally.  Very 
much  was  done,  but  not  without  the  shedding  of  a 
drop  of  Christian  blood.  Patrick  refers  to  his  breth 
ren  who  suffered  and  were  slain  for  their  faith.  His 
own  life  was  always  in  danger  and  often  assailed. 
We  have  seen  him  going  westward  with  an  escort, 
and  even  then  he  did  not  escape  injury.  He  had 
some  of  his  schools  and  churches  encircled  by  walls 
and  fortifications  for  the  protection  of  the  inmates. 
The  great  churches  stood  as  the  castles  of  Christ. 
*  Hist.  Ireland,!. p. 203. 


A  touching  story  is  told  of  Gran,  his  charioteer. 
Patrick  had  overturned  the  great  Mack  -stone,  the 
idol  of  the  Iri>h,  and  he  was  travelling  into  Lein- 

ster.     For  this  deed  a  certain  chief,  named  IWraid. 


sought  revenge.  He  resolved  in  fall  upon  him  if 
ftitrick  ever  passed  by  his  fortress.  This  resolu 
tion  came  to  the  ear  of  Oi-an,  who  seems  to  have 
been  in  tin-  habit  of  walking  beside  the  gig,  that 
may  have  had  but  one  seat.  When  they  came  near 
the  castle,  Oran  pretended  to  be  ver\  weary,  and 
his  master  gave  up  the  scat  and  to..k  the  road  on 
foot.  Soon  the  plotting  chieftain  hurled  a  javelin 
at  the  man  who  was  riding  pa-t.  taking  him  for  the 
image-breaker.  Oran  fell  mortally  wounded,  but 
in  dying  had  the  sati.-la< -tion  of  having  saved  the 
life  of  the  master  whom  he  loved  by  the  sacrifice 
of  his  own. 

The  Leinster  men  seem  to  have  shown  especial 
aversion  to  Patrick  and  hi-  doctrines.  They  had 
driven  away  Palladius,  and  their  sleeping  wrath 
was  easily  aroused.  It  is  told  by  the  later  writers 
that  Patrick  went  into  this  province,  hoping  !ir-t 
to  win  Dunlaing  the  king,  and  then  the  people. 
He  visited  the  n.yal  ca.-tle  of  Naas.  Two  of  the 
king's  sons  accepted  the  gospel.  This  provoked 
the  sullen  and  crafty  Foillen,  one  of  the  royal  offi- 


cers.  He  laid  his  plans  to  rid  the  court  of  the  hated 
teacher  of  religion.  On  a  day  when  he  saw  Pat 
rick  coming  to  talk  with  him  he  pretended  to  be 
asleep.  The  visitor  entered  the  room,  but  detected 
the  plot  to  take  his  life.  The  wicked  man  was  dis 
armed,  and  probably  was  secretly  thrown  into  a 
prison,  where  he  soon  died.  This  is  more  likely 
than  that  his  feigned  repose  proved  the  sleep  of 
death,  as  the  legend-makers  affirm.  But  the  idea 
went  out  among  the  people  that  on  the  approach  of 
Patrick  his  eyes  were  sealed  for  ever  in  death,  and 
hence  the  proverb,  used  when  a  Leinster  man 
wishes  his  worst  to  an  enemy :  "  May  his  sleep  be 
like  that  of  Foillen  in  the  castle  of  Naas." 



article-  «.f  a   «rreat    BMUl'i   faith    may  in 
terest  us  quite  u.-   much  a.-   the  acts  of  his 
^  If  his  belief  was  sound,  his  example 

A-ill   have  more  force.     Saint  Patrick  lived 
in   an    age   when  eminent    men  \\.  ectfcd    to 

announce  their  creed.  He  wrote  none.  This  may 
go  to  .-how  that  then  Ireland  was  not  troubled  with 
the  great  questions  which  agitated  the  Continent. 
On  that  isle,  in  the  north-west  of  Christendom,  no 
footing  was  given  to  the  heresies  of  Pelagius,  who 
denied  man's  native  helplessness;  and  Arius,  who 
denied  the  divinity  of  Christ.  It  may  show  that 
Patrick  had  no  contact  with  the  Roman  world. 

But  Patrick  ^tr-mirly  expn— cd  hi-  doctrines. 
We  may  gather  them  from  the  writings  which  pass 
under  his  name.  They  en.p  out  like  the  granite 
in  a  mountain  land.  When  he  plead-  or  rebukes 
or  tells  the  simple  story  <>»'  hi-  lite,  they  gleam 
forth  as  gern^  wa-lind  up  by  the  waves.  In  his 

warmest  sentences  he  drives  a  nail  that  shines  with 



Scripture.  And  it  is  worthy  of  notice  that  he  does 
not  quote  the  version  of  Jerome,  which  was  largely 
used  in  the  Roman  churches.  He  quotes  the  old 
Latin  Vulgate,*  such  a  translation  as  he  would 
likely  have  found  in  a  Culdee  cell  if  he  was  there 
as  a  student  in  his  earlier  days.  The  Bible  of  a 
man's  youth  is  preferred  in  his  old  age. 

All  that  has  come  down  to  us  from  his  pen,  ex 
cept  the  hymn,  was  written  in  the  evening  of  his 
life.  He  could  look  back  upon  the  great  work 
done  in  a  vast  field.  The  glory  of  God  was  dear 
to  his  heart;  to  live  for  that  was  his  motive. 
Tillemont  says  of  the  Confession:  "It  was 
written  to  give  glory  to  God  for  the  great  grace 
which  the  author  had  received,  and  to  assure  the 
people  of  his  mission  that  it  was  indeed  God  him 
self  who  had  sent  him  to  preach  to  them  the  gospel, 
to  strengthen  their  faith,  and  to  make  known  to  all 
the  world  that  the  desire  of  preaching  the  gospel, 
and  of  having  a  part  in  its  promises,  was  the  sole 
motive  which  had  induced  him  to  go  to  Ireland. 
He  had  long  intended  to  write,  but  had  deferred 
doing  so,  fearing  lest  what  he  wrote  should  be  ill- 
received  among  men  because  he  had  not  learned 
:o  write  well,  and  what  he  had  learned  of  Latin 
*  Todd'g  St.  Patrick,  pp.  347-349. 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  185 

was  still  further  corrupted  by  intermixture  with 
the  Irish  language.  .  .  .  The  work  is  full  of  good 
sense,  and  even  of  intellect  and  fire,  and,  what  is 
better,  it  is  full  of  piety.  The  saint  exhibits 
throughout  the  greatest  humility,  without  lowering 
the  dignity  of  his  ministry.  We  see  in  the  tract 
much  of  the  character  of  St.  Paul.  The  author 
was  undoubtedly  well  read  in  the  Scriptures."  * 
He  expected  that  it  would  be  read  by  better 
scholars  than  himself;  perhaps  there  were  such  in 
In-hind,  even  among  the  students  whom  he  had 

Patrick  tells  us :  "  I  am  greatly  a  debtor  to  God, 
who  hath  vouched  me  such  great  grace  that  many 
people  by  my  means  should  be  born  again  to  God; 
and  that  clergy  should  be  ordained  every whert 
t<>r  the  people  who  have  lately  come  to  the  faith; 
for  tin-  Lord  hath  taken  them  from  the  ends  of  the 
earth,  as  lie  has  promised  of  old  by  his  prophets: 
'  The  ( Jentiles  shall  mine  t<>  thcc  from  the  ends  of 
the  earth,  and  shall  say,  Surely  our  fathers  hav» 
inherited  lie.-  and  vanity,  and  there  i>  no  profit  in 
them/  Anda^ain:  kl  have  given  thee  as  a  li-ht 
to  the  Gentiles,  that  thoii  inaye-t  be  for  salvation, 
even  unto  the  end  of  the  earth/  And  there  I 

*  Tillemont,  A  S.  Patrick,  xvi.  p.  461. 


desire  to  wait  for  the  promise  of  him  who  never 
faileth ;  as  he  promiseth  in  his  gospel  :  '  They  shall 
come  from  the  east,  and  from  the  west,  and  shall 
sit  down  with  Abraham,  and  Isaac,  and  Jacob ;' 
as  we  believe  that  believers  shall  come  from  the 
whole  world/' 

The  results  of  his  work  appeared  astonishing  as 
he  reviewed  it :  "  Whence  comes  it  that  in  Hiberio* 
those  who  never  had  any  knowledge  of  God,  and 
u j)  to  the  present  time  worshipped  only  idols  and 
abominations,  are  lately  become  the  people  of  the 
Lord,  and  are  called  the  sons  of  God?  The  sons 
of  Scotsf  and  daughters  of  Christians  appear  now 
as  monks  and  virgins  of  Christ — even  one  blessed 
Scottish  lady,  of  noble  birth  and  of  great  beauty, 
who  was  adult,  and  whom  I  baptized."  Who  this 
lady  was  we  know  not,  but  we  are  told  that,  of  her 
own  accord,  she  devoted  herself  to  a  more  secluded 
life  in  order  to  "  live  nearer  to  God."  Others  did 
the  same,  even  at  the  cost  of  enduring  persecution 
from  their  nearest  relatives. 

His  thoughts  took  somewhat  the  form  of  a 
oreed  when  writing  of  the  great  benefits  that  God 

*  His  name  for  Ireland. 

f  The  Northern  Irish  were  called  Scots.     The  references  to 
monfa  will  be  explained  hereafter. 


gave  him  in  the  land  of  his  captivity.  He  says: 
"  After  we  have  been  converted  and  brought  to  God 
we  should  exalt  and  confess  his  wondrous  works 
before  every  nation  under  the  whole  heaven,  that 
there  is  none  other  God,  nor  ever  was,  nor  shall  In: 
hereafter,  than  God  the  Father  unbegotten,  without 
beginning,  from  whom  is  all  beginning,  upholding 
all  things. 

"  And  his  Son  Jesus  Christ,  whom  we  acknow 
ledge  to  have  been  always  with  the  Father  before 
the  beginning  of  the  world,  spiritually  with  the 
Father,  in  an  ineffable  manner  begotten,  before  all 
lining;  and  by  him  were  all  things  made, 
visible  aiul  invisible. 

"Ami  /"ing  made  man,  and  having  overcome 
death,  he  was  received  into  heaven  unto  the 
Fath.  i  ;  and  [the  Father]  hath  given  unto  him  all 
jx.wer,  above  every  name,  of  things  in  heaven  and 
tin,,  rth,  and  things  under  the  earth,  that 

even  .-h<nild  confess  that  Jesus  Christ   is 
Lord  and  Gud  ; 

"Whom  we  believe  and  look  for  his  comin</ ; 
who  is  soon  about  to  be  the  Judge  of  quick  and 
dead:  who  will  render  unto  every  man  according 
to  hi.-  work  ; 

"  And  who  hath  poured   into   us  abundantly  the 


gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  the  pledge  of  immor 
tality  ;  who  maketh  the  faithful  and  obedient  to 
become  the  sons  of  God  the  Father,  and  joint  heirs 
with  Christ ; 

"  Whom  \ve  confess  and  worship,  one  God  in  the 
Trinity  of  the  Sacred  Name." 

Such  is  the  brief  summary  of  doctrines  in  the 
Confession.  It  was  not  intended  to  be  a  full  creed. 
We  shall  find  in  the  Epistle  to  Coroticus  a  hearty 
expression  of  other  doctrines,  so  uttered  that  they 
might  burn  upon  the  consciences  of  bad  men  or  be 
a  comfort  to  certain  disciples  in  captivity. 

It  appears  that  one  evening  there  was  a  multi 
tude  witnessing  a  baptism.  A  goodly  number  of 
converts,  clad  in  white  robes,  were  at  the  fountain. 
The  minister,  who  seems  not  to  have  been  Patrick, 
was  baptizing  them.  Very  soon  after  a  band  of 
pirates  rushed  upon  them.  Some  were  slain  while 
the  drops  of  water  were  scarcely  dried  from  their 
foreheads.  Others  were  carried  away  in  their  white 
robes.  The  people  were  affrighted  and  ran  for 
their  lives.  Houses  were  plundered  and  almost 
every  sort  of  outrage  committed.  The  captives 
were  taken  to  the  sea-shore,  put  into  boats,  borne 
away  to  a  foreign  land  and  sold  into  slavery.  The 
man  who  did  this  act  of  villainy,  or  in  whose  name 


it  was  done,  was  Coroticus.  He  seems  to  have 
been  a  petty  prince  of  Wales,  perhaps  Caradoc, 
from  whom  the  county  of  Cardigan  is  said  to 
derive  its  name.  Some  of  the  Scots  and  Picts 
seem  to  have  aided  in  the  nefarious  busine— . 

The  heart  of  Patrick  was  touched  with  pity 
for  the  captives,  and  filled  with  indignation  against 
the  marauders.  He  wrote  a  protest  against  the 
merciless  deed.  He  chose  wise  and  earnest  men 
and  sent  them  to  the  cruel  prince.  One  of  them 
he  calls  "  a  venerable  presbyter,  whom  I  taught 
from  infancy."  He  must  have  been  worthy  of  the 
delicate  mission.  Perhaps  he  \va<  lii-ni^nus.  Taking 
their  boat,  tin -«•  m« -n  went  to  Coroticus,  who  pro 
fessed  to  be  a  Christian  !  They  presented  the  letter 
of  the  man  who  styled  himself"  Bishop  in  Ireland." 

"  What  ri'_rht  has  he  to  reprove  me?"  we  hear 
the  prince  say  haughtily.  "  He  is  not  my  bishop." 

"  But  have  mercy  on  the  poor  people,"  is  the  en 
treaty  of  the  venerable  presbyter.  "  Be  so  good  as 
to  i-'  -me  of  the  plunder  and  set  free  t  tu 

ba  pti/ed  captives." 

;iy  with  vou  ! "  we  seem  to  hear  the  la\vle-> 
chietVtin  reply.  "  Tln-y  were  all  taken  by  the 
rijiht-  »!'  war.  It  i>  to.,  late  to  plead  for  them; 
they  have  been  sold,  and  I  have  thr  money  for 


them.  Get  you  gone  !  You  Irish  are  fit  only  to 
be  slaves.  In  five  minutes  I'll  put  chains  about 
your  necks,  offer  you  in  the  market  and  find  what 
you  are  worth." 

"  God  will  bring  you  into  judgment — " 

"Away,  away!  Officers,  take  these  insolent 
Irishmen  out  of  my  presence." 

In  some  such  manner  the  embassy  was  dismissed 
with  scoffs  and  ridicule.  Contempt  was  thrown 
upon  the  letter  of  Patrick,  which  has  not  been  pre 
served.  The  wise  men  had  to  return,  carrying  only 
disappointment  to  many  parents  and  relatives,  who 
had  hoped  to  see  the  boats  returning  loaded  with 
their  goods,  their  children  and  their  friends. 

Again  Patrick  took  his  pen.  He  wrote  another 
protest.  He  sent  it  out  into  the  world,  hoping  that 
it  would  drop  down  like  a  shaft  of  lightning  upon 
Coroticus,  and  drift  as  an  olive  branch  to  the 
captives.  He  says:  "It  is  the  custom  of  the 
Roman  and  Gallican  Christians  to  raise  large  sums 
of  money  for  the  redemption  of  baptized  captives 
from  the  Franks  and  other  pagans.  But  you,  a 
professing  Christian,  slay  the  disciples  of  Christ 
or  you  sell  them  to  heathen  nations.  You  hand 
over  the  members  of  Christ  to  the  abominations  of 
the  heathen." 


Then  addressing  the  hirelings  of  the  chieftain, 
he  sa>c:  *l  Patrick,  an  ignorant  sinner,  and  yet 
appointed  a  bishop  in  llibernia,  and  dwelling 
ationg  the  barbarous  tribes  bcrau.-c  of  my  love 
to  God,  I  write  these  letters  with  my  own  hand  to 
be  tarne  to  the  soldiers  of  the  tyrant :  I  say  not  to 
my  fellow-citizens,  nor  to  the  I'd  low-  citizens  of  the 
Roman  saints,  but  to  the  <  <>- workers  of  the  devil, 
as  their  evil  deeds  prove.  For  they  live  in  death  ; 
they  are  the  associates  of  the  apostate  Scots  and 
Picts ;  they  fatten  on  the  blood  of  innocent  Chris 
tians,  multitudes  of  whom  I  have  begotten  and 
confirmed  in  Christ.  .  .  .  Does  not  the  divine 
mercy  which  I  cherish  oblige  me  to  defend  even 
those  Avho  once  made  me  a  captive,  and  put  to  the 
massacre  the  servants  of  my  father?  For  this  peo 
ple  are  eonfc^ing  their  sins  and  turning  to  the 
Lord.  Let  your  souls  melt  when  I  praise  the 
courage  of  the  girls  whom  you  insulted  and  stole 
away.  Those  delicate  children  "I"  mine  in  the  faith, 
how  tlicv  defended  thrm-«  lv< -  from  outrage! 
What  heroic  courage  against  their  unworthy 
masten  ! 

"Tin-  Church  weep-  and  wails  <»v«-r  her  sons  nnd 
over  IMT  daughters,  whom  tin-  -won]  has  not  yet 
slain,  but  who  are  exiled  in  far-off'  lands  when 


openly  and  shamelessly  abounds.  There  Christian 
freemen  are  reduced  to  slavery,  and  that  by  the 
most  unworthy,  most  infamous  and  apostate  Picts. 
O  most  beauteous  and  beloved  children  !  I  can  but 
cry  out  to  you;  I  cannot  tell  what  to  do  with 
you  ;  I  am  not  worthy  to  give  help.  The  wicked 
ness  of  the  wicked  hath  prevailed  over  us.  We 
are  become  as  aliens.  Do  they  believe  that  you 
and  us  have  received  one  baptism,  that  we  have 
one  God,  our  Father  ?  Perhaps  not ;  with  them  it 
is  a  crime  that  we  [ye]  are  born  in  Hibernia.  .  .* 

"  Have  ye  not  one  God  ?  Why  then  wrong  one 
another  ?  I  grieve  for  myself.  But  yet  I  rejoice 
that  I  have  not  laboured  in  vain ;  not  in  vain  hath 
been  my  pilgrimage  here ;  only  there  hath  come  to 
pass  this  outrage  so  horrible  and  unspeakable. 

"  Thanks  be  to  God,  O  ye  believers  and  baptized 
[ye  who  have  been  slain] !  ye  have  gone  from  this 
world  to  Paradise.  I  behold  you.  You  have  be 
gun  to  journey  whither  there  shall  be  no  night,  nor 
sorrow  nor  death:  ye  shall  exult  as  lambs  let  loose: 
"  If  Coroticus  had  at  that  time  succeeded  in  banishing  the 
Gwyddil,  or  Irish  settlers  in  South  Wales,  and  in  the  frenzy  of 
victory  had  pursued  them  to  Ireland,  it  is  not  unnatural  that 
IIH  followers  should  regard  every  native  of  Ireland  as  an  enemy, 
and  treat  him  as  such."  In  his  sympathy  Patrick  identifies 
himself  with  the  captives.—  Todd,St.  Patrick,  360. 

si  1ST  PATRICK.  193 

ye  -hall  trample  upon  the  ungodly  ;  they  shall  be 
•p  a-hcs  under  your  feet.  Ye  shall  reign  with 
ap'.-tlrs  and  prophets  and  martyrs.  Ye  shall  re 
ceive  everla.-ting  kingdoms.  .  .  .  Without  an-  dogs 
and  sorcen-r-  and  murderers  and  liars,  whose  por 
tion  i-  the  lake  of  eternal  lire.  .  .  . 

"Thus  -hall  -inner-  and  the  ungodly  perish  from 
the  face  of  the  Lord;  but  the  righteous,  in  gnat 
joy,  shall  feast  with  Christ,  shall  judge  the  hea 
then,  and  >hall  rule  over  ungodly  kings  for  ever 
and  ever.  .  .  * 

"I  testify  before  God  and  his  holy  angels,  that 
it  .-hall  l>e  so  as  my  ignorance*  has  said.  Tin-" 
are  not  my  words;  they  are  the  words  of  God,  of 
his  apostles  and  prophets,  who  never  lie.  I  have 
translated  them  into  Latin.f  They  who  believe 
shall  be  saved,  but  whoso  believeth  not  shall  be 
damned.  God  hath  spoken.  I  therefore  earnestly 
p'ljnest  of  everv  our  \vh<>  may  become  the  bearer 
of  thi-  letter,  that  it  be  withheld  from  none,  but 
let  ii  l»e  n-ad  I  .."•!'..  re  all  t he  people,  and  in  the  pres- 

•  Mea  impcritii,  i*,  "I  myself."  It  was  the  frequent 
mode  of  speaking  with  thi*  humble  man.  He  in  concluding 

tin-    «'! 

t  Had  he  consult! d  the  original  tongues,  HO  aa  to  be  sure  of 

the  meaning,  and  then  made  a  new  tran*lntion  ? 


ence  of  Coroticus  himself.  May  God  inspire  them 
to  return  to  a  better  mind  toward  him,  so  that  even, 
though  late,  they  may  repent  of  their  impious 
deeds.  They  have  been  the  murderers  of  the 
brethren  of  the  Lord.  But  let  them  repent  and  set 
free  the  baptized  captive  women.  Thus  shall  God 
count  them  worthy  of  life,  and  they  shall  be  made 
whole  here  and  for  ever.  Peace*  to  the  Father,  to 
the  Son  and  to  the  Holy  Ghost.  Amen." 

Thus  closes  the  stirring  letter;  now  revealing 
flashes  of  lightning,  and  again  the  gentle  sunbeams 
of  love.  Its  effect  we  know  not.  The  proud 
chieftain  was  worthy  of  only  the  silence  of  history. 
No  return  is  mentioned  of  a  single  captive.  Bond 
age  was  to  them  a  severe  school,  but  it  was  the 
school  of  God.  It  may  have  been  blessed  to  them  as 
it  had  once  been  to  the  great  and  good  man  who  had 
brought  the  gospel  to  their  native  land.  It  may 
have  waked  them  to  a  higher  life.  Perhaps  their 
baptism  had  been  little  more  than  outward  and 
nominal — a  thing  too  common  throughout  Christen- 

*  Perhaps  he  meant  "glory,"  or  he  may  have  meant  it  as 
a  prayer  that  Coroticus  might  repent  and  find  peace  with  God. 
No  revenge  burns  in  the  noble  epistle:  with  all  his  tremendous 
voice  of  justice  Patrick  breathed  the  invitations  of  mercy. 
Here  was  love  to  an  enemy. 


dom  in  that  age.  It  had  ushered  them  into  the 
Church ;  but  now  they  may  feel  the  need  of  "  the 
washing  of  regeneration;"  now  they  may  seek 
union  with  Christ.  Perhaps  many  of  them  were  a 
blessing  to  others.  Some  little  maiden  may  have 
proved  as  an  angel  unawares  in  the  house  of  a 
Pictish  Naaman.  Some  youth  may  have  thought 
how  Ireland  once  had  a  slave  who  had  become  her 
spiritual  deliverer ;  and  why  might  not  the  captive 
among  a  barbarous  people  serve  the  Lord  so  well 
that  his  master  should  ask  the  way  of  happiness 
and  life  ?  Bondsmen  have  been  employed  by  the 
K-  'Icemer  to  set  nations  free. 



HAT  was  the  Church  built  up  by  Saint 
Patrick?  its  form,  its  offices,  its  term  of 
existence?  To  this  inquiry  we  set  our 
selves  in  the  interest  of  historic  truth,  and 
not  in  that  of  any  party.  Christ  was  more  to  him 
than  the  Church ;  of  the  one  we  know  what  he 
believed — of  the  other  it  is  hard  to  learn  what  he 
thought.  He  was  not  the  high  churchman  of  any 

The  late  Dr.  Murray  well  said:  "There  has 
been  much  learned  and  rather  sharp  controversy 
as  to  the  polity  or  external  form  of  the  Church  in 
the  days  of  Patrick.  The  Prelatists  -claim  him  as 
archbishop,  as  having  received  orders  in  a  direct 
line  from  the  apostles,  and  as  thus  transmitting 
orders  to  them.  To  believe  this  leads  necessarily 
to  the  belief  of  the  monkish  fables  in  reference  to 
him.  This  claim  it  is  impossible  to  establish, 
whether  it  be  true  or  false  in  itself.  Some  Inde 
pendents  would  claim  him  as  a  noble  Congrega- 


SAINT  r.\  TiircR.  197 

tionali-t;  among:  whom,  wo  believe,  stands  the 
eloquent  and  warm-hearted  Mr.  King,  of  Dublin; 
whilst  other-,  nf  tin-  Belfast  school,  would  claim 
him  as  a  Pn-bytrriau.  That  he  was  not  a  Papist 
is  certain;  but  what  he  was  in  polity  is  very  un 
certain.  It  is  most  likely  he  troubled  him-elf  Un 
less  upon  that  subject  than  do  many  in  our  day, 
in  ing  it  his  great  work  to  preach  the  gospel. 
But  when  we  read  that  '  Ireland  was  full  of  village 
bMiops1 — that  in  one  county,  Meath,  there  were 
nearly  thirty  bMmps — that  at  one  period  there 
were  about  three  hundred  bishops  in  the  kinLrdnin, 
we  may  reasonably  conclude  that  parochial  bishop. 
were  the  only  ones  kimwn  to  the  primitive  Chi  i  — 
tianity  of  Ireland,  and  that  every  parish  was  a 
bi-lmprie.  But  there  is  darkness  sufficient  resting 
upon  tlie  annals  of  those  early  times  to  forbid 
Maii-ni  on  the  «»m>  hand,  and  there  are  now 
and  then  the  «jlrainiiiL:  nut  nf  irreat  principles  sntli- 
cient  to  i'm-in  the  ba-i-  nf  thenrie<  nn  the  nther."* 

\\'r  liave  M0B  vi»unLr  men  i«.ll«»u  in-r  Patrick  as 
Btodente  and  helper^.  Thu-  they  WOT8  trained  i'nr 
ini-~inn:irv  \\<>rk.  It  wa<  imt  nccc.— ^ary  t<>  -end 
them  t:ir  away  to  the  ('..ntinent  to  be  educated, 
where  the  .-yMcm  nf  -di.mU  \\:i-  licminin^  mo- 
*  Ireland  :itnl  tin-  Iri-li. 


nastic.  There  were  places  for  retired  study  at 
home.  The  old  Culdee  system  had  its  cells,  which 
grew  into  colleges.  There  is  reason  to  think  that 
Patrick  found  this  system  in  Ireland  and  adopted 
its  main  features.  The  cell,  or  kil,  seems  to  have 
been  at  first  a  refuge  from  danger  and  a  resort  for 
prayer;  then  a  fixed  abode  for  studious  men.  It 
grew  into  a  church  or  a  college ;  often  it  became  a 
religious  centre,  whither  the  people  flocked  for 
worship,  teaching  and  consolation.  In  the  course 
of  years  a  town  grew  up  around  many  a  prominent 
cell.  We  find  very  many  names  as  memorials  of 
the  ancient  kil;  such  as  Kildare,  the  church  or 
cell  of  the  oak  ;  Kill-fine,  the  church  of  the  tribe ; 
Cill-Chiarain,  the  cell  of  Ciaran,  or  Kieran. 

The  story  of  Ciaran  is  that  he  went  into  a  dense 
wood  of  Munster,  made  him  a  cell,  played  with 
the  wild  animals  around  him,  studied  and  lived 
near  to  God.  He  drew  to  him  young  men  of 
serious  minds  and  taught  them;  the  school  en 
larged  into  a  monastery ;  a  city  arose  on  the  spot. 
It  is  not  certain  when  he  lived.  Some  make  him  a 
bishop  in  Ireland  thirty  years  before  Saint  Patrick ; 
others,  a  child  to  whom  the  great  missionary  gave 
his  blessing  on  one  of  his  journeys ;  and  others 
place  him  in  the  sixth  century. 


Here  is  probably  a  specimen  of  the  school-  in 
the  days  of  Saint  Patrick.  The  students  v, 
called  monk>  he.-ause  they  led  a  secluded  life. 
But  a  young  monk  of  the  fifth  century  w:is  a  very 
different  man  from  an  old  monk  of  the  twelfth 
century.  He  was  usually  a  young  man  preparing 
to  become  a  mi— ionary.  His  head  \vas  shorn. 
and  lie  won-  a  div-s  peculiar  to  his  class.  If  he 
V  tint  fond  of  a  secluded  life,  he  remained  at 
tin- cell  fur  long  years,  or  he  went  forth  into  de 
forests  to  found  one  for  himself.  This  often  oc 
curred  in  later  times.  But  we  do  not  think  Saint 
Patrick  allowed  such  men  to  take  their  n-i. 
They  must  prepare  for  work  in  the  world,  and 
when  prepared  go  forth  into  the  great  field  to  sow 
ami  n-ap  for  the  Master. 

It     appears    that    Patrick    often    visited    these 
,  which  might  not  be  called  monasteries. 
iv- illations  were  very  different  from  niona-- 
tic  rules.     They  were  little  else  than  would   now 
be  demanded  in  a  college  where  the  inmate-  were 

reijlliivd   to  .-UppulM     t  hein-elve-.        "    Although    they 

ob-n-ve.l  a  eei-iain  institute,"  says  .lamie^.n,  "yet, 
iii  the  aeenuut-  <;iven  of  them,  we  eammt  overlook 
thi-  remarkable  di~t  im-t  ion  betwern  them  and 
\vhi«-h  ;uv  pn.prrly  m«.na-tie.  that 


they  were  not  associated  for  the  purpose  of  observ 
ing  this  rule.  They  might  deem  certain  regula 
tions  necessary  for  the  preservation  of  order,  but 
their  great  design  was,  by  communicating  instruc 
tion,  to  train  up  others  for  the  work  of  the  minis 
try.  Hence  it  has  been  justly  observed  that  they 
may  be  more  properly  viewed  as  colleges,  in  which 
various  branches  of  useful  learning  were  taught, 
than  as  monasteries.  These  societies,  therefore, 
were  in  fact  the  seminaries  of  the  Church  both  in 
North  Britain  and  in  Ireland."* 

When  Patrick  found  in  these  schools  men 
qualified  for  the  work,  he  was  ready  to  say,  "  The 
Lord  hath  need  of  thee."  He  had  the  care  of 
churches  that  needed  pastors.  He  ordained  them 
as  bishops.  Thus  he  laid  his  hands  on  the  gentle 
Benignus  and  placed  him  over  the  church  of 
Armagh.  There  the  good  pastor  fed  the  flock  for 
many  years.  He  travelled  widely,  and  gave 
"splendid  proofs  of  his  zeal  for  religion  and  his 
anxious  desire  for  the  conversion  of  his  country 
men."  But  he  went  to  his  rest  a  few  years  before 
the  great  man  who  had  led  him  forth  from  his 
father's  house  when  a  youth.  There  is  nothing 
but  manufactured  evidence  to  show  that  he  ever 
*  Jamieson,  Hist.  Culdeee,  p.  33. 


had  charge  of  more  than  one  church,  or  that  he 
had  a  diocc-c  ami  an  array  of  clergy  under  him. 

Thus,  too,  Patrick,  when  travelling  along  the 
banks  of  the  Litfey,  came  upon  Fiacc,  whom  he 
had  once  met  as  a  young  hard  at  the  court  of  Tarali. 
The  poet  had  been  studying  for  the  ministry.  I  It- 
was  ordained  a  bishop  and  placed  over  the  church 
of  Sletty.  At  a  later  day  imagination  set  him  over 
all  Leinster.  He,  no  doubt,  had  a  general  interest 
in  the  little  bands  of  Christians  in  that  region,  and 
made  many  a  missionary  tour,  as  many  a  zealous 
pastor  now  does  in  a  new  country.  But  this  does 
not  prove  that  he  had  a  diocese.  He  seem>  to 
have  been  a  good  husband,  a  kind  father,  a  learned 
man  and  the  teacher  <>f  many  disciples.  It  does 
not  appear  that  he  persuaded  his  former  tutor, 
Dubtach,  the  converted  bard,  to  preach  the  gospel. 
But  this  eminent  man  breathed  into  Celtic  poetry 
the  name  of  Christ.  Druid  songs  were  changed  to 
Christian  hymns.  The  pairan  lyre  became  a  solemn 
psalterv,  -iviii'j  it-  notes  to  holy  psalms.  An  old 
author  Bays  that  when  once  blessed  and  transformed, 
the  SOIl<r-  "I"  the  hard-  beeame  BO  -wed  that  the 
angels  of  God  leaned  down  from  heaven  to  li-tcn  ; 
and  this  i-  why  the  harp  of  the  hard-  ha-  contiimed 
to  be  the  -yml»o]  and  emhla/oiiry  of  Ireland. 


When  we  go  back  as  nearly  as  history  will  carry 
us  to  the  days  of  Saint  Patrick,  we  find  that  the 
weight  of  evidence  justifies  the  following  con 
clusions  : 

1.  Men  were  ordained  bishops  per  saltum,  that 
is,  without  passing  through   other  clerical  orders. 
They  had  not  first  to  be  deacons  and  priests.*     A 
young  man  might  be  ordained  a  bishop,  just  as 
now  a  student  is  ordained  a  presbyter,  thus  given 
the  highest  office  known  to  Presbyterianism. 

2.  Men  were  thus  ordained  by  a  single  bishop. 
It  seems  that  Patrick  often  used  this  power  alone. 
It  began  as  a  necessity,  perhaps,  when  he  was  the 
only  bishop  in  Ireland,  and  was  continued  after  his 
example.     But  this  may  not  have  been   the  only 
rule  of  ordination.     Even  if  it  were,  it  would  not 
be  against  one  form  of  church  government  more 
than  another,  for  in  no  Church  is  it  allowable  for 
one  bishop  to   ordain   another,  whatever  may  be 
understood  by  that  title  of  office. 

3.  Men   were  ordained    bishops   without    being 
placed  over  any  particular  church.     They  had  not 
the  oversight  of  churches  or  clergy.     They  were 
evangelists,  missionaries,  travelling  preachers  and 

*Todd's  St.  Patrick,  ch.  i. ;  which  may  be  consulted  on  most 
of  the  folloving  points. 



superintendents    of  schools.      It    is   admitted    by 

PrelatiMs  that   they  were  <•  bishops  without  sees  or 

dJoee* wandering   bi.-hops."     This  class  became 

verv  numerous  in   Ireland. 

Early  in  the  twelfth  century,  Anselm  of  En-land 
complained  thus  of  the  state  of  u flairs  in  Irelaiul  : 
"  It  is  said  that  hi-hops  in  your  country  are  elected 
at  random,  and  appointed  without  any  fixed  place 
of  episcopal  jurisdiction  ;  and  that  a  bishop,  like  a 
prie>t,  i-  ordained  by  a  single  bishop."  Such  had 
been  the  state  of  things  since  the  time  of  Patrick, 
who  was  eager  to  have  a  strong  force  of  mission 
aries  in  the  lidd;  and  he  thought  it  important  for 
them  to  hold  the  highest  oflice  and  be  the  e<tual 
of  himself.  It  cannot  be  shown  that  he  was  ever 
anything  but  a  "bishop  in  Ireland,"  as  he  styled 
him.-elf  in  his  laM  days. 

4.  A  single  church  had  its  bi.-hop  ;  probably 
every  church  had  one  of  its  own.  St.  Bernard  in 
the  twelfth  century  thought  thi-  OQ€  -iu'n  of "  a 
making  void  of  religion,"  that  "every  particular 
church  -li.iuld  have  its  particular  bi>hop."  I'.ut 
Patrick  h.-ld  a  difl'erent  view.  Hi-  rule  -erins  to 
have  been  to  place  over  every  church  a  pa-tor,  who 
was  in  oflice  c<pial  to  him-elf.  Hence  Nennius 
says  that  he  founded  three  hundred  and  sixtv-fivti 


churches,  and  placed  over  them  three  hundred  and 
sixty-five  bishops. 

5.  The  bishops  outnumbered  the  churches.  "  It 
is,  therefore,  an  undoubted  fact,"  says  Dr.  Todd, 
"  that  the  number  of  bishops  in  Ireland  was  very 
great  in  early  times,  in  proportion  to  the  popula 
tion,  as  well  as  absolutely;  although  we  are  not 
bound  to  believe  that  Saint  Patrick  consecrated 
'  with  his  own  hand7  three  hundred  and  fifty 
bishops,  founded  seven  hundred  churches  and 
ordained  three  thousand  priests." 

Nor  are  we  bound  to  believe  that  there  were  so 
many  places  as  are  reported  where  seven  bishops 
dwelt  together  as  a  brotherhood.  Probably  there 
were  a  few  such  in  a  later  century,  but  hardly  one 
hundred  and  forty-one  of  them !  Nine  hundred 
and  eighty-seven  bishops  thus  taking  their  ease ! 
The  monkish  annalists  were  death  upon  prelatic 

"  There  is  abundant  evidence,"  says  Dr.  Todd, 
"  to  show  that  two  or  more  contemporary  bishops 
frequently  lived  together  during  the  early  period 
[of  the  Irish  Church],  in  the  same  town,  church  or 
monastery."  But  this  was  doubtless  some  centuries 
after  Patrick's  death,  when  the  monastic  system 
was  in  full  vigour.  In  his  day  the  settled  and 


travelling  bishops  seemed  to  have  been  greater  in 
number  than  the  churches.  Of  the  latter  it  is  not 
possible  to  make  any  estimate. 

6.  The  bishop  had  no  diocese.    He  was  a  pastor  or 
missionary.     In  the  afternoon  of  the  sixth  century 
it  was  enough  for  Columba  to  be  ordained  a  bishop 
in  order  to  qualify  him  for  the  great  work  before 
him  in  Scotland.     Nor  was  any  higher  office  ever 
conferred  upon  him.    So  Columban,  who  went  into 
1  MI  rope,  is  called  by  the  same  author  a  presbyter, 
and  in  another  sentence  a  bishop,  as  if  they  were 
the  very  same  office.     The  bishops  who  are  repre 
sented  to  have  been  placed  over  dioceses  by  Pat 
rick  belong  to  a  later  day.     Even  the  four  whom 
some  have  thought   preceded  him,  and   others  to 
have  laboured  with  him,  seem  to  belong  to  the 
sixth  or  seventh  century.    They  were  Ciaran,  Ailbe, 
I  bar  and  Declan.     Perhaps  the  first  two  were  co- 
workers   of  Patrick.      Montalembert  admits  that 
"  t  he  constitution  of  dioce-e-  and   pari-ln--,  in  In 
land  as  in  Scotland,  does  not  go  farther  bnc-U  than 
to  the  twelfth  century/' 

7.  Patrick  was  a  "  l»i.-li«»p  in  In-laml,"  and  not  the 
primate  over  it.      lie  had  up<»n  him,  in  a   very  im 
portant  BflQfft  U  IM<>  (>an'  "*'  a"  tnr  <'huivln>,"  «jiiit«- 
as  Calvin  had  u  general  superintendence  of  all  the 

206  8 A  INT  PA  TRICK. 

Protestant  churches  of  France.  But  was  Calvin 
an  archbishop?  He  was  a  presbyter,  the  equal 
only  in  office  of  his  brethren. 

It  was  very  easy  for  writers,  centuries  after  Pat 
rick's  time,  to  represent  the  great  central  churches 
as  diocesan,  the  prominent  pastors  as  prelatic 
bishops,  the  schools  as  monasteries,  female  teachers 
as  the  founders  of  nunneries,  and  over  them  all  one 
great  chief,  one  archbishop,  Saint  Patrick.  But  of 
all  this  we  do  not  believe  a  word.  The  old  Irish 
term  ard-epscop  only  meant  an  eminent  or  cele 
brated  bishop,  as  ard-file  meant  a  chief  poet,  or 
ard-righ,  an  eminent  king.  It  did  not  signify  an 
archbishop  in  the  modern  sense.*  It  might  have 
been  applied  to  any  well-known  and  influential 

We  may  well  believe  that  several  synods  were 
held  by  Patrick  and  his  co-presbyters.  But  it  is 
very  doubtful  whether  he  published  any  "  canons" 
over  his  name ;  certainly  not  the  collections  as  they 
now  appear.  If  he  wrote  any  laws  for  the  Church, 
the  Romanists  of  a  later  age  foisted  in  certain  rules 
to  serve  their  purpose.  Thackeray  says  of  the 
canons  of  the  first  synod,  held  about  the  year  460, 
"  Although  some  marks  of  superstition  may  be 
*  Todd's  St.  Patrick,  p.  16. 

SA  1  \T   I*  A  TRICK.  207 

traced  in  them,  and  some  leaning  to  the  Church  of 
K<>me,  we  cannot  hdp  being  struck  by  the  sim 
plicity,  force  and  sense  which  pervade  them."* 

Tin-  -trikinjx  part-  may  have  come  from  Patrick, 
tin-  n->t  from  tho-e  who  meddled  with  all  that  he 
It-It  behind  him. 

It  i.-  in  connect  ion  with  some  of  these  supposed 
synod-  that  we  hear  of  Auxilius  and  Iserninus. 
The  story  i-,  that  they  came  as  bishops  to  assist 
Patri'-k.  Who  >ciit  them  i-  not  told  in  the  Ulster 
Anna!-.  The  later  account  i-  that  they  went  from 
Home  with  him  to  Ireland.  If  their  Roman  mis 
sion  ha-  DO  better  foundation  than  his,  we  may  give 
little  credit  to  their  e\i-tcnoe,  and  yet  not  be  guilty 
of  taking  their  live-. 

Patrick  mii-t  have  hud  a  very  great  influence  over 
ihe  Iri-h  (  'liuivh.  He  had  a  splendid  ^ift  of  man 
agement.  He  was  able  to  keep  all  the  forces  at 
work.  Whatever  his  official  power,  there  is  no 
proof  that  he  <ravc  any  account  of  his  ,,M.  of  it  to 
the  court  ol  ROOM,  "He  did  not  apply  to  the 
papal  see  to  have  the  election  of  the  bi-hops  ap 
pointed  by  him  confirmed  ;  nor  is  there  extant  any 
:pt  from  the  •  apo-toliu'  see  to  him,  or  any  cpi.— 
tie  to  Koine.  .  .  .  We  bare  no  recorder  hint  of 
*  Anc.  Brit.  ii.  p.  167. 


his  having  kept  up  any  communication  with 
Rome."  We  are  quoting  a  writer,  who  thinks  that 
the  existence  of  so  many  missionary  and  pastor- 
bishops  in  the  early  Irish  Church  was  an  error,  yet 
he  says,  "  It  was  an  error  into  which  a  very 
zealous  man,  who  thought  he  could  not  have  enough 
of  chief  pastors  and  shepherds  of  Christ's  flock 
was  likely  to  fall ;  but  it  was  one  that  could  not 
for  a  moment  have  been  tolerated  by  Rome.  Had 
she  known  it  [or  had  any  right  to  rule],  she  would 
doubtless  have  immediately  put  a  stop  to  such  an 
irregularity.  The  obvious  inference  is,  that  she 
was  not  made  acquainted  with  the  state  of  the  in 
fant  Church  in  Ireland,  and  therefore  that  St.  Pat 
rick  acted  independently  of  the  papal  authority."* 
In  order  to  explain  this  it  has  been  assumed  that 
he  had  no  need  to  give  an  account  of  himself,  for 
"  he  was  made  apostolic  legate  over  Ireland."  But 
St.  Bernard  informs  us  that  "  Gillebert,  bishop  of 
Limerick,  in  the  twelfth  century,  was  the  first  who 
discharged  the  duties  of  apostolic  legate  in  Ire- 

*  Kev.  W.  G.  Todd,  Church  of  St.  Patrick,  pp.  29-36.  Mr. 
Todd  has  fully  examined  the  subject,  and  he  also  says :  "  I  have 
not  been  able  to  discover  any  fair  instance  of  a  bishop  be 
ing  elected  to  an  Irish  see  by  the  interference  of  the  pope, 
from  the  mission  of  St.  Patrick  until  after  the  English  inva 
sion."  See  also  Lanigan,  ii.  170. 


land."     Thus  falls   to  the  ground   the  claim  that 
Patrick  aet< ••!  in  the  name  or  interest  of  Rome. 

There  is  some  reason  to  think  that  the  Church 
of  Saint  Patrick  was  more  nearly  presbyterial  than 
<-o  M. _.T« -ational  or  prelatic.  It  was  certainly  not 
papal.  It  gradually  adopted  many  errors,  but  it 
did  not  submit  to  the  Pope  of  Rome  until  the 
twelfth  century. 

It  grew,  extended  and  became  a  vast  power  in 
the  world.  Its  schools  became  justly  renowned. 
They  attraen-d  students  from  distant  realms.  The 
pupils  of  a  single  school  were  often  numbered  by 
thousands.  The  course  of  instruction  embraced 
all  the  M-iences  then  taught,  but  more  especially 
the  Mudy  of  the  Holy  S'riplures. 

Thus  the  work  of  church  extension,  commenced 
on  a  large  scale  by  Patrick,  was  carried  on  by  faith 
ful  followers,  until,  before  the  beginning  of  the 
ninth  century,  the  whole  land  had  been  studded 
with  churches,  colleges  and  scriptural  ^-hools,  and 
Irish  rhri-tian-  wen-  iiimoii-  over  Kurop,'  ior 
lean. in-,  piety  and  missionary  zeal.  The  Irish, 
who  still  were  known  by  the  name  of  Scots,  were 
the  only  divines  who  refused  to  dishonour  their 
reason  by  submitting  it  implicitly  to  the  dictates 

of  authority.     .Naturally  .subtle  and  sagacious,  they 


applied  their  philosophy,  such  as  it  was,  to  the 
illustration  of  the  truths  and  doctrines  of  religion 
— a  method  which  was  almost  generally  abhorred 
and  exploded  in  all  the  nations.  They  were  lovers 
of  learning,  and  distinguished  themselves,  in  these 
times  of  ignorance,  by  the  culture  of  the  sciences, 
beyond  all  other  European  nations.  Owing  to  the 
eminence  of  the  Irish  in  science  and  literature,  and 
to  the  steadfastness  with  which  they  held  fast  the 
profession  of  their  faith  without  wavering,  Ireland 
was  regarded  at  this  period,  throughout  Europe, 
as  the  school  of  the  West  and  an  isle  of  saints.* 

Camden  says :  "  The  Saxons  of  that  age  flocked 
thither,  as  to  the  great  mart  of  learning,  and  this 
is  the  reason  why  we  find  this  saying  so  often  in 
our  [English]  writers,  'Such  an  one  was  sent  over 
into  Ireland  to  be  educated.'f  No  wonder  that 
Aldhelm,  abbot  of  Malmesbury,  exclaimed,  in  a 
letter  to  Ealfrid,  who  had  spent  six  years  studying 
in  Ireland, (  Why  should  Ireland,  whither  students 
are  transported  in  troops  by  fleets,  be  exalted  with 
such  unspeakable  advantages  ?' >; 

The  rapid  extension  and  singular  prosperity  of 
the  early  Irish  Church  is  to  be  attributed,  in  no 

*  Mosheim,  Eccl.  Hist.  Cent.  ix. ;  Ussher,  chap.  yi. 
f  Britannia,  Art.  Ireland. 


small  degree,  to  its  freedom  from  foreign  control, 
and  tn  tin-  excellence  of  its  system  of  church 
government,  "liishops  were  appointed  without 
consulting  K,.me.  They  consecrated  bishops  f,,r 
foreign  mi  —  ion-;  ainl  these  missions,  in  many  in- 
>tance-,  opposed  the  mandates  of  Rome.  For 
more  than  live  centuries  after  the  death  of  St. 
Patrick  we  scarcely  have  any  vestiges  of  a  connec 
tion  between  Koine  and  Ireland.  Councils  and 
synod.-  were  held  from  time  to  time,  in  order  to 
hring  the  Church  of  Ireland  to  the  same  subordi 
nation  to  Kome  as  those  of  every  other  part  of 
Kurope."*  It  is  thus  evident  that  in  thing- 
spiritual  and  ecclesiastical  they  refused  obedience 
alike  to  pope  and  king,  holding  that  the  L«r<f 
<  '////>/  w  sole  King  and  fiead  of  His  Church. 
It  would  require  a  volume  to  do  justice  to  the 
mi-ions  of  the  Church  of  Saint  Patrick. 
We  should  have  to  follow  Columba,  as  he  revived 
fchesystem  of  the  Culdees  in  Scotland,  and  made 
lona  a  great  northern  light  casting  its  rays  over  all 
*  aHalloran.  Rev.  W.  G.  Todd,  a  prelatist,  in  his  Church 
•"'inii.-ln-s  satisfactory  t-vid.-iuv  th:it  th.-  hi, Imp 
of  Rome  did  not  appoint,  elect,  consecrate,  nor  confirm  the 
l.Mi-.psof  Inhm.l,  froin  the  lifih  t,i  th,-  twelfth  n-ntury  ;  n«.r 
did  lie  sail  u.-i,  ii,,  mi  sions  of  the  Irish  Church,  of  which 
that  of  Columha  waa  tlie  lir.-i,  to  anotht-r  country. 

212  SA  INT  PA  TR ICK. 

Europe.  We  should  have  to  trace  Columban  and 
Gallus  marching,  with  weary  feet,  through  Gaul, 
up  the  Rhine,  over  the  Alps  or  into  .Italy,  found 
ing  monasteries,  rearing  churches,  enduring  storm 
and  cold,  persecuted  by  kings  and  lifting  neglected 
tribes  out  of  barbarism.  We  should  find  Vir- 
gilius  at  Salzburg,  in  the  far-off  wilds  of  the 
Tyrol,  not  only  teaching  the  gospel,  but  also 
watching  the  motions  of  the  planets  and  conclud 
ing  that  the  earth  was  round,  and  that  on  the 
other  side,  beneath  his  feet,  there  might  be  nations 
of  men.  His  doctrine  of  the  antipodes  brought 
him  into  trouble  with  the  pope.  We  have  scarcely 
begun  the  list.  In  the  year  565  the  first  mission 
ary  left  the  shores  of  Ireland.  For  nearly  three 
centuries  companies  of  learned  and  pious  men, 
from  the  colleges  of  Ireland,  continued  to  go  forth 
to  preach  Christ  in  the  neighbouring  countries. 
In  North  and  South  Britain,  and  over  all  the 
Continent,  they  went  everywhere  preaching  the 
gospel.  Rejecting  purgatory,  the  worship  of 
images,  the  intercession  of  saints,  and  transub- 
stantiation — doctrines  unknown  in  the  Church  of 
St.  Patrick,  and  only  recently  introduced  into  the 
Church  of  Rome — they  were  always  oppceed  by 
the  Roman  Catholic  clergy,  and  often  suffered  per- 

SA  INT  PA  TRICK.  213 

secution  ;  still  they  held  fast  the  truth,  and  con- 
tinuiMl,  till  840,  to  preach  to  tin-  inhabitants  of 
( '"iitinental  Kurope  the  very  same  Gospel  preached 
by  St.  Patrick  to  the  wondering  native-  o{'  Ireland.* 

Concerning  the  theology  of  thi-  period  Xeander 
write-:  "In  the  Jri.-h  Church,  1'roin  the  time  o[' 
its  origin,  a  bolder  spirit  of  inquiry  ha<l  been  pro- 
pagated,  which  cau-ed  many  a  reaction  against  the 
papacy;  and  as  in  the  Irish  monasteries,  not  only 
the  Latin,  hut  al-o  the  Creek  lathers  had  been 
studied,  BO  it  naturally  came  about  that  from  that 
-ehool  i--ued  a  iinnv  original  and  free  development 
of  theology  than  was  to  be  elsewhere  li.und,  and 
was  thenee  pi",  .pa-at  ei  1  to  other  laud.-." 

In  the  year  807  the  Danes  invaded  Ireland. 
They  were  a  fierce  and  warlike  people,  and  treated 
the  vaixjui-hed  with  horrid  cruelty.  Themselves 
WOnhippen  of  heathen  Lrod-,  they  cou-idered  it  a 
religions  duty  to  exterminate  the  Chri-tian-.  \-\>r 
two  hundred  years  the  Iri-h  were  en^a^'d  in 
deadly  eonlliet  with  these  -avap-  liordrs.  In  the 
b^inning  of  the  eleventh  centuiy  the  -torm  -uh- 
sided.  There  was  a  temporary  calm.  But  already 
two  eeiuiirie-  of  civil  war  had  produced  their 
melancholy  re-ults.  The  jrn.:lt  Bohoob  and  colleges 
*  WIN.. i,,  Church  of  St.  Patrick,  p.  59. 


had  been  plundered,  burned,  and  their  inmates 
slaughtered  or  dispersed.  The  churches  were  in 
ruins  and  the  flocks  scattered.  The  nati  >nal  re 
cords  and  many  ancient  documents  deposited  in 
the  monasteries  had  perished  in  the  flames ;  the 
bonds  of  society  were  loosened  and  social  anarchy 
prevailed.  Though  learning  and  religion  speedily 
revived,  and  schools  and  churches  began  to  rise 
from  their  ashes,  yet,  owing  to  disunion  and  many 
irregularities,  the  Irish  were  less  able  than  before 
to  resist  the  insidious  inroads  of  papal  influence. 

The  Romish  bishops  of  the  Danes  in  Ireland 
used  all  their  influence  to  induce  the  native  Irish 
to  adopt  Roman  Catholic  doctrines  and  modes  of 
worship,  and  to  acknowledge  the  authority  of  the 
Roman  pontiff.  When  it  is  remembered  how  com 
pletely  the  early  Irish  Church  had  been  disorgan 
ized  by  two  centuries  of  civil  war,  it  will  not  seem 
strange  that  many  of  its  members  proved  unfaith 
ful  to  the  old  religion  of  their  fathers,  and  accepted 
the  new  doctrines  of  Rome,  lately  brought  into 
Ireland  by  these  foreign  bishops.  Thus  the  Irish 
Church  fell  away  from  her  ancient  fai  ch,  and  before 
a  century  had  elapsed  measures  were  taken  to  de 
prive  her  of  her  ancient  independence.* 
*  Church  of  St.  Pat-ick,  pp.  60-67. 


The   English    invaded  and   took   possession   of 
Iivluml    in    tin-   year   1172.     No   sooner    had    the 
pope  heard  of  tlie  success  of  the  English  expedi 
tion  than  he  wrote  to  King  Henry  a  letter  of  con 
gratulation.     "It   is  not  (he  wrote)  without   very 
lively    sensations    of    .-ati-tii< -timi     that    we    have 
learned   i.f  the  expedition   yon   have   made  in   the 
true  -pint  of  a   pious  kin-    against  the  nation  of 
the,  and  of  the   magnificent  and  astonishing 
triumph    over  a    realm    into  which   the  princes  of 
ROOM  never  pushed    their   army.     Having  a  con 
fident    hope   in    the   fervour  of  your  devotion,   we 
believe  it  would   he  your  desire,  not  only  to  con- 
serve   hut   to  t.rtnnl  //"'  i>ririlcges  of  the  Church  of 
Rwn< .  and,  as  in  duty  hound,  to  establish  //>>•  juri*- 
tli.'fh.ii  irln  ,-•  .•<!,>  has  none  at  present;  we,  therefore, 
earm-ily  exhort  yonr  Highness  to  preserve  to  us 
the  privileges  belonging  to  St.  Peter  in  that  land." 
It  l.e-an    to   appear  that   there  were   really  two 
.  church e-    in     Ireland.       One    was    the    Church   of 
Rome,  with  it-  papal  machinery,  tti    iVu-r'-  pence, 
its  strong  arm  to  puni>h  tln^e  who  refused  to  adopt, 
tlie  new  system,  and  it-   swarms  of  Kn^li-h  nmnks 
as  the  managers  of  its  affairs.     They  to,.k    «\ 
thinir     into     their      hands — schools,     moua>teries, 
churches  and    pari>he>.      Tlie   p.veruinem  wa 


their  side.  The  invading  king  won  the  chieftains, 
and  the  chieftains  placed  the  yoke  on  the  clansmen. 
It  was  thenceforth  a  misfortune  for  one  to  have 
Irish  blood  in  his  veins ;  it  was  a  crime  to  have  a 
love  for  the  truly  ancient  Church  in  his  heart. 
"  The  real  origin  of  Irish  popery  is  the  English 
invasion  under  Henry  II."  *  Of  this  reign  Hume 
says,  "  The  Irish  had  been  imperfectly  converted  to 
Christianity ;  and  what  the  pope  regarded  as  the 
surest  mark  of  their  imperfect  conversion,  they 
followed  the  doctrines  of  their  first  teachers,  and 
had  never  acknowledged  any  subjection  to  the  see 
of  Rome."  The  chiefs  became  zealous  papists. 
The  parliament  was  Roman  Catholic ;  the  bishops 
were  all  appointed  by  the  pope,  and  they  had  seats 
in  the  national  councils ;  the  kings  were  all  "  most 
dearly  beloved  sons  of  the  pope,  devout  sons  of  the 
Church,"  whose  will  was  law  and  power  was 

The  other  was  the  Church  of  Saint  Patrick, 
greatly  changed  indeed,  both  in  form  and  doctrine, 
but  yet  asserting  her  independence  of  Rome.  It 
was  a  remnant  saved  /rom  the  general  wreck.  It 
endured  severe  persecution.  "  The  Church  of  the 
native  Irish  was  discountenanced  and  ignored  by 
*  Soames,  Lat.  Church,  p.  59. 


Rome,  as  well  as  by  England.  It  consisted  of  the 
old  Irish  clergy  and  inmates  of  the  monasteries, 
who  had  not  adopted  the  English  manners  or 
language,  and  who  were  therefore  dealt  with  as 
rebels,  and  compelled  to  seek  for  support  from  the 
charily  or  devotion  of  the  people.  Many  of  tli re 
took  refuge  in  foreign  countries;"  others  still 
1  intend  in  places  when-  they  waited  for  the  dawn 
of  a  better  day.*  Then  centuries  later  came  the 
tt  Reformation.  It  revived  the  old  spirit. 
Many  received  the  gospel  anew,  and  entered  into 
the  Reformed  churches  of  England  or  of  Scotland, 
and  to  our  times  there  has  been  a  force  of  staunch 
Protestants  in  Ireland,  strongest  in  the  northern 
count  ie-,  where  Saint  Patrick  seems  to  have  laid 
the  nniM  enduring  foundations. 

•an<re  reversals  occur  in  history,  and  one  of  the 
strangest  i>,thut  the  I  ri>h  people,  who  owed  nothing 
to  IJoinc  for  their  conversion  to  Christianity,  and 
who  -tniLTu-led  lunir  a-aiiM  her  |, retention-,  should 
now  lie.  reckoned  anionLr  JMT  ,,io-t  >ul>mi>Mve  ad 
herent^.  They  once  i|ii<  ted  Saint  Patrick  a-ain-t 
her  claims  and  customs,  but  now  they  associate 
their  devoti,,ii  to  Patrick  with  their  devotion  to 
popery.  Once  he  \va>  their  great  prot«>tant  and 
9t  I'.u.irk,  pp.  -j:;7-244. 


the  father  of  their  Church  ;  now  they  imagine  that 
he  was  a  papist,  and  they  acknowledge  the  father 
hood  of  the  man  whose  toe  is  kissed  in  the  Vatican. 
Ireland  hates  England.  Well  she  might,  if  the 
reason  were  that  the  English  king  Henry  II.  sold 
her  fair  domains  to  the  pope  and  forced  her  to  pay 
the  Peter's  pence.  Before  that  time  she  might  love 
England  and  hate  Rome ;  now  she  has  reversed  her 

Beautiful  Ireland,  gem  of  the  sea !  Once  the 
resort  of  students,  the  home  of  scholars,  the  abode 
of  poetry,  the  nursery  of  orators,  the  light  of 
Europe,  the  isle  of  saints !  Along  thy  shores  the 
voyager  coasts,  and  he  pities  thee,  now  so  oppressed 
by  Rome,  so  darkened  by  the  errors  of  a  perverted 
religion,  and  he  thinks  what  thou  wouldst  have 
continued  to  be  had  the  Church  of  Saint  Patrick 
never  been  overthrown ! 

Upon  no  other  land  did  the  darkness  of  the 
Middle  Ages  more  slowly  yet  more  thickly  fall ; 
over  none  did  ministering  angels  longer  hover  to 
witness  the  courage  of  those  who  were  the  last  to 
yield  ;  in  none  was  truth  more  completely  crushed 
beneath  the  foreign  invader's  foot ;  from  none  was 
Christian  liberty  more  thoroughly  banished ;  and 
through  none  did  soperbtitioB  more  boldly  walk  to 


banish  God's  holy  word,  turn  history  into  legends, 
erase  the  early  records  of  an  independent  Church, 
and  overthrew  the  monuments  of  the  ancient  faith. 
In  the  course  of  centuries  missionaries  dwindled 
into  monks,  earnest  pastors  into  exact! DLL  prie-t-, 
ancient  schools  into  in<>n:Meri« •-  ;  the  pulpit  with 
the  Bible  upon  it  fell  back  behind  the  altar  set  up  for 
the  mass  and  the  waxen  candle;  the  simple  church 
was  overshadowed  by  the  cathedral;  shrines  urn- 
erected  to  saints,  and  devotion  took  the  form  of 
penance  and  pilgrimage.  Ireland  was  laid  at  the 
feet  nt'  ili«'  -M-ralled  Yirjjfin  Marv,  01:  whose  hmw 
was  placed  the  crown  that  rightly  i>clon<:ed  only  to 
Christ.  True,  a  small,  hidden  remnant  remained, 
waiting  tor  the  Reformation.  They  accepted  it  when 
it  came.  Their  sons  nobly  restored  the  ancient 
faith;  their  toil  now  is  to  bring  Ireland  back  to 
the  Church  of  Saint  Patrick,  so  far  as  it  was  the 
body  of  Chri-t.  In  that  restoration  is  the  hope  of 
KrinV  deliverance.  May  Heaven  speed  the  day! 



E  have  wandered.  As  the  work  was  greater 
than  the  man,  we  have  quite  lost  sight  of 
him.  He  lived  to  see  the  Druids  cast  into 
the  shade.  They  were  no  longer  the  power 
behind  the  throne.  Some  of  them  were  converted; 
others  grew  sullen  and  silent.  So  many  of  the 
kings  were  at  least  nominally  Christian  that  these 
men  of  the  oaks  dared  not  lift  a  hand  against  the 
missionaries.  They  might  steal  into  the  deep  for 
ests  and  cut  the  mistletoe,  but  their  barbarous  rites 
of  sacrifice  were  ended. 

The  Druids  had  framed  many  of  the  old  laws, 
and  a  reform  was  needed.  The  tradition  is,  that 
King  Laogaire  brought  together  a  council  of  nine 
wise  men  to  revise  the  laws  of  the  realm  and 
adapt  them  to  the  principles  of  the  gospel.  Three 
kings,  three  bishops  and  three  bards  are  said  to 
have  sat  together  in  the  work  : 

The  bishops  were  the  most  devout  Saint  Patrick, 
The  goofl    Benignus  and  the  wise  Cairnech ; 


Tlu    k ILL'S  were  Laogaire,  the  Irish  monarch, 

A    prince  in  heraldry  exactly  skilled; 

"With   him   was  joined   tin-  ever-prudent    I>aire, 

The  warlike  king  of  I  'I-t.-r;   and   the  third 

W;  i  ore,   wide  Mun-u-r's  martial   king, 

\VhoM-   l.,ve   I'm-   letter-  proved   his    love   for   ]« 

The  hards,   well    ver-ed   in   tin-  antiquities, 

faithful    huhtach  and  the  sage  Feargus, 
And   Uo-a.  ^killed   in   lon-itm   languages: 
Tin •-«.-  niiH-  (cniH'd  o\-r  tlu-  annals  and  the  laws, 
Kra-.-d    th.-   enon,    tin-  e fleets  of  fraud 
Or  ignorance,  and  hy  the  test  of  truth 
Made  gm id   the  .-tatutes  and   the  hi.-tories.* 

One  of  tin-  works  -aid   to  have  come  from  the 

hand.-  <>f  this  committee  is  the  Cain  J'tifrtiic,  or 
u  Patrick's  Law."  I'cfliajK  it  was  begun  in  his 
time,  hut  the  greater  part  nf  it  i>  ri«licuh>u>  <-uough 
to  liave  come  i.idv  from  the  nmnks  of  a  later  ;i 

'!'<>  him  a  tract  i-  often  a.-criU-d  cmiccniin^  the 
jire-ent  world,  heaven  and  hell.  It  is  aptlv  enti 
tled  «Hw  Time  BabtationB,"  in  the  first  of  which 
all  the  living  now  dwell,  and  in  one  of  the  other 
two  every  soul  niu.t  abide  after  death.  It  in: 
no  reii-rence  to  pur^al«>ry.  rj'here  i-  no  proof  that 

;t  MS   btUI  ilu-  till,   ,,f  tlu-  Ix-ahhar  na  Iluaidh- 
ch«.ngahhala,  a  uhi.h    \se   .!«,   n«,t    j.n  i,  nd   in    have 

dipped.     It  was  highly  appn.v  d  hy  the  three  bardu, 
f  Todd1-.  St.  Tatrick,  pp.  •!>:?,  484. 


he  wrote  a  word  of  it,  nor  has  it  any  reference  to 
the  legend  of  "  Saint  Patrick's  Purgatory,"  which 
has  become  proverbial.  It  seems  that  on  a  little 
island  in  Loch  Erne  a  monastery  grew  up  at  a 
later  day.  When  some  of  the  inmates  needed  to 
be  punished,  they  were  sent  to  a  cave  near  by  to 
bring  themselves  into  a  better  mood,  or  pilgrims 
were  there  placed  to  do  penance  for  their  sins.  It 
was  easy  to  imagine  that  through  the  gloomy 
cavern  were  seen  the  spirits  of  the  unhappy,  whose 
penance  had  not  been  sufficient  upon  earth.  Wild 
talcs  were  told  about  such  visions  in  order  to  win 
more  money  from  those  who  were  made  to  believe 
that  even  Christians  must  be  purified  by  suffering 
after  death.  To  give  force  to  the  superstition  the 
monks  laid  hold  of  the  name  of  Patrick,  which  had 
a  charm  for  the  Irish  ear  and  heart.  It  was  de 
clared  that  he  had  been  in  the  cave,  and  there  had 
a  sight  of  the  flames  of  purgatory.*  An  English 
knight  named  Owen  went  thither  and  shuddered  at 
what  he  saw.  An  English  monk  wrote  a  pre 
tended  history  of  the  place,  and  the  gross  impos 
ture  was  supported  for  centuries  by  the  Anglo-Irish 
bishops  in  Donegal  in  order  to  bring  over  the 
people  to  Rome.  It  is  a  specimen  of  the  lying 
*  Caraden,  Britannia,  p.  1019. 


wonders  fixed  upon  th<>  popular  Saint  Patrick,  and 
this  is  the  foundation  of  his  purgatory. 

He  believed  that  to  the  living  Christian  the 
Lord  was  >aying,  "This  day  -halt  thou  be  with 
me  in  Paradise."  The  true  Church  of  St.  Patrick 
held  that  man  is  naturally  ignorant  of  the  true 
God,  and  has  nothing  of  his  own  but  sin;  that 
( 'hri-t  is  MiHieicnt  lor  the  salvation  of  the  sinner; 
that  the  sinner  is  saved  by  the  grace  of  God,  who 
brill-.:-  him  to  a  MOM  of  his  unbelief  through  faith 
in  Chri.-t,  and  not  by  his  own  works;  that  every 
Saved  -inner  i-  eon-trained  by  love  to  be  holy  and 
do  all  the  good  he  can,  though  he  does  not  thereby 
gain  any  merit ;  and  that  when  the  believer  dies  IK; 
pa— es  immediately  into  gl. 

Great  was  the  love  of  the  people  for  the  zealous 
mi  — ionary,  BO  well  and  BO  widely  known.  Thou 
sands  looked  up  to  him  as  a  father  whose  toils  had 
been  endured  for  their  gOOck  Not  for  him-. -If,  not 
for  power,  nor  for  hi-  own  Lrl<T\ \  had  he  lived,  but 
for  them  and  fur  hi-  Lord.  They  began  to  conn r 
the  year-  when  lie  mint  die.  They  looked  upon 
his  shorn  head,f  and  thought  of  the  crown  of 

*   Wi:.-.,n,  Cli.  <,f  St.  I'.-itrirk,  ,,.  77. 

t  He  was  often  rallnl  tin-  T-nl< :mlt  "  the  shorn  crown."  It 
wan  a  general  custom  of  that  age  for  the  clergy  to  be  marked 


righteousness  of  which  he  was  wont  to  speak. 
When  they  saw  his  gray  hairs,  they  may  have 
thought,  as  was  said  of  another  venerable  man, 

When  the  snow  on  that  mountain-top  melts, 
There  will  be  a  great  flood  in  this  valley. 

It  appears  that  he  worked  on  to  the  last.  Only 
when  his  strength  failed,  he  ceased  to  travel  along 
the  trodden  paths,  visit  the  churches  already 
planted,  plunge  into  new  forests,  enter  among  wild 
tribes,  call  for  lodgings  at  the  castles  of  warlike 
chiefs,  expose  himself  to  perils  by  robbers  and 
murderers,  search  out  the  scattered  sheep  of  his 
Master,  found  new  churches,  ordain  new  pastors 
and  set  them  to  feed  the  flock  of  God.  But  the 
time  came  when  he  could  not  ride  so  far  by  day, 
nor  face  the  storm  so  bravely,  nor  so  safely  risk  the 
cold,  damp  air  of  night.  Not  so  early  could  he 
"  rise  up  at  the  voice  of  the  bird ;"  the  silver  cord 
was  loosening,  the  golden  bowl  breaking,  for  he 

by  the  tonsure.  Perhaps  it  meant  at  first  little  more  than  the 
white  cravat  now  does  with  some  clergymen.  But  it  became  in 
(lie  seventh  century  a  weighty  matter.  Then  it  was  found  that 
the  Irish  tonsure  was  quite  different  from  the  Roman.  In  the 
Irish  the  head  waa  shorn  on  the  front,  from  one  ear  over  to  the 
other ;  in  the  Roman  the  whole  top  was  made  bare.  The  ar 
gument  then  was  that  the  Irish  clergy  had  Saint  Patrick  for 
their  example.  What  grave  disputes  about  trifles ! 


going  to  hLs  long  home.  Old  age  was  creeping 
him.  He  had  no  earthly  home,  no  family; 
no  wife  to  sit  by  a  hearth-tone  and  talk  of  the 
past  scenes  on  the  way  of  their  pilgrimage;  no 
brothers  in  Ireland  to  invite  him  beneath  a  roof 
where  he  might  take  his  last  sleep,  and  on  some 
morning  l><  gone,  to  their  surprise  and  grief;  no 
bisters  to  make  soft  the  last  couch  and  press  their 
warm  hands  upon  his  brow  as  it  grew  cold;  and  the 
only  -pot  that  he  could  claim  as  his  own  was  the 
Lriave.  Nor  to  that  had  he  any  title-deed;  it  must 
be  granted  in  charity. 

The  story  is,  that  a  gentle  voice  whispered  to  him 
that  lie  nm-t  soon  rest  from  his  labours.  It  was 
that  of  Brigid,  whose  name  is  linked  with  his  in 
its  vast  popularity,  and  given  to  thousands  of  Irish 
children.  The  legend  runs  that  she  was  u  the 
da  11- hier  of  a  bard  and  a  beautiful  captive,  whom 
her  master  had  -nit  away,  like  Hagar,  at  the  sug 
gestion  of  hi-  wife.  Horn  in  grief  and  shame,  she 
W«B  received  and  bapii/ed  alon^  with  her  mother 
by  the  disciples  of  Saint  Patrick.  In  vain  would 
her  father  have  taken  her  back  and  bestowed  her 
in  marriage  when  her  beauty  and  wisdom  became 
apparent.  She  d.-voird  herself  to  God  and  the 
poor,  and  went  to  live  in  an  oak  wood,  formerly 


226  SA  INT  PA  TRICK. 

consecrated  to  the  false  gods.  .  .  .  She  founded 
the  first  female  monastery  which  Ireland  had 
known,  under  the  name  of  Kildare,  the  cell  of  the 
oak."  *  It  can  hardly  be  denied  that  in  the  time 
of  Patrick  some  pious  women  caught  the  spirit  of 
a  secluded  life.  Were  it  not  for  this,  we  should 
think  that  Brigid  lived  at  a  later  age,  if  indeed  she 
lived  at  all.  Only  a  few  grains  of  wheat  can  be 
winnowed  from  the  bushels  of  chaffy  legends 
which  assume  to  be  her  history.  Yet  it  is  barely 
possible  that,  with  tear-dewed  hands,  she  embroid 
ered  a  shroud  for  the  body  of  Patrick  when  he 
should  die. 

The  aged  missionary  could  not  forget  the  first  spot 
of  earth  which  he  had  secured  for  his  Lord.  The 
old  barn,  the  Sabhal  church,  could  not  be  deprived 
of  his  first  love.  About  fifty  years  had  passed 
since  he  had  landed  on  its  neighbouring  shore. 
Thither  he  went  to  die  in  the  arms  of  the  brethren, 
who  there  had  their  home  for  study  and  the  in 
struction  of  youth. |  Their  spiritual  father  of 

*  Montalembert,  Monks  of  the  West,  ii.  p.  393. 

fit  was  another  Patrick,  who  died  at  Glastonbury,  in  Wales. 
He  seems  to  have  been  an  abbot  at  Armagh,  and  to  have  died 
in  850  from  the  fury  of  the  Danes.  In  later  times  he  was  con 
founded  with  his  great  namesake,  and  pilgrimages  were  made 
by  the  Irish  to  Glastonbury  on  account  of  Saint  Patrick. 


ninety-six  years  mint  have  warned  them  against 
an  abuse  of  devotion  to  studv.  and  entreated  them 
to  go  forth  and  preach  to  the  ignorant  tribes  the 
name  of  Jesus.  He  was  n<»t  a  monk.  He  did  not 
believe  that  monasteries  were  the  chief  places 
where  the  Lord  dwelt.  Perhaps  he  said  as  another 
advi.-ed  in  later  times,  "  Go  away  from  God,  if  you 
think  he  is  only  at  a  convent,  and  you  will  find 
him  wherever  you  labour  for  him."  Such,  we  think, 
would  have  been  the  counsel  of  Patrick. 

When  he  died  the  sad  report  went  forth  afar, 
and  in  all  the  churches  there  wa-  weeping.  What 
a  privilege  to  be  at  his  funeral!  The  clergy 
gathered  in  lar^c  number-  to  lay  him  in  his  grave. 
We  give  no  credit  to  the  legend  that  Armagh 
-iiarply  di-puted  with  Saul  for  his  body,  and  that 
to  settle  the  mailer  it  wa-  placed  in  a  cart,  and  the 
oxen  bidden  to  Lr<>  whither  they  plra.-cd,  taking  it 
to  a  plaee  now  called  1  )o\\  npatrick.  When  their 
father  wa-  to  be  buried  the  -on.-  did  not  all  become 
fools.  They  Mirely  did  not  into  armie-, 

fighting  f<>r  hi-  remain.-,  until  the  oxen  decided  the 
case,  and  then  drop  the  ti-ud.  The  -imple  lad 
seems  to  be  that  he  was  solemnly  and  honorablv 
laid  in  a  grave  at  Downpatrick,  near  the  spot  where 
he  had  tir-t  preached  the  gospel  in  Ireland. 

228  SA  INT  PA  TRICK. 

The  early  Church  of  Saint  Patrick  seems  not  to 
have  adored  his  relics.  There  was  no  virtue  in  his 
grave,  that  it  should  become  a  sacred  place  of  re 
sort.  Those  Christians  kept  no  lights  ever  burn 
ing  upon  it.  They  reared  no  monument  over  it 
which  time  could  not  destroy.  To  it  they  made 
no  pilgrimages,  thus  to  win  merit  or  to  gain  his 
favour  as  a  patron  saint.  No  shrine  was  there  for 
the  offerings  of  their  penance.  Had  such  been  the 
case,  his  grave  would  certainly  have  been  better 
known  in  after  centuries.  His  name  was  written 
upon  their  hearts;  his  monument  was  the  work 
that  he  had  done  for  Christ.  No  other  is  so 
worthy  of  a  good  man,  in  whatever  age  he  may 
live,  or  land  he  may  toil. 

The  date  of  his  death  is  fixed,  by  the  Annals  of 
Ulster,  in  the  year  493,*  nor  is  there  any  good 
reason  to  question  it.  That  he  was  born,  baptized 
and  called  from  earth  on  a  Wednesday  is  a  mer* 
tradition,  framed  to  suit  the  Koman  theories.  The 
seventeenth  of  March  is  observed  as  "Saint 
Patrick's  Day,"  but  the  day  of  his  decease  none 
can  determine.  It  was  a  cunning  artifice  of  Rome 
to  seize  upon  the  names  of  eminent  Christians  and 
claim  them  as  her  "saints."  Even  the  apostles 
*  Thus  also  Ussher,  Anc.  Irish ;  Cave,  Scrip.  Eccl. 


were  taken  by  her  craft,  and  their  names  enrolled 
upon  her  calendar,  as  if  they  had  been  one  in  faith 
with  every  Boniface  and  Gregory.  Nor  was  this 
the  wor*t.  Tin-so  "saints"  came  to  be  adored.  The 
pope  declared  that  they  were  worthy  objects  of 
general  w«n>hip,  and  prayers  were  addressed  to 
them  as  intercessors  with  God.  Thus  Patrick  was 
raptured  by  Roman  hands,  and  set  up  as  an  idol 
for  the  people  to  adore.  In  one  of  the  Irish 
Psalters  he  is  mentioned  as 

Tin-  divint   Saint  Patrick,  who  possessed 
Tin-  lir>t  |il:ic«:  in  the  Irish  <  alrndar, 
And  was  the  guardian  angel  of  the  isle. 

And  this  mint-worship  is  not  a  folly  of  the  pa-t, 
when  there  was  some  excuse  for  ignorance.  It  is 
a  -in  of  the  pre-cnt,  and  in  our  own  land.  It  is 
approved  by  the  highest  authorities  of  the  Roman 
('hnreh  in  America.  Those  who  offer  " The  Litany 
of  Saint  Patrick"  repent  these  wonl-:  "Saint 
Patrick,  ap'Mle  of  Ireland,  model  of  bishops, 
profoundly  humble,  con-iimed  with  /«-al,  example 
of  charity,  glory  of  Ireland,  instructor  <,f  little 
OlMf,  "in-  powerful  protector,  our  COIUJKI 
advocate  !  pray  for  The  "  Novena  to  Saint 

1'atriek"  is    0T«B  WOrMJ    for    in    it    are    thc-e    peti 
tion-:     "Glorion,      Saint       Patrick!      receive     my 


prayers,  and  accept  the  sentiments  of  gratitude  and 
veneration  with  which  my  heart  is  filled  toward 
thee.  .  .  .  O  charitable  shepherd  of  the  Irish 
flock  !  who  wouldst  have  laid  down  a  thousand 
lives  to  save  one  soul,  take  my  soul  and  the  souls 
of  all  Christians  under  thy  especial  care,  and  pre 
serve  us  from  the  dreadful  misfortunes  of  sin.  .  .  . 
I  most  humbly  recommend  to  thee  this  country 
[the  United  States],  with  that  which  was  so  dear 
to  thee  while  on  earth."* 

To  rescue  the  true  Patrick  from  the  hands  of 
such  Romanists,  who  insult  God  by  adoring  a  good 
man,  is  a  work  that  needs  to  be  done.  If  the 
present  attempt  shall  aid  in  such  a  result ;  if  it  be 
shown  that  they  have  no  sort  of  claim  to  him ;  if 
the  reader  shall  find  evidence  that  he  was  a  zealous 
missionary,  who  sought  to  win  souls  to  Christ,  and 
that,  with  all  his  errors,  he  was  nevertheless  one  of 
the  greatest  men  of  his  age,  and  if  anything  shall 
l>e  found  herein  to  kindle  piety, — the  effort  may  be 

The  God  of  Joseph  was  the  God  of  Patrick.  In 
the  one  case  he  permitted  a  Hebrew  youth  to  be 

*  "  The  Golden  Manual,  being  a  Guide  to  Catholic  devotion, 
&c.  With  the  approbation  of  the  Most  Kev.  John  Hughes, 
Archbishop  of  New  York."  1853. 


taken  from  his  home,  ami  sold  into  Egypt  for  a 
great  purpose;  in  the  other,  he  had  a  wise  design 
in  so  bringing  i^ood  out  iii'  evil  that  a  British  lad 
was  stolen  In  11  n  hi-  parent-  and  -old  into  Ireland. 
How  dark  wa-  hi-  providence  to  each  of  them  in 
his  younger  days!  How  hard  then  to  n-ad  his 
goodnes-  in  the  event,  and  yet  how  plain  hi-  i^lory 
afterward  !  Kach  was  a  -lave.  '•  It  is  good  for  a 
man  that  he  hear  the  yoke  in  his  youth.  He 
sittrth  alone  and  keepeth  silence,  because  he  hath 
borne  it  upon  him.  lie  putteth  his  mouth  in  the 
du-t  :  if  BO  be  then-  may  be  hope.  lie  giveth  his 
cheek  to  him  that  ,-mMeth  him;  he  is  filled  with 
n-pmaeh.  F<»r  the  L.»rd  will  not  cast  off  forever; 
but  though  he  ean-e  urirt',  vet  will  ho  have  com- 
]»a--i«»n  a'-«-i»nliii^  to  the  multitude  of  his  mercie8iW< 
Maeh  «if  the-c  bond-men  in  a  forei^,,  ]:,n,l  was  ;l 
di-camn-  of  -u«-h  dn-am-  a-  <  Jod  B6nl  f«»r  good 
toward  a  pe,.pl,-.  ,1.,-i-ph  i-  h-d  to  provide  abun 
dant  •  !'  eoni  lor  a  timeot'  lamiue — I'atriek 
is  led  to  bear  th«-  'hr.-ail  of  eiernal  lill-  lo  a  |».-ople 
1'ami-hiiiLr  in  -in.  Kaeh  -ee<  the  my-teri.-.  of  (i..d 
(.pen  with  merei.-,  and  can  thank  him  for  the 
\say-  which  were  higher  than  hi-  ways,  and  the 
thought-  which  were  above  hi-  thought-.  Thi- 



parallel  may  have  struck  the  mind  of  Patrick,  and 
it  is  possible  that  he  once  used  such  words  as  are 
put  into  his  mouth  by  one  of  his  biographers :  "  I 
am  here  by  the  same  Providence  that  sent  Joseph 
into  Egypt  to  save  the  lives  of  his  father  and 

Still  farther  may  we  compare  them.  Joseph  was 
faithful  to  his  master,  and  thus  won  the  favour  of 
those  who  had  the  command  of  his  services.  Thus 
it  seems  to  have  been  with  young  Patrick.  Such  a 
lesson  should  not  be  lost.  Those  who  may  be  under 
the  bidding  of  severe  and  exacting  employers  may 
gain  their  confidence  by  being  faithful.  This 
qualifies  them  for  a  good  influence.  Character 
speaks ;  the  light  shines ;  hardest  hearts  may  be 
touched,  and  God  may  be  glorified. 

The  Lord  who  heard  young  Patrick's  prayer 
has  never  grown  weary ;  never  has  he  turned  away 
his  ear  from  the  voice  of  the  penitent,  crying  to 
him  night  and  day,  amid  sunshine  and  in  stormiest 
days ;  never  was  he  slumbering  when  the  seeker 
after  God  rose  up  to  plead  with  him  before  the 
dawn.  Thus  Patrick  sought  the  Lord  amid  the 
rains  and  snows  and  darkness ;  he  found  the  ever- 
gracious  Redeemer.  Is  anyone  now  so  earnest? 
Is  any  so  devout  ?  Patrick,  God  is  waiting  for 


the  voice  of  prayer.  The  young  exile  found  him 
a  covenant -k< -cping  God.  To  be  born  of  Christian 
parents,  to  have  been  dedicated  to  the  Lord  in 
infancy,  to  be  the  child  of  prayers  and  tears,  is  a 
great  privilege.  Such  a  one  has  the  noble-t 
lineage.  Let  every  one  thus  favoured  think  of  the 
obligations  that  rest  upon  him.  But  grace  is  not 
inherited  by  birth — not  even  from  a  father  who  is 
a  deacon,  and  a  grandfather  who  is  a  presbyter. 
On  that  -ucet--i<»n  1'atrick  could  not  depend.  He 
mn-t  remember  his  sins,  repent,  and  accept  the 
grace  <>f  tin-  covenant  made  for  his  uood,  het\vr«-n 
hi-  pan-in-  and  their  (ind,  when  he  wa-  baptized 
and  cMii-crrated  to  him.  Who  knows  but  that  in 
virtue  of  the  .-i"ii  the  Lord  granted  to  him  the 
thini:-  -innilied '.'  \\hn  knows  but  that  for  the 
sake  of  that  covenant  God  remembered  him  in  a 
-trance  land,  turned  tin;  iron  furnace  into  a  sclionl 
of  prayer  and  piety,  blessed  him  with  the  deliver 
ance  nf  hi-  -oul  from  >in,  led  him  out  of  bonda-e 
and  re-tMi-.-d  him  to  his  father's  house?  \Vlm 
know-  but  that  hi-  father  and  mother  had  often 
besought  the  L-.rd  to  make  their  -«,n  a  preadiei-  nf 
the  ir«.-j>el,  like  hi-  'jrandlat  her  '.'  Tn-liap-  it  wa 
in  an-wer  to  their  prayer-  that  Tafrick  became  a 
mi.-.-ion;iry,  so  eminent  in  hi-  day  that  lie  stand"- 


f  >rth  as  the  type  of  a  class  of  Christian  heroes,  who 
plunged  into  deep  forests  and  triumphed  over  the 
forces  of  barbarism. 

What  kindles  the  missionary  spirit  ?    What  now 
will  induce  young  men  to  make  an  effort  for  the 
salvation  of  the  pagan   world  ?      Just  what   led 
Patrick  to  devote  his  life  to  the  work — the  love  of 
God  and  the  sad  condition  of  the  heathen.      The 
one  he  had  felt  in  his  heart — the  other  he  had  seen 
with  his  eyes.     Think  of  him  tending  the  flocks 
on  the  hills,  where  he  met  not  a  man  who  knew  of 
his  God,   his  gospel,  his   heaven  or  his  eternity. 
What  a  moral  desert!     Savage   chiefs  were  ever 
plotting  war,  and  degraded  clansmen   rushing  to 
the  fray.      Barbarous    revels   were    heard    in   the 
castles,  and  the  howling  of  the  Druids  in  the  oaken 
forests.      Bobbers   were  the  freemen ;  every  child 
might  be  carried  away  and  sold  as  a  slave.     He 
saw  enough  to  sicken  his  heart.      He  pitied  the 
heathen  of  Ireland,  and  no  man  will  ever  do  his 
duty  to  the  pagan  world  unless  he  is  touched  with 
a  like  compassion.    You  need  not  visit  the  heathen 
land  ;  the  picture  of  its  woes  may  come  in  the  next 
Christian  magazine.     An  hour's  study  may  waken 
the   pity  that   will   kindle  the  spirit  to  lend   the 
needed  aid.     Patrick  went  himself     A  world  of 


work  was  before  him.  The  mode  of  beginning  it 
was  simple;  the  courage  to  begin  at  all  was  sublime. 
But  he  pitied  men,  he  prayed  to  God,  he  went 

everywhere  preaching  the  \\'<>nl,  with  love  to  sin 
ners  and  an  enthu.-iasm  for  Christ.  There  never 
was  a  harder  field  for  labour.  "  There  never  was 
a  nobler  mi-sinnary  than  Patrick."  There  never 
was  such  a  eivili/ing  power  as  ( 'hristianity. 

\\V  -uivly  may  think  of  Patrick  as  a  man  who 
first  entered  Ireland  as  a  slave,  but  who  died  in  it 
a  victor.  Erin  never  knew  his  like.  No  other 
name  was  ever  so  stamped  upon  that  island  and 
her  people.  It  is  the  very  synonym  of  an  \v\>\\- 
inan;  NSC  expect  him  ti>  an.-wer  to  it.  It  is  Ireland's 
e. impliment  to  her  ^n -a test  Christian  teacher.  The 
Iri.-h  mother  who  gives  it  to  her  son  bestows 
mure  real  honour  upon  the  memory  of  Saint 
Patrick  than  i-  rendered  in  all  the  prayers  offered 
to  him  l>v  the  multitude  <>{'  people  who  swear  bv 
hi-  name  and  hold  him  a-  a  guardian  saint.  We 
would  re- tore  \\\<  character,  and  rememl>er  him  as 
a  man  who  was  1'iivd  with  the  ini--i«mary  .-pirit  ; 
who  braved  the  seas  in  hi-  little  boat  and  landed 
amonur  -tranirer-  ;  who  walked  up  from  the  shore 
to  offer  to  the  barbarian-  the  greatest  gift  of 
heaven;  who  gat  In-red  alxuit  him  Ji  litt  le  circle  of 


listeners,  and  moulded  them  into  different  men ; 
who  overthrew  great  idolatries,  and  raised  the  true 
cross  of  Jesus  where  had  stood  the  altars  of  the 
Druids.  His  sphere  enlarged.  He  stood  before 
courts ;  he  travelled  through  the  counties.  He 
dictated  reforms  to  the  monarch  on  the  throne,  and 
sought  liberty  for  the  menial  beneath  the  thatch. 
He  set  on  foot  a  system  of  schools,  in  which  were 
reared  kings  for  the  crown,  ministers  for  the  State, 
Christian  bards  to  make  a  nation's  songs,  and  wise 
men  to  frame  her  laws,  pastors  for  the  gathering 
flocks  and  missionaries  to  foreign  lands.  In  no 
small  degree  he  changed  the  State  and  reared  the 
Church.  He  put  in  motion  the  forces  of  a  Chris 
tian  civilization,  no  doubt  taking  up  the  measures 
which  the  Culdees  had  introduced  before  him,  in 
fusing  a  new  spirit  into  their  system,  and  bringing 
out  of  their  secluded  cells  the  light  that  was  meant 
to  shine  forth  into  the  broad  world. 

In  such  a  man  we  ought  to  find  much  to  imitate. 
Not  faultless,  not  free  from  certain  errors  of  his  age, 
not  a  Paul  of  the  first  century,  not  a  Judson  of  the 
nineteenth ;  yet  he  shared  largely  in  the  traits  of 
an  apostle  and  the  devotion  of  a  missionary.  To 
preach  Christ  to  the  heathen  was  his  great  idea  and 
purpose.  With  him  the  gospel  was  not  simply  a 


revelation  of  God's  love  to  himself;  not  a  gift 
which  he  could  accept  for  himself  alone,  and  retreat 
into  some  remote  corner  to  study  and  cherish ;  it 
was  a  proclamation.  It  was  something  to  be  pub 
lished,  to  In-  t«>M  everywhere,  and  to  be  urged  upon 
the  dullest  ear  and  the  hardest  heart.  He  would 
be  its  herald,  giving  it  forth  to  all  men  with  a 
generous  hand. 

To  live  for  Christ,  as  he  thought,  was  not  to  be 
a  monk  ;  it  was  to  be  a  missionary.  This  was  his 
character.  We  doubt  whether  there  was  one  other 
missionary  in  the  fifth  century  who  was  his  equal — 
one  other  so  unresting,  so  ardent,  so  enthusiastic 
for  souls,  so  stout  in  rough  trials,  and  so  anxious 
to  lilt  up  his  voice  in  wilds  where  the  name  of 
.Jesus  liad  never  been  uttered.  We  doubt  whether 
tin-  example  of  any  other  man  in  that  age  did 
iiion-  to  tin-  the  hearts  of  young  men  with  the  mis 
sionary  .-pirit.  It  was  the  burning  coal  in  the 
Irish  Church.  When  he  was  gone,  an  host  of 
ers  arose,  not  to  light  a  torch  at  tin-  kin/- 
Maine,  and  run  over  the  hills  with  "  the  firry  n 
of  tbe  Dmids,  but  to  touch  Patrick'-  hnrnin^odil 
with  their  lip<,  and  hasten  afar  with  the  name  of 
Chri-t  to  the  peri-hin^.  I>e«pite  the  tendency  in 
Irishmen  to  become  monks,  no  other  laud  in  that 


age  sent  forth  more  missionaries.  Ireland  then 
excelled  Rome  in  the  work  of  publishing  the  gos 
pel.  Hear  one  of  them  of  the  ninth  century, 
Claude  Clement,  who  is  said  to  have  founded  the 
University  of  Paris  under  Charlemagne,  and  then 
gone  into  Northern  Italy.  He  says:  "When  I 
came  to  Turin,  I  found  all  the  churches  full  of 
abominations  and  images ;  and  because  I  began  to 
destroy  what  every  one  adored,  every  one  began  to 
open  his  mouth  against  me.  They  say,  <  We  do 
not  believe  there  is  anything  divine  in  the  image ; 
we  only  reverence  it  in  honour  of  the  individual 
whom  it  represents.'  I  answer,  If  they  who  have 
quitted  the  worship  of  devils,  honour  the  images 
of  saints,  they  have  not  forsaken  idols — they  have 
only  changed  their  names ;  for  whether  you  paint 
upon  a  wall  the  pictures  of  St.  Peter  or  St.  Paul, 
or  those  of  Jupiter  or  Mercury,  they  are  now 
neither  gods,  nor  apostles,  nor  men.  The  name  is 
changed :  the  error  continues  the  same.  ...  If 
the  cross  of  Christ  ought  to  be  adored  because  he 
was  nailed  to  it,  for  the  same  reason  we  ought  to 
adore  mangers,  because  he  was  laid  in  one;  and 
swaddling-clothes,  because  he  was  wrapped  in 
them.  We  are  not  ordered  to  adore  the  cross,  but 
to  bear  it,  and  deny  ourselves.  Shall  we  not  be- 


lievc  (lod  when  he  BWMUTB  that  neither  Noah,  nor 
Daniel,  nor  Job  shall  deliver  son  or  daughter  by 

their  riuhtcoiiHH  —  :  for  this  end  he  makes  the  de 
claration,  that  none  might  put  confidence  in  the 
intercc— ion  of  the  .-aints."*  This  learned  and 
zealous  man  may  have  imitated  Saint  Patrick,  but 
he  did  not  \vor.-hip  him.  He  swept  out  of  the 
obnrchee  of  Piedmont  the  Roman  novelties,  and 
aided  i  he  ancient  \\aldenses  in  bringing  the  people 
hack  t.i  the  old  religion  of  apo.-tolie  days. 

A  late  Roman  Catholic  author,  ashamed  of  the 
puerilities  of  Joceline,  and  yet  anxious  to  set  forth 
Patrick  as  the  "patron  Saint  of  the  Emerald  Isle," 
if  not  of  all  America,  says  of  him,  in  about  the 
best  passage  of  his  book  :  "  He  found  it  a  task 
miieh  more  arduous  to  reform  the  heart  and  root 
out  |ia^aui-m  and  vice,  when  fortified  by  custom 
and  long  habits;  but  his  constant  application  to 
the  great  \\ork,  \i'^  patience,  hi.-  humility  and  in 
vincible  courage,  conquered  all  opposition.  Divine 
Providence  ....  endued  thN  cliampion  of  the  gos 
pel  with  all  the  natural  <|iialitie-  which  were  re- 
«|ui-ite  for  the  function^  of  an  apoMle.  Ill*  -enius 
WM  Miblime  and  capable  of  the  designs; 

hi.-  heart    fearh->  ;   hi-   charity  was  not  confined  to 

A ne.  Iri«h. 


words  and  thoughts,  but  shone  out  in  works  and 
actions,  and  extended  itself  to  the  service  of  his 
neighbours,  to  whom  he  carried  the  light  of  the 

We  close  in  harmony  with  the  final  sentence 
of  the  Confession :  "  I  pray  those  who  believe 
and  fear  God,  and  who  may  condescend  to  look 
into  this  writing,  which  Patrick  the  sinner,  an  un 
learned  man,  wrote  in  Hibernia,  if  I  have  done  or 
established  any  little  thing  according  to  G»d's  will, 
that  not  a  man  of  them  will  ever  say  that  my  ig 
norance  did  it ;  but  think  ye  and  let  it  be  verily 
believed  that  it  was  the  gift  of  God." 

*  Life  of  St.  Patrick,  published  by  Murphy,  1861. 



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